You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 225: Defender

"How does it feel to end a losing streak through this game?"

"Hopefully, like what this game showed, we can get back on track."

"What do you think of Charles' 52 points and 21 rebounds?"

"That's why he is so great."

"As the season progresses, will the rotation of the team increase?"

Collins' face changed, and he replied: "It depends on the situation."

This is still a pleasant press conference. Collins has not participated in such a press conference for a long time. Although the reporter has some unpleasant problems, it is generally good.

A big victory ended in a losing streak.

Moreover, Barkley's 52 points in a single game is still the highest score in the history of the Pistons.

For a club that had been active in the U.S. Basketball before the NBA appeared, this number was slightly shabby.

Buckley's excitement couldn't take it anymore. He suggested that everyone go to the nightclub to play for one night, and almost everyone joined his party.

Except Mo Mengchen and Hill.

Because Mo Mengchen still had surgery to do the next morning, as for Hill, he was always not interested in this kind of Huajie Liuxiang, and it was reasonable to refuse.

"Okay, then we lay people go by themselves."

Barkley didn't mind either, leading a large group of people across the nightclub in the Automobile City.

It is said that they paid 100,000 yuan for the tip this night.

Barkley's game also occupied the front page of major media the next day. After all, it was 52+21 monster-level data. Although the data is obvious, this data is still very good.

Like Chamberlain back then, everyone knows he brushed data, but only he can brush out such abnormal data.

However, the same reasoning is not applicable to someone in the future who averages a triple-double.

For example, if the Pistons give Hill Card a rebound, or if the future Cavaliers give James a rebound, coupled with such a high percentage of possession, an average triple-double against them It's as simple as drinking water...

"Dr. Mo, you almost got three pairs of data tonight."

Sitting in the rear parking space, Adrian talked about the game tonight with excitement, and he felt that Mo Mengchen had performed too little.

"Adrian, don't talk nonsense, the data is not so important," Ephraim said.

Although Adrian is still small, he has become a bit of a keyboardman style: "Everyone likes data, and data is the most embodying player value."

"This sentence is wrong." Mo Mengchen said.

Ephraim drove intently, and did not expect that Mo Mengchen would discuss basketball with Adrian.

What can a little fart kid understand?

"Why not?" Adrian asked.

"Larry Bird can get very good data every night, but a very famous coach said: Data is the least valuable thing."

Mo Mengchen consciously gave a good example. Who knows, Adrian asked in reply: "Who is Larry Bird?"

Seeing the boss's smile stiffened in his face, Medela wanted to smile.

"It's a very great player."

"Greater than Michael Jordan?"

Should we answer rationally or emotionally? This is a problem.

He can't say that respecting greatness is like some brainless fans, and then when it comes to his favorite player is "I haven't seen XXX, I live in the era of XXX."

"No, Michael is greater." Mo Mengchen said.

"How about Michael's data?" Adrian surrounded Mo Mengchen.

Mo Mengchen had been arguing with him for a long time, and could not persuade him. Eventually he chose to shut up and comfort himself with such unconvincing reasons that he had no quarrel with the little ass.

The next day

Barkley's performance really kill the major media.

"Great players always start over and over again! He can still play!"

"Charles Barkley is not soft on the old owner, the 52+21 data is easy for him!"

"When I die, there is time to rest! Great Chuck!"

The most obvious point is that Mo Mengchen saw many Buckley posters on his way to St Lucifer Hospital the next day.

An veteran superstar who joined the team in his late career has accumulated such popularity in less than a season, which shows how much he likes the fans.

Straightforward, the style of the ball is explosive, this is the label of Barkley.

It's easy for fans to like him, and it's easy to hate him. His mouth is as annoying as his stomach.

"Boss, don't you envy?"

Asked Medela.

"Envy? Are you referring to the streets covered with my posters?" Mo Mengchen asked.

Medela said, "No, it's 52 points."

For such data, although Mo Mengchen is fascinated, he is not interested. If the team needs him to score 50 points one day to win, it must be that other people can't get points for various reasons.

He does not need to prove himself so much.

"One thing, I envy Charles' talent." Mo Mengchen said.

Medela heard what he said, not envying Barkley's data, but envying his talent.

Saint Lucifer Hospital

"Boss, there is news."

