Steel steam and flame

Chapter 80 Black (Part 2)

When Cassia woke up from her petrified mind, it was almost an hour later. He was released from the state of suspended animation, and his body's functions began to slowly recover. However, his heartbeat and breathing remained at the lowest level that could maintain all body functions. Although he was still hiding in the darkness, he still didn't dare to make any random movements with his limbs. The closed eyes opened a slit at this time, and still repeated the same scanning movement from left to right just now. However, due to the sight of the eyes, it took Cassia more than two hours to form a clear black and white picture in his mind.

He didn't dare to open his eyes wide and focus too much. Because he has not learned to control the strength of his sight like Kara, and a high degree of concentration will make his perception uncontrollable and spread out. He was now tightly bound to a sensitive spider web, and any slight movement could be captured by that excellent sniper. Cassia didn't dare to take risks. At such a distance, he wasn't sure whether he could still dodge the sniper bullets.

Even if he could, it would only be the first bullet that could only be avoided with a high level of mental concentration. But what about the second and third shots? The magazine capacity of a standard sniper rifle in the empire is ten bullets, and each ordinary bullet is powerful enough to blow your head open, so there is no need to think about modified sniper rifles that are even more powerful than heavy snipers. . Cassia knows his own strength and cherishes his life even more. Time can be wasted, but he will never take risks on such life-related matters. And the current situation is far from reaching a point where it is a matter of his own life and death.

Two hours of hard work resulted in a new black and white photo in my mind. He carefully compared the photo he recorded a few hours ago with the current one, and the sniper's position was clearly visible. He was in the blind spot of the gas light, on a single platform about six meters above the railway track.

Because of the light from the gas lights, the place where the sniper was hiding looked even darker and darker. No details could be captured, except that he knew where he was hiding. In this large area, that position is exactly the perfect sniping position where he can clearly see you, but you are unaware of him. If Cassia hadn't been careful when he came over, he might not have known how he took the bullet when he was killed by the sniper by pressing the trigger.

Cassia tried hard to maintain her current state. The darkness in front of her was intermittently connected into a line. It was obviously impossible to approach the sniper's hiding position from the front. No matter how you plan your route, you will be in danger of exposing your body to dim light. At a distance of less than two hundred meters, the person caught by the already opened perception network, that is, the pair of sharp eyes, was undoubtedly the act of touching the bullet with his own head.

I can only go around from behind. Cassia slowly turned her head and opened her eyes slightly to observe the continuous dark world on her side. There may be opportunities there. If she can't find a suitable entry point from there, then she should go back early. .

Cassia began to move her steps slowly, very regularly, just like the even breathing of the darkness surrounding her. The two were completely synchronized at this time. After retreating less than a few dozen meters, a smell permeating the air entered Cassia's sensitive nose. It was the smell of rat excrement, neither light nor strong. He stopped here, thought for a moment, and then gently scratched one of his skin with the tactical knife hanging on his waist, and smeared a few traces of blood on several lines based on his feeling in the dark. Then he continued to move his steps backwards. With more than a hundred meters to go, he could basically leave the danger zone.

The attack range of a sniper is within two to three thousand meters, and with the modified sniper rifle and the operator's physical fitness, this range can be increased several times. But here is a crescent-shaped area, and the sniper's position is on one of its sharp corners. By going around the center of the crescent, you can enter the blind spot of the sniper's sight. Dead end means complete.

The process of disengagement is extremely slow. Snipers are not impatient people. When Casia first assembled the perpetual calendar mechanical watch, it usually took a day to sit down. The two parties have long been accustomed to the slow movement of time, and this level of patience is not a huge test for them.

An hour later, Cassia was leaning against a rock wall, breathing heavily. The moment he walked out of the sniper's sensory net, he was covered in sweat, but the physical fatigue was far less than the mental pressure. The restored heartbeat and breathing made him feel that he was truly alive now. Half an hour later, when his muscles had completely relaxed and he had recovered mentally, he suppressed his physical activities again and reduced them to the level of maintenance. The lowest range of life action, and then spared from the side.

The darkness on the side is connected to the huge cavity world in the underground mine tunnel. Inside, as long as you are a little careful, Cassia does not have to worry too much about being captured by the sniper's perception network.

This time, it only took less than a few minutes for Cassia to successfully sneak within a hundred meters of the sniper. Now he had to become cautious, and that familiar network of perceptions was wandering around him again. He could clearly feel the sight hidden in the darkness around him.

Whenever this line of sight swept back and forth and was about to pass by Cassia's body, he would turn into a stone in just the first second, making his presence disappear without a trace in an instant.

When the distance was only a short forty meters away, the pressure on Cassia suddenly increased several times, and he also clearly felt that the sniper's sight was speeding up. The sniper has discovered some clues, and his sight wandering around has become sharper and sharper, as if at this moment it has turned into a light that can cut the darkness, and nothing can escape his increasingly bright eyes. Eye.

Cassia's movements became slower and slower, and her scattered attention was forced to focus little by little. Her body continued to slowly approach the sniper while looking back and forth. At this time, he was like a small boat moving forward in the surging waves. Although the swaying speed was slow, he was indeed moving forward bit by bit.

Darkness became Cassia's best disguise at this time. His breathing was parallel to the darkness. It took Cassia three hours to complete the final distance of more than 20 meters. Finally, he approached the sniper's hiding place. left side. There is a gentle rock wall, and above it is his final target, the sniper who is waiting for the prey to appear in his eyes and can give the prey a bullet in an instant.

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