Zerg’s Daughter-in-law Are All 2.4 Meters

Chapter 56: Our commander is truly amazing!

Burreno stepped on his military boots and came to the reception, staring at the man whose back was to him.

Tall, emaciated, and embarrassed, with a gun in his hand, his clean short hair still looks very predictable, and the few people following him are also tattered, looking like they have traveled for a long time.

"Imperial Arriser Frontier Guard, Lieutenant Colonel Corbyla (Berreno). Do you have any orders from the emperor to convey?" Brenau observed, walked into the room leisurely and sat on the main seat facing them Say.

The female turned around slowly, and the sharp amber eyes that were long and narrow, tired but like a trapped beast, stabbed instantly. The resolute and handsome face had a cold expression that was different from the female's natural facial paralysis.

Breno was stunned for a moment, and then the bright red lips on his casual face curled into an arc: This female has a good breath!

In the same way, Wenther was a little shocked by Bereno's appearance, but he didn't pay attention to that at all. He nodded politely and quickly asked: "I'm Wenther, the deputy minister of the Imperial Security Department, and I'm now looking for the missing person. Minister of Security, Fu Liangyan, do you know Lieutenant Colonel Kebila?"

Breno crossed his legs, shrugged his chin with a bored face, and said, "Minister of the Ministry of Security? Fu Liangyan? Haha, we are a frontier army and never outsiders can come in. And I have also paid attention to the news of the Empire, this famous Isn't Daejin's head of the security department dead?"

Wenther's eyes flashed a fierce light, and he lowered his voice: "Good words never die! He is a turning point in the transformation of the empire! Even a lieutenant colonel, please don't talk nonsense about the life and death of our minister!"

"Oh~ is that right?" Bereno was slightly surprised by the other party's agitated murderous aura, but immediately lowered his face and asked tentatively, "Your Excellency seems to be very concerned about the other party, do you have anything else?"

"……"have what? ...just a one-sided, stupid feeling. Wenther said nothing. The subordinates behind him frowned and said loudly to Bereno: "Of course, our minister and deputy minister are going to be partners! Our deputy minister has become a female minister!"

"What nonsense in front of the lieutenant colonel." Wenther frowned and turned back to reprimand them, but felt a lot of irony in his heart because of this sentence.

companion? ! Is that the man in front of you? ! Burreno clenched his hands sharply, and Hu Lan's eyes narrowed. There were layers of murderous aura in my heart.

But then he relaxed. As long as he doesn't say it, even if the other party knows that the good words are in him? Can he take him away? what! His Burreno hasn't been trashed enough to be robbed in the chassis!

"Everyone, I have said what I have to say. Our border guards are heavily guarded. Even if there is a small alien beast ten miles away, don't even try to escape our sight. Let alone a zerg."

"But we can't rule out that someone hid him privately. As a male, it is normal for a female to hide him privately." Winsor's eyes fell on Burreno with undisguised doubts.

Burreno coldly looked back at the dangerous rhetorical question: "Do you mean to question my Cobilla's military might?!"

"No, I'm just questioning the obscene peeping at our minister by some despicable females." Winsor raised a rare smile: "After all, our minister is the most gentle male in the empire with many fans. In order to find the minister We have decided to stay here for a while, and I hope you will not refuse. Our search mission is directly recognized by the imperial authorities.”

The 'despicable' Berno raised his hand to cover up the blue veins on his temples, his red lips showed his white teeth and said with a low smile: "How could I refuse? Oh, I will treat you well!"

All females who rob men from Lao Tzu must die!

After watching Wenther leave with sarcasm in his eyes, the terrifying Bernuo with a smile on his face finally couldn't help standing up and slammed the chair with one hand and fell to the ground, torn apart. Still annoyed, he kicked both feet.

"Fu Liangyan... I thought it was enough to deal with your partner Child, but I didn't expect there was another one! Hmph, as expected, the males are just a bunch of **** who only know how cool they are! Let's see if I go back and won't break your JJ!"