Medela deliberately waited until now, he wanted to surprise Mo Mengchen.

Mo Mengchen turned to look at her and waited for her to speak.

"Time Warner contacted us last night and they want to sign you!"

Medela's words went from low to high, hoping to have a surprise effect. As a result, Mo Mengchen didn't seem to hear what she said, and there was no response on her face.

"Is there anything else?"

"You just react?"

Medela couldn't bear it, it was Time Warner!

Mo Mengchen didn't care about her collision, but instead asked, "Otherwise, what do you want me to do to you?"

"That's Time Warner! They promise to make you a superstar!"

"Don't you want to use the identity of a singer to maximize your influence?"

"Got it, help me push it." Mo Mengchen said, "I refuse, and, you can move your dead brain, we can use this news to make an article."

Medela couldn't understand it anymore, refused Warner's signing, just to gain momentum? Which company is better than Warner?

"Have you already arranged?"

"Yes, you don't have to tell me about the record company anymore. If someone wants to sign a contract with me, you will reject them directly on my behalf."

As soon as the words fell, Mo Mengchen carried his backpack and turned to the hospital.

Medela sat in the car for a long time.

For her, it was a big blow. She thought it would make Mo Mengchen excited, but his reaction was as bland as a cool white.

Are talented people different in brain circuits from others? What company can provide a better platform than Time Warner?

Medela clutched the steering wheel with both hands and stomped hard.

On January 10, the Pistons played away with the Bulls.

They did not show any decent resistance in the audience, but in three quarters, the game lost its suspense.

Neither Jordan nor Pippen scored more than 20 points, and the Pistons defeated the Bulls again.

"This performance feels as if their victory over the Suns at home is a flashback of the dying person, and the problem is still unresolved."

"So, when will the problem be solved?"

"who knows."

Two days later, they returned to the home game against the Warriors. They played like chicken blood, grinded their guns, and beat the warriors who were determined to win.

Also on this night, Mo Mengchen got his tenth triple-double in his career.

22 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists, he is the best player of the Pistons tonight, such performance also made him complete another achievement.

"Ten times to get a triple-double."

"Return: 3000 attribute points and one skill."

After the game, Mo Mengchen escaped the interview with the reporter on the spot, slipped into the dressing room like a ghost, and plunged into the shower room.

"A random skill is being distributed for you."

"Congratulations on your non-fixed skill: Daoist."

Skill level: D.

Defender: With this skill, the chance of making a collision with the ball increases. The higher the skill level, the greater the chance of making an offensive foul.

With this, he now has four skills.

After mixing for one and a half seasons, none of the five skill bars are filled, which is really ashamed.

Mo Mengchen equipped the defenders.

This skill should come in handy when meeting guards with amazing athleticism.

He found that he was a little too dependent on his teammate's assist defense. Once Ratliff and others could not provide effective assist defense, the scene of being exploded by Kevin Johnson a few days ago would continue to be reproduced in the game.

He has to learn something new.

Blindly strengthening the strengths does not make him the best player.

He couldn't help thinking, who has the best offense skill?

By the way, Dumas.

Mo Mengchen finished the shower, hung on the towel and walked to the dressing room, Collins and they were waiting for him: "Mo, get dressed quickly, the reporter is waiting for us."

"JD, wait for a drink?" Mo Mengchen invited.

Dumas looked at Mo Mengchen unexpectedly. Anyone may invite him to drink, but Mo Mengchen, will this guy not have surgery tomorrow?

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Have a drink without delay."

Dumas said with a smile: "How can I refuse Dor.Mo's invitation? This is a supreme glory."

"Don't make fun of me." Mo Mengchen put on his clothes and went out with Collins.

After the press Mengchen left with Dumas and picked a Japanese restaurant.

"Mo, please here."

The waiter invited Mo Mengchen and Dumas to the heavyweight single room.

"It seems that you come often." Dumas smiled.

Mo Mengchen said: "Yes, this shop is very good craftsmanship, and very healthy, you can rest assured to eat."

"If I'm unhealthy, I have to eat too. The boss is not small, but I can't grieve my stomach."

Dumas said while patting his stomach, his thick neck seemed thicker than before.

"Can you say it now? I don't believe you invited me out just to tell me how delicious this Japanese restaurant is."

Dumas tapped the glass gently with chopsticks.

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