Just above that pitiful goddess, the beautiful face, full of greed, longing!!

The time to get the Blood of the Emperor is coming!!

An indifferent, icy sound, as if piercing through the years, through the epoch!!

From the sky, indifferently came: “Oh? ”

“Who said… Lin Mou is dead?? ”

That voice, incomparably indifferent, carried a monstrous pressure.

A word falls!!

It turned out that the clouds in all directions were all exploding, and the big stars were trembling for them, and the void was full of strange scenes!!

The Silence of the Nations!!

All the Heavenly Emperors and Powerful Beings gathered on the Blood-colored Plains were seriously injured, and could only fall to their knees and look down at the unique posture of the Heavenly Goddess!!

Everyone, unwilling, angry, remorseful!!

But there is no way!!

They can only watch!!

Everyone thinks that this starry universe, the next new emperor, is the Goddess of Pity!!


As a voice fell in the distance, the scene, silenced!!

“This… Who’s talking? ”

“Who is it??”

The gaze of countless Heavenly Emperors and Powerful People also followed that sound, looking at the sky in unison!!

Among them, the Kunxi Goddess, who has been hiding on the side, is also a little stunned at the moment!!

The delicate body trembles!!

Gently covering his small mouth, he made a trembling voice in disbelief: “This sound…”

“Yes… Lin Tianren? Lin Ang? ”

For this voice, Kun Xi Goddess, how can it be strange??

This is her Kun Void God Dynasty, the greatest enemy!!

Biggest threat!!

“He… Still alive?? ”

Not only the Kun Xi Divine Daughter, but all the elders of the Kun Void Divine Dynasty, the Heavenly Emperor and the Mighty One, at this moment, were all full of shock!!

But soon!


The Heavenly Emperor Elder of the Kun Void Divine Dynasty, at this moment, couldn’t help but say in a low voice, “Even if Lin Tianren didn’t die, what then?” Lin Tianren’s current cultivation behavior, but the Heavenly King’s four turns are below!! ”

“That heavenly goddess, but the Ten Turns Heavenly Lord, touched the existence of the Great Emperor Realm!!”

The elder of the Kun Void Divine Dynasty had a word: “Lin Tian is in the Kun Void Dao Domain. Maybe it can be regarded as a peerless heavenly monarch, invincible of the same generation…. However, the whole starry universe is too big!! ”

In the face of the existence of such a starry sky universe apex as the Goddess of Pity, Lin Tianren returned. It’s nothing more than sending it to death!! ”

At the moment, hearing this, the expression of Queen Kunxi’s daughter, this is only a little slower!!

That’s right!

If Lin Ang intended to fight for the Imperial Blood, then his opponent would be the Goddess of Pity!

‘The strength of the Goddess of Mercy is unfathomable. Nine days of absolute poverty… If she wants to kill Lin Ang, one move is enough!! ’

Thinking of this, Empress Kunxi also smiled coldly.

Without saying a word, just staring coldly at the end of the void.

And at the same time!!

Just in the Blood Plains, the most central area of the Goddess of Mercy, after hearing Lin Ang’s voice!!

Pretty face sudden change!!

Lin Ang ???

Not dead?

This… How can it be??


Pity the Goddess of Heaven, the beautiful gaze stared dead at the end of the void, the direction that Lin Ang had just transmitted!!

She, Jade Hands Clenched!!


You know, it was she who personally opened the passage of the dark abyss and caused the dark scourge!!

That’s tens of millions of Dark Aliens!!

Even the Emperor is strong, he may not be able to face so many strange ominous things and retreat from the whole body!!


Before the Goddess of Pity, she had been secretly observing from a distance, and she had seen it with her own eyes!!

Countless terrans, countless heavenly kings, are all infiltrated by darkness and have become dark heavenly kings!!

The Terran race is almost completely destroyed, leaving only the Heavenly Man Divine Land led by Lin Ang!

All the Dark Aliens, and the infiltrated Terrans, besieged Lin Ang!!

And Lin Ang also fell into the dark abyss!!


It was in the midst of the almost unbelievable gaze of countless Heavenly Lords and Goddesses of Pity at the scene!!

Sky, clouds bursting!!

Big Star Shattered!!

Wisps of colorful fairy light seem to cover the entire universe!!

The crowd looked up and stared into the void!!

I can only see a row of golden footprints that do not exist in this age, faintly floating above the void, one step at a time!!

That row of footprints, through countless glory and annihilation, spent countless years!!

Just in the next second…

A figure.

A burst of green shirts finally appeared in front of everyone!!

That man, the flesh is incomparably brilliant, crystal clear!!

Every move is full of eternal and immortal rhyme!!

The rules of the Void, at this moment, are all changed for him. Within a million miles, the void bloomed with golden lotuses, which bloomed and then annihilated, turning into a burst of golden powder, covering the starry sky!!

It was Lin Ang under the blessing of the Immaculate Immortal Body.


“What kind of a gesture is this??”

In the midst of that dazzling and dazzling radiance.

On the scene, above the plains, countless wounded Heavenly Emperors and Strongmen, under the shroud of that god!!

Their wounds healed so quickly!!

Their injuries healed instantly!!

The originally empty aura in their bodies suddenly became full of energy again!!


A goddess of other realms, a long blue dress, beautiful and cold.

However, at the moment, she was actually a little stunned, just kneeling on the ground, as if she had seen a god!!

Don’t say anything!!

Present a gesture of worship!!

“This is … God?? ”

At the scene, the Heavenly Emperor of the Ten Thousand Tribes gazed at Lin Ang’s brilliant and eternal figure, as if he had seen a god!!

Everyone, kneel down!!

Worship loud!!

“We… Met God!! ”

“My wounds, recovered!”

“My aura, restored!!”

Even, some veteran Tianjun, staring at this scene that can be called a miracle, turned out to be unstoppable tears, old tears!

Such a miracle is rare in this life!!

And in the heart of the Blood Plains!!

The heavenly gods and powerful people who came with them had already bowed down one after another under the suppression of that immaculate immortal body!

And the Pity Heavenly Goddess, staring at Lin Ang’s immaculate immortal body, was actually a little stunned!!

An urge to surrender came to mind!!

This is absolute suppression from the Avenue!!

If it weren’t for her mortal body preaching, her steps shining brightly, I’m afraid that at this moment, she would have directly knelt down!!

“You… You’re not dead?? ”

