Age of Dreams

Chapter 3018: The Future of the European Union

Whether or not Xiaoyi taxis can be popular is hard to say to others, but from Xiao Qi's point of view, there is no need to doubt it.

The population of Huaguo is too large, and there are various needs for taxis, especially in the situation where the quality of the taxi industry is generally not high, there is a special demand for differentiated services, especially high-quality and considerate services. exuberant.

To put it simply, when people's lives are rich and they have money in their pockets, they will not be able to meet the most basic needs of life and need spiritual enjoyment.

This is fully reflected in shopping, eating, and riding in the car.

For example, department store salesmen who are noisy and unhappy can just walk down the street. No one is used to their habit.

For example, a taxi driver who refuses to take a taxi and has no sense of service attitude, used to pinch his nose to admit it because he had no choice, but now he has a new choice, and the difference is immediate in comparison, so passengers will naturally know how The choice is right.

In this Internet age, word of mouth, whether good or bad, can spread quickly.

An Internet company with such a great reputation and powerful hardware and software, Xiaoyi Dache is naturally popular with young people who like new tricks.

After everyone has good things, it is normal to recommend them to relatives and friends.

Therefore, Xiao Qi has no doubts that in at most one year, Yi Taxi will occupy most of the short-distance taxi-hailing market in the city, and it may be possible to exceed 70% of the share.

With the planning and operation of Rebus, Xiao Qi doesn't have to worry about this aspect. He only needs to be responsible for sorting out the top relationship, which is the best support for Xiaoyi Taxi.

Arrived in the capital by plane in the morning, at noon, Xiao Qi arrived in the small private room of the cafeteria of the mansion.

Niu Ruzheng came in after 12 o'clock, seeing Xiao Qi answering emails with a laptop, he felt a little funny: "Qi Shao, you are busier than me."

"How can I, I'm just busy." Xiao Qi clicked to save the email, closed the laptop, and said with a smile: "Uncle Niu, you can see that my attitude is positive enough, as soon as you call, I will come. "

"Be courteous for nothing, rape or steal." Niu Ruzheng is very familiar with Xiao Qi, "I usually ask you about things, you can talk to me on the phone, you will never come to the capital. Now when I ask, you come running Now, is there anything else you want to ask me for? Let me guess, is it your little ant taking a taxi?"

"High! It's really high!" Xiao Qi gave a thumbs up and flattered: "Uncle Niu, your observation ability is really unmatched! But I also serve the country and the people. Mind, I just came to the capital. Little Ant’s taking a taxi or something is just secondary, secondary.”

"Just brag about yourself desperately." Niu Ruzheng didn't care about his lip service, and raised his chopsticks with a smile, "Eat quickly, and talk while eating."


Xiao Qi also picked up his chopsticks to eat. The food in the mansion is actually not as mysterious as imagined outside. At best, the materials used are better, and the chef's skills are better, but it is similar to high-end catering companies. Those top players from Fairy Canteen are also a little short.

After eating something first, Xiao Qi said: "Uncle Niu, don't tell me that I, a little ant, take a taxi and really serve the people! For example, the capital, the traffic in the capital city is so congested, you are not unreasonable." I know. The taxis are always complaining that they are too tired, and the traffic committee here does not approve new cars. In order to ease the traffic, we learn from the successful experience of Uber taxi software in advanced cities abroad. This is a very good thing Well!"

"Uber's successful experience, is it you who made it?" Niu Ruzheng smiled, "It's rare to see people who boast like you."

"How can you be boastful? How many city awards has Uber won? New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London, Tokyo, Seoul... They all praised Uber as a rare and outstanding company that has contributed a lot to the sustainable development of the city. !"

"Okay, okay, you can't stop talking." Niu Ruzheng shook his hand, "I also know a little bit more about it. It should be said that you have done a good job in terms of social responsibility and convenience for the public. But what about the specifics? We need to wait a little longer before making a decision. I will talk to the comrades in the Ministry of Communications about this matter."

Hearing Niu Ruzheng's words, Xiao Qi laughed immediately, "Come on, Uncle Niu, this beef is very good, you can try it."

Niu Ruzheng laughed, pointed at Xiao Qi, but didn't say anything to him.

With Niu Ruzheng's words, at least in the early stage of Ant Taxi's development, there will be no obstacles. Even if some people in the local area are dissatisfied, but Niu Ruzheng has spoken, what can they do?

Over the years, the center's control over the local area has become more and more effective, especially when finances and personnel are tightened.

As long as you give Xiaoyi a taxi for a year and a half to survive and develop, there will be nothing in Huaguo that can stop it.

After talking about this trivial matter, the two of them just chatted about some things during the meal. When the meal was over, the secretary brought someone in to collect the dishes, chopsticks and plates, and then made a cup of Pu'er tea. It was time to start today's serious discussion .

"Uncle Niu, I think everyone thinks too complicated about the EU you mentioned on the phone." Xiao Qi said straight to the point: "It's not that I underestimate the British. As long as this situation of the EU continues, at most five In 2020, they will announce their departure from the EU and play their own game. By then, the EU will definitely not be able to play, and it may even fall apart."

"Huh? So sure?" Niu Ruzheng was surprised, "Tell me your basis."

Recently, the EU side has been the most turbulent.

First came the subprime mortgage crisis, and then the national debt crisis. In more than two years, the EU, which was originally thriving, suddenly fell into a huge quagmire.

The EU’s economy first suffered major setbacks, falling into recession for 19 consecutive months, 70% of young people of working age in Greece were unemployed, 50% in Spain, and Germany, which was in the best situation, broke through 12% for the first time... Although It is only the unemployment rate of young people aged 18-22, but young people are the future of an international society, which is something to worry about.

