Your Majesty, the Empress is on the Battlefield Again!

Chapter 410 An accident happened in chaos.

what's the situation?

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, are these guys crazy?

Ah Tian emerged from the crowd, and said with great difficulty while running.

"Captain Han said that as long as one of us catches you, he will get half a day off today!"

The soldiers of the four camps also booed and said.

"Military division, hahaha... just run as hard as you can and see who can come out on top. Don't let us easily catch you!"

Knowing that it was Han Tian's fault, Si Luo frowned, and said two words lightly from his mouth.


Did Han Tian, ​​the defeated general, want to provoke her because he was full and had nothing to do?

The last lesson, this guy forgot so quickly?

Really healed the scar and forgot the pain!

You must know that tens of thousands of people are chasing one person at the same time, and accidents are prone to happen in the process.

In the crowd, once someone falls, the situation will get out of hand.

Moreover, the one who falls must be trampled upon.

Human life is at stake.

She was just about to speak to tell those people to stop.

As a result, accidents still happened.

A soldier was accidentally bumped by a companion who was chasing up, his footsteps were unsteady, he tilted to one side uncontrollably, was hit by a fast runner, lost control and fell to the ground.

One can imagine his fate...

The throng of people swarming up didn't even notice their feet.

Thus, a series of tragedies happened.

The soldiers who stepped on the soldier stopped at the same time, but were knocked down by another person who was running at a high speed, and the screams were heard incessantly.

Those who were close heard the sound and stopped, but those who didn't hear it continued to run up.

The line of tens of thousands of people is very long, and if there is a problem with the people in the middle, the people in the second half will not be aware of it at all.

"Stop chasing, don't!!"

"AH!!! My hand!!!"

"my leg!!!"

Si Luo heard these voices keenly, and she really wanted to stop, but once this situation stopped now, it would only become more dangerous.

Seeing a tree not far away, she ran over with her eyes fixed, and climbed onto the branch in twos and threes at an astonishing speed.

Those who caught up first stood under the tree with their heads up, their expressions very excited and proud.

"You can't run away, hahaha!"

"Hehe, finally caught up!"

These fools!

Si Luo couldn't bear it anymore and looked at the densely packed team, and roared at the top of his voice.

"Stop everything for me!!!"

Hearing these voices, the soldiers slowed down for some unknown reason.

There were too many people, and the injured were trampled underfoot, and life and death were uncertain.

When the companions who stepped on them found this situation, they all stopped in horror, and urged everyone not to continue chasing and be careful.

However, there were too many people, and the scene was very noisy, and the sound could not be transmitted at all.

The purpose of Si Luo, who is the target person, climbing up the tree is also to let them see him and then stop them.

The soldiers in the distance saw Si Luo standing on the tree but were not caught.

One by one felt that something was wrong, so they all closed their mouths one after another.

Until the scene returns to tranquility.

They could only hear Si Luo's voice.

And those soldiers who were trampled were also found to be helped up from the ground.

Dozens of people who were trampled on were seriously injured and were already dying.

In that sudden situation.

They didn't even have a chance to resist, so they could only subconsciously protect their heads.

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