You Might Die If I Get One Treatment

Chapter 80: 1 false alarm

Lin Ye was taken aback:

"Abyss demon?"

Huang Tianqi put down the teacup in his hand and leaned on the sofa, with a solemn expression and a deep tone:


"These sewer rats, who usually don't dare to see people, have become more and more arrogant recently."

"Not only did the evil depraved named 'White Clown' blatantly provoke the Professional Alliance, but also brought a student evil depraved in broad daylight to attack you openly."

"Combining with the abyss demons we received, we have placed a lot of information about inner ghosts in the professional alliance..."

"Almost certainly."

"These abyss demons will make a big move recently."

"As a precaution, the Professional Alliance is now secretly imposing martial law throughout the city. By the way, it investigates and cleans up its internal members, looks for professionals with degenerate tendencies, and conducts temporary isolation."

"The college entrance examination is imminent."

"They can't let the actions of these stinky rats affect the college students who are preparing for battle in Jiangcheng."

"So no news came out..."

Lin Ye stroked his chin thoughtfully:

"Is that so?"


Huang Tianqi continued:

"Lin Ye."

"Don't worry about the abyss demon, the professional alliance will take care of it."

"We know their situation from the ground up. Even if there are evil depraved people inside us, we won't be able to make any big waves. If you want to check it, you can find it out."

"As for the honey-like thing..."

"Don't worry about it. When the college entrance examination is over, the Professional Alliance will definitely come to contact you and tell you how to go in and get the legendary reward."

"Now you even know Rumi's specific entry method."

"It doesn't meet the admission requirements either."

Lin Ye asked curiously:

"Then how many levels do I need to be like honey?"

Huang Tianqi stretched out his hand to compare his posture:

"Twelfth grade."

"This is just the minimum entry requirement."

"If you want to go over the map as much as possible, kill more secret bosses, and get better rewards."

"You'd better synchronize all your equipment and skills to the highest level after you've reached level 15, make complete preparations, and then consider officially entering the arena."


Fifteenth grade?

Then there is no need to wait too long...

Thinking about it, Lin Ye nodded and said solemnly:

"it is good."

"I see."

After a pause, he opened his mouth and asked the question he most wanted to know now:

"Uncle Huang."

"I have another question."

"If... the awakening talent of the professional is of the summoning type, and the summoned creature is an alien creature with a certain self-awareness and its own original memory."

"Is it possible that this alien creature will betray?"

Huang Tianqi answered bluntly:

"does not exist."

"Awakening talent is the power nurtured from each of us. It is equivalent to our most important brain. It lives and dies with us and is the most trustworthy ability."


"No matter what it summons, no matter which other world it comes from, it is absolutely impossible to harm us."

"Instead, we will unconditionally execute our orders."


"Some high-level manipulation skills that can affect the thinking of others cannot affect the alien creatures summoned by the awakening talent, so that they in turn attack their own summoners."

"It's equivalent to having the highest level of mental immunity."

"Never betray."

Lin Ye continued to ask:

"Then what if the awakening talent summoned the abyss demon?"

"Isn't there any danger?"

Huang Tianqi shook his head and said:


"This kind of example happened a few years ago."

"The abyss demon summoned by the students with their awakening talent not only did not tempt our human beings to join the abyss, but instead actively integrated into the abyss forces and became an informant responsible for transmitting the abyss forces..."

"And the same is true for other alien creatures summoned with the awakening talent..."

"All became our undercover..."

With that said, Huang Tianqi glanced at Lin Ye and asked curiously:


"Ask this all of a sudden?"

"Have you awakened your talent for summoning alien creatures?"

Hearing this, Lin Ye hesitated for a while, but finally decided to tell the truth.

after all.

Huang Tianqi made it clear.

The alien creatures summoned by the awakening talent will definitely not harm the host.

If you want to bring Xiao Mumu into Rumi, it will inevitably be discovered by people in the professional alliance.

Instead of racking your brains to come up with an excuse, let's make it clear now, and then bring her in in an open and honest way.

"not me."

"It was my friend's awakening talent that summoned an alien creature."

"And that otherworldly creature noticed the 'Honey Passport' I was carrying from the professional skills I released, and then suddenly came to tell me that it wanted to enter 'Honeylike' with me."

"It's very outrageous..."

Huang Tianqi came to be interested:



"That otherworldly creature also has an admission certificate like honey?"

Lin Ye said:

"I said yes, but I don't know if this is a lie the other party told me to deceive me."

Huang Tianqi waved his hand and said:

"If you say yes, then it is real. The alien creatures summoned by the awakening talent will definitely not deceive their masters and friends."

Lin Ye asked again:



"Can I take her to Rumi with her?"

Huang Tianqi nodded:


"Just go to the Professional Union to report."

"You don't have to worry about that friend of As long as the people in the professional alliance can be sure, that otherworldly creature is the reality that came through the awakening talent, not other messy summoning rituals, or something evil dark power."

"They won't restrict each other's movements in human cities."

"I won't investigate your friends either."

"on the contrary."

"Professional Alliance will also attach great importance to your friend, provide various development resources, cultivate her and the alien creatures she summons, and even recommend a good university to directly arrange future employment..."

Hear the words.

Lin Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Xiao Mumu and the big tree guards don't need to worry about the problem.


It's really a false alarm...

At this time, Lin Ye also realized the inadequacy of his theoretical knowledge. He must read university textbooks more diligently in the future, and seriously study all these advanced theoretical knowledge that he had never understood before.

Avoid misjudgments such as "mistaking the transformation function of polymorphic weapons as the exclusive ability of artifacts" and "doubting whether the alien creatures summoned by the awakening talent will suddenly defect".

Although not ashamed.

But this will make Lin Ye fall into a sense of tension that the development of the situation is not in his control.

He doesn't like this feeling.


This feeling also appeared when he was eight years old.

The sudden army of magic tide broke through the human defense line in an instant and broke into the river city. As a result, Lin Ye had no way to escape, nor any countermeasures.

He could only watch helplessly as his parents, in order to protect him, took the initiative to run out of the room and divert those otherworldly monsters that broke into the house...

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