As more and more people gathered around to watch the show, many of them were still their colleagues. Xue Tianning couldn't keep up with them. He stood on the spot and watched them leave, his face so gloomy that it looked like it was about to rain.

When Xu Chencan found out that Chu Lingyu's skin had thickened, it was truly frightening.

With so many people pointing at her, she wished she could find a hole to hide in. Yet, he was able to keep a straight face as he carried her out of the hospital building, opened the car door, and stuffed her into the trunk.

Then, before she could struggle to her feet, he closed the door, started the car, and sped away from the hospital.

"What are you doing?" Xu Chencan was furious.

"I'll take you home." Chu Lingyu's voice was very calm, but if one were to listen carefully, they would be able to tell that something was being suppressed under his calm appearance.

"You've really humiliated me, haven't you?" Anger made Xu Chencan lose his rationality, "Don't forget, we are only engaged in a fake marriage. There is no such thing as an obligatory relationship between you and me."

Chu Lingyu pulled to the side of the road with a screeching sound.

He turned off the ignition and looked at Xu Chencan, "So you're going to choose Xue Tianning, aren't you?"

"What are you talking about? I don't understand. " Xu Chencan looked away.

"Can you tell me more about this?" Chu Lingyu grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him.

When Xu Chencan looked into his eyes, she could see the anger hidden deep within him, and it made her feel as if she had been wronged.

Why couldn't he talk to her in such a way?

She originally … It had been decided to open up to him. Didn't he hear Xue Tianning ask why she didn't want to leave him?

She slapped his hand away. "Is acting important? When we have achieved our goal, we can part ways. "

Chu Lingyu was stung by her words.

For so long, he had been trying to make her happy, to deepen his relationship with her. He wanted to go on with her.

She had actually been wanting to leave him all along!

Was it a relief to leave him?

Anger and love for Xu Chencan made him unable to suppress his emotions. He grabbed Xu Chencan's head and lowered his head to kiss it.

This kiss came too suddenly, giving Xu Chencan a fright.

She wanted to push him away, but Chu Lingyu's kiss was unexpectedly gentle.

Gradually, she was also drunk on this kiss.

When this kiss stopped, Xu Chencan was surprised to discover that she had actually already hugged Chu Lingyu tenderly.

She felt shy and uneasy, yet she didn't know what to do, so she could only silently withdraw her hand.

Chu Lingyu's anxious heart had already calmed down from this kiss.

He put his arm around her and whispered in her ear, "From now on, we won't have any more fights, okay?"

Xu Chencan was helpless, but could not help but laugh. "You started this fight, didn't you?"

Chu Lingyu fell silent, then said in a low voice, "You're right, I'm sorry."

He actually admitted his mistakes so quickly?

Xu Chencan looked at him in surprise, "You …" Apologize? "

"Yeah." Chu Lingyu looked into her eyes, her voice and eyes were warm, "I was wrong, of course I should apologize."

At this moment, Xu Chencan's feelings were extremely complicated.

Ever since she was young, being gentle and gentle had never seemed to have anything to do with her life. Even if she met a few people occasionally, they would quickly disappear from her life.

She shook her head. "Let's go back. It's almost dark."

"Alright." Chu Lingyu started the car again.

Seeing Xu Chencan's quiet appearance, he couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

She seemed to have something on her mind.

Xu Chenzhi was silent for a moment before she finally voiced out her inner feelings. "You remind me of someone."

Chu Lingyu's heart skipped a beat: "Who?"

"A friend from many years ago. "A netizen."

Chu Lingyu's lips revealed traces of a smile. She had not forgotten about him, "Can you tell me what kind of person he is?"

Xu Chencan frowned and shook his head, "Forget it."


Because I'm afraid you're jealous...

Naturally, she would not say these words out loud. She only vaguely said, "I'm tired. Let's talk about it in the future."

The smile in Chu Lingyu's eyes became even more pronounced.

It didn't matter, he wasn't in a hurry, they still had a long, long way to go before they could spend it together …

A week from now, it would be the day for Xu Chencan to take the physician qualification test.

That day, Chu Lingyu didn't even go to the company, but instead personally accompanied her to the examination hall.

When Xu Chencan arrived at the end of the exam, Chu Lingyu asked, "How do you feel?"

Xu Chencan tilted his head and smiled mischievously, "It feels like …" Not bad? "

Chu Lingyu smiled, "You must be hungry, let's go eat."

"You came to accompany me today. Will there be any problems with the company?" After the dishes were served, Xu Chencan asked.

"It doesn't matter." Chu Lingyu helped her remove the fish bone before placing the tender white fish meat into the small plate in front of her, "Don't go back to the Xu Family for the next few days."

"Why?" Even though Xu Chencan did not want to go back, she still felt that it was strange hearing him say so all of a sudden.

"Be careful of Xu Yaoxi, she's not someone easy to deal with. I'm afraid she'll get in your way. "

"Why did you suddenly think of her?" Xu Chencan was still puzzled.

"Listen to me. Also, if you encounter any problems that you need to resolve, come and find me right away, understand? "

He was still secretly arguing with Xue Tianning.

Xu Chencan smiled helplessly, "Alright, I understand."

What she did not expect was that after half a month, she actually encountered a big problem.

Having successfully obtained a doctor's certificate, Xu Chencan left his status as an intern and became an official staff member of the Central Hospital.

Under Xue Tianning's recommendation, she received her first major surgery.

It was a small operation, no difficulty at all.

The operation was also successful.

However, shortly after the surgery, the patient developed symptoms of massive bleeding and fell into a deep coma.

As soon as Xu Chencan heard the news, he had just changed out of his surgical uniform and was chatting with his colleague when a nurse rushed into the locker room and shouted in panic, "Dr. Xu! This is bad, the patient who underwent the surgery just now bled profusely and was sent to the emergency room! "

"What?" Shocked, Xu Chencan put on his surgical suit and rushed to the emergency room.

The red light on the emergency room door flashed on and off, causing people to worry.

In front of the emergency room, there were several family members of patients walking back and forth anxiously. One of them was a woman who was on the verge of collapsing from tears.

Seeing Xu ChenCan approach, a male patient's family member rushed over with bloodshot eyes, grabbing her by the collar, "You're the doctor who did the surgery?!" How did you do it?! "

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