Your Majesty, the Empress is on the Battlefield Again!

Chapter 447 , Two golden lights at the bottom of the lake.

The circle after circle of ripples on the surface of the lake created great fluctuations within a range of more than ten meters.

Dark lake bottom.

Not long ago, the golden dragon, which was still bubbling on the lake and basked in the moonlight for a while, just got to the bottom of the lake and was about to close its eyes to fall asleep. Suddenly, it sensed that the breath that belongs to human beings was gradually approaching, and opened it again like a copper bell. In the ordinary eyes, the cold golden streamer slowly rotated in the eyes, it raised its head, and its spiritual consciousness penetrated the deep and cold lake water and probed upwards.

is her?

Why is she here again?

The golden dragon stretched out its more than ten-meter-long body calmly, raised its huge head high, and its eyes gradually became vigilant.

Si Luo gasped, feeling a little restless.

She was very sure that she had read correctly just now.

Although only half of the big tail covered with golden scales was exposed, it was more than one meter long, and the water ripples it created spread across the lake, which could not be subdued for a long time.

There must be a big monster in this lake!

The stars in the sky are bright and dense, and the moonlight and starlight are reflected on the lake, refracted like a mirror, and emitting a little bit of light.

Looking down from above, nothing can be seen except a layer of silver light on the surface of the lake.

She walked to the lake, squatted down, looked down and looked doubtfully, wondering if the divine sense could penetrate it.

Si Luo tried to close his eyes, and with a thought, his consciousness spread.

Everything around became extraordinarily clear, even the sound of the wind could be heard extraordinarily clearly.

The golden dragon's consciousness captured Si Luo's actions, and he secretly thought that something was wrong. The consciousness of ordinary people may not be able to reach the bottom of the lake so deep, but this person is obviously different from ordinary people. It expresses nervousness, and the sound of heartbeat Can't help but speed up a little.

In addition to the golden dragon, there are other fish creatures in the lake. The waves they created when swimming were quickly captured by Si Luo.

So, she decided to open her eyes and give it a try.

As a result, when she opened her eyes and looked at the lake, her spiritual consciousness penetrated into it with ease, but the dark lake was a little dark, and the distance from which the moonlight refracted inside was limited, and shallower places were fine. Clearly saw some colorful small fish swimming.

However, the deeper place is completely dark and deep.

The lake was unexpectedly deep, and it was impossible to see the bottom at a glance.

Si Luo glanced around, feeling a little disappointed in his heart. Just when he was about to look away and withdraw his consciousness, he found two golden rays of light flickering in the darkness of the lake.

She was stunned for a moment, and after she realized it, she hurriedly landed on her knees, propped her hands on the ground, focused her attention on the two golden lights, poked her head forward, and unconsciously tilted her body towards the lake.

These two golden lights are eyes! ! !

It was the eyes of the big monster with its tail sticking out of the lake that she saw just now! ! !

Because of the blinking of the monster in the lake, the two golden lights flickered on and off.

God, the eyes are so big, how big is this thing!

At this time, the two golden lights suddenly became a straight line, as if a monster narrowed its eyes, and a powerful pressure suddenly pressed towards her consciousness.

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