China is very concerned about the EU, not only because the EU is China's second largest partner, but more importantly, the EU and China are in the same camp when it comes to fighting against the United States, or to be precise, against the US dollar economy.

If Europe collapses quickly, then Huaguo will definitely be attacked by the United States in the next step. At present, Huaguo does not have much power to fight back.

In order to ensure that the EU stands against the United States in the front and continues to unite against the United States, China must carefully analyze how long they can last.

If the European Union collapses, what should China do to plan.

Therefore, whether the EU will collapse and when it will collapse is a very important strategic issue.

The experts here in the government have discussed it many times, but everyone still doesn't have an accurate answer.

At this moment, Niu Ruzheng thought of Xiao Xu and Xiao Qi.

Xiao Xu has something to do in Rongcheng, so he can only talk by writing out the inside.

Originally, Niu Ruzheng didn't expect Xiao Qi to come over, he just called and talked, but Xiao Qi came to the capital to have a face-to-face conversation.

Xiao Xu just mentioned that if the EU cannot find enough growth points of interest in the next few years, it will be even more difficult, and it will not be a problem to disintegrate.

Among them, the opinions and practices of the troika of Britain, France and Germany are the most important.

But Xiao Qi was even more radical than his father, and directly named the UK, calling them unreliable.

"I'm not talking nonsense." Xiao Qi laughed, "Ever since their parliamentary system, Britain has completely become a crap stick on the European continent. Napoleon of France was killed by their coalition forces, and William of Germany was also killed by the coalition forces. They have done a good job... It makes sense to say that they have hated Europe for hundreds of years, so where is the kindness coming from?

The reason why the UK was included in the European Union when it was established was because the UK was the second largest economy in the world at that time, and had great influence in the world, and had many members of the Commonwealth, which could provide a broad market; On the other hand, the EU has no good intentions, thinking that when the United States comes to make trouble, the United Kingdom can take the lead.

But the United Kingdom is not a fool. Over the years, they have eaten the good things in their stomachs, but ignored all the bad things. When they encounter any difficulties, they will definitely back down first. When they see that the United States is about to sanction the EU, they will immediately be discouraged... Can such a country allow him to share weal and woe in times of difficulty? "

"But the UK's withdrawal from the European Union is a great blow to them." Niu Ruzheng said: "First of all, goods between EU countries are tax-free. If the UK withdraws, there will be a 10% tax rate. This alone , their country’s industry can’t bear it. And Britain is not the United States, and their futures trading market has been gradually replaced by Japan and China. Without the support of Europe, their influence will be even weaker.”

"Don't underestimate John Bull's stubbornness and arrogance." Xiao Qi smiled and shook his head, "In their hearts, apart from their distant relatives in the United States, they are still the second in the world, and they are the same in Europe and Africa. They think there is no It is true that they will develop better without being dragged down by the European Union! History is the best teacher, just look at what Britain has done in the past few hundred years, and you will know the result."

Niu Ruzheng smiled when he heard this.

Although what Xiao Qi said was a bit extreme, the words "taking history as a mirror" are still good.

Although Xiao Qi's opinion is only used as a reference for strategic discussions, this kind of analysis based on interests and essence is as sharp and novel as ever!

"Does Britain's departure from the European Union have any impact on us?" Niu Ruzheng continued to ask Xiao Qi, "Or what should we do to get better benefits."

"It's very simple!"

Xiao Qi smiled and said: "Britain has withdrawn from the European Union. We can use this to increase our product exports! In the past, British products were competitive because of the zero tariff you mentioned, but now it has become a 10% tax , according to the price advantage of our products, still not squeeze out their product market?

In addition, the current isolationism in the UK is very serious. If their people are panicked there, we can definitely absorb more factories and come to develop together with our country! It's just that, like the car company that SAIC bought them in the past, it only sells technology, but the brand is all deducted.

In fact, speaking of it, the UK has excellent technology in many aspects. For example, the metal processing industry, such as shipbuilding technology, such as automobile technology... etc., if we can absorb enough technology, it will be enough for us to digest. "

Niu Ruzheng smiled and nodded.

What Xiao Qi said was very practical, all done from the means of the business field, without any consideration of business rules, or how countries get along with each other.

But Niu Ruzheng didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

When foreigners do business with China, they never do things according to their rules, which means that they do not obey the rules and laws at all. Instead, they take advantage of various legal loopholes in China to take advantage of everything. The practice is very disgusting.

So when we do business with them, as long as we don't violate the laws of their country, why not use some tricks?

When it comes to the means of doing business, the Chinese people are really not bad.

When Europeans were still living as savages, we were already doing transnational business, no less than Persians.

If the progress of civilization hadn't been interrupted twice, the country that dominates the world today would still be the country of Hua!

"So, do you think the European Union will fall apart?" Niu Ruzheng asked again.

"It depends on the attitude of France." Xiao Qi said, "There must be many countries that will be unstable, but Germany is a pinnacle of stability. They will not move, and they will actively maintain the stability of the European Union. However, among the three pillars of the EU, apart from the British who have always been unreliable, France is also the most important factor. If France feels that the situation in the EU is gradually getting worse, they may also think about withdrawing Yes. After all, France has strong power and has many interests in Africa, so it is impossible for them to live poorly if they leave the EU."

"Yes, the attitude of the French is also very important." Niu Ruzheng sighed.

"Uncle Niu, do you think we want the EU to last longer, or do we want the EU to fall faster?" Xiao Qi asked.

"It can't be too long, and it can't be too short. It can't be too strong, and it can't be too weak." Niu Ruzheng said concisely.

(More than 7,000 words! Brothers, please subscribe more!) (~^~)

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