Steel steam and flame

Chapter 79 Black (Part 1)

In the scope of the sniper rifle, the man was running towards the low ridge dotted with lights in front of him. The people hiding inside used white lights to signal the codeword in advance, but they were unable to stop the man who was almost irrational. What greeted the man in the end was not the person he expected to save him, but two sniper bullets that completely blew his body into three sections.

"It's a sniper. The power of bullets is more than half times higher than the one I have. If it's not the caliber of the gun, it's because other types of bullets are used. You have to be careful. This kind of power can even scratch the skin. Even if you go, it will drag out a gorge of blood on your fragile body." Kara said about what she saw, "And there seemed to be a specific code word required there in the past."

"As expected, passwords should be required to enter and exit the stronghold." Li and Gustin said from the side, "Is there any other information?"

"Except for the positions of the two snipers, it seems that we can't get the information we need from that ridge." Kara looked back and replied, "And now, maybe even the position information of the two snipers has been invalidated. They are sure Knowing someone is following you, as a good sniper, it is a daily habit to change positions after shooting."

"But they didn't find your trace or sight, which means they are not good snipers yet." Li said with a smile, "Miss Kara, tell us all the places where snipers may be hidden based on your experience and perspective. Someone still needs to actually go there to see what is hidden in the ridge. We can also do some exercise there along the way."

"And we also need to know the general shape of the terrain there." Gustin said at the side, "It doesn't just refer to the low ridge, but also includes the general appearance of all the terrain here, as long as it can be illuminated by the light of the lighting system Every place must be covered.”

Kara retracted her body into the detection pit and said: "This will be a troublesome thing. My sniper scope can only observe the general appearance here. It will take half a day to complete the observation, and we don't have pens or pens with us." It’s impossible to draw on paper.”

"I'll figure it out. Paper and pen can be replaced by many other things. Now, Miss Carla, you just need to remember the general landscape in your mind as soon as possible, and then you can roughly draw it." Gustin thought for a while. Said, "Kritchens, come over and help me later, some things need to be moved."

"Okay." Kristians nodded.

"Then Mr. Li and I will go to various places to detect detailed terrain information first. If we are lucky, we might be able to figure out the situation here and get more news about Nolida." Cassia spoke at the side. I have to find something to do, too.

After discussing what they were responsible for, the five people separated here with a small amount of supplies.

When leaving, they checked the time on their mechanical watches again and agreed to meet here again in twelve hours to collect the information everyone had obtained and make a simple plan for future tasks. If the Nolida matter is resolved early, they can go back to the military school earlier. Every day they stay here, their situation becomes more and more dangerous. Inside the underground mine tunnel is an endless slaughterhouse.

On the low ridge, the dim lights were flickering, and the old lighting system had countless problems every day. No one knows that on the intricate lines, a gas light will suddenly flicker and go out, and then the corresponding area will be swallowed up by darkness in an instant.

Cassia is now hiding in such a piece of darkness, with dim yellow light on both sides, far dimmer than in the afternoon when the storm comes. The surroundings were not very quiet. The sound of wires and gas lights buzzed in the distance, just enough to cover Cassia's gentle footsteps.

His eyes scanned the surrounding scenery several times in succession, like a sophisticated camera, recording them all in his mind, even if those scenery were like black and white photos. After nearly five hours of repeated actions, he has become quite skilled at this task. With a few glances around, he can complete the detection of an area without making any sound, and the traces are perfectly hidden.

The body shrank into a small ball, completely hidden in the ubiquitous black shadow, and Cassia began to move towards another area ahead. There is still nothing around, and even traces of human activities are very rare, or it may be said that there are none at all.

There are many ravines on the not-so-flat ground, all of which were originally dug to mine minerals. The air inside still has a lingering smell of dust. Their depth is only seven or eight meters, but the silence inside is like a bottomless pit, as if even light cannot escape.

Ahead was another string of old lines, winding around the foot of a low ridge. A row of gas lamps were connected to the lines. Under their light were several transportation rails, with several mine carts parked on them. But the wheels were completely corroded, leaving only a simple skeleton standing there quietly.

Cassia stopped here, followed what she had just done, and scanned the past again. Her spirit was also highly concentrated at this time. A black and white photo slowly appeared in her mind, but it was very blurry now. It needs to be polished in a subsequent process. He was not in a hurry, and his eyes scanned from left to right again. The photo became clearer and had a rough outline. On the third scan, the photo is fully generated.

However, this time he did not move forward immediately. His body stood still at this moment, as if it was connected to the earth, completely turning into a stone without temperature, breathing, or even thinking.

I don't know when an invisible net of perception appeared around me, and Cassia fell into the net like a fish.

"I'm locked." As soon as this idea came to Cassia's mind, his heartbeat and breathing began to slow down regularly. He closed his eyes, and his perception and thinking were firmly taken back into his body. Don't dare to let it out in the slightest. At this moment, his presence completely disappeared.

After a while, in the dead darkness ahead, a piece of darkness suddenly squirmed slightly, and then returned to its usual calm.

"Did I see it wrong?" That piece of darkness was Plit's disguise. He was thinking calmly now, and his eyes looked again at the direction where Cassia was squatting. It was a sight as sharp as an eagle hidden in the ubiquitous darkness. The invisible net of perception rushed over again, but it was destined to be empty.

"Sure enough, I was wrong. I stayed in the dark for too long, and my brain and senses have become a little dull." Plit laughed to himself. He moved his body slightly to make his posture more comfortable. Then he put his eyes on the scope again and looked at the still darkness in front of him again, and then he felt completely relieved.

"No one has come here for dozens of days. I am still too nervous." He thought in his heart, but his eyes became brighter and brighter at this moment. This is the basic quality of an excellent sniper. It has long been their norm to squat on a prey for several days, and facing one's own intuition is also a required course.

His instinct told him that someone was here.

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