With this angry shout, the floor of the reception room trembled violently.

I was irritably circling the room and suddenly felt a chill.

"Hey Halche why are you turning the air conditioner down so low." I said to Halche.

Leaning at the door, Halche, with an expression on his face about to fall asleep, suddenly woke up after listening to me. He shook his head with a sigh and said, "What air conditioner?"

I saw his confused look and sat on the bed and asked him, "Forget it, let's not talk about this. You tell me what the person who came here looks like?"

"What else can I do, a man with a nose, two eyes, a mouth, and a mouth of 2.4 meters." After Harche finished speaking, he stared at me with a thoughtful expression and said, "It won't be your little lover!"

I just waved my hand and said that it was impossible to suddenly be stunned. It should have been Child or Wenther who could find this place, because I only had contact with them before I ran away.

If Childe comes here and Burr Leno shines on each other...

If Winsor, if Winsor came to Burreau and told him that we were already that shit...

Ah, ha, ha, maybe it's not... how could it be that it wasn't just chills or just **** murderous!

I stared at Halche stiffly, with a sad expression on my face.

Seeing my expression, Harche became irritable and shouted: "The person I rely on is really your lover! I said you can't go back. You and our boss have done everything. If you dare to betray our boss, you will definitely not. Good end!"

I grinned: "If it's really the two of them here, I won't end well even if I don't betray your boss."

Guaranteed to chop up my criminal dick! I subconsciously looked down at my 'brother' and burst into tears.

Harche frowned and walked over, hooked my shoulders and said, "Hey, look, what are the good things about those females in your family, can they compare to our boss? Not to mention our boss's fighting strength and strength. The wisdom in our head, let's just say our boss's face, absolutely kills the entire empire in seconds, don't you think? And our boss is still a fresh virgin in the morning, and you will be a scourge at night..."

I looked at him blankly: "Do you think I harmed him last night? Are you not blind?"

Who has ever seen someone **** with five flowers to harm others! How **** brave do I have to be to scourge Bereno? The whole Zerg has to thank me.

"Hey...don't say that." Halche blinked his eyes and whispered in my ear, "Dare you say last night that you didn't have a heart? Our boss is so fierce, and those rigid females In comparison, our commander is truly stunning!"

I looked at Halche without saying a word.

Halche scratched his head: "Why don't you speak?"

Me: "Halche..."

Halche nodded stupidly: "What's wrong?"

Me: "How did you know that Bereno was so violent? Last night...you wouldn't eavesdrop on the door, would you?"

Halche: "⊙▽⊙"

small theater:

At night, I was discussing the organization with Burr Leno, Wenther, and Child, when I suddenly heard some subtle voices outside the door.

Wenther took the initiative to stand in front of him, while Bernuo took out a gun and aimed it at the door with a cold look. Child frowned and suppressed the muzzle and shook his head, then quietly walked over and put his ear to the door.

After a while, I found Child standing stiff and motionless.

"What's the matter with you, Child?" I said anxiously.

Childe remained silent, and Bernor tutted his gun and moved his gun to his ear, and froze immediately.

I looked at them dumbfounded. Could it be that there is a bronze door behind the younger brother? !

Wenther and I looked at each other and nodded, walked over and put our ears on them carefully.

I heard someone talking close to each other over there, and a small whisper came over...

"Brother, what do you say father and mother are doing?"

"Shh! Keep your voice down, the third child, you must be doing the same thing as your father and mother Bernore did last time!"

"Ah...that must be very painful. Last time my father-in-law screamed loudly. So did my father-in-law Wenther... What do you think, eldest brother?"

"...Shh, keep your voice down, don't let father and mother find out! Second child, you stepped on my foot!"

"Mother Child seemed to cry when she slept with Dad that time!"

"Yes, what do you think will happen when the three of them go in this time?"

"I don't know..."

"do not know……"

Inside the door, I covered my forehead and watched the three people with black gas behind me light wax silently.

These three bear children, wait!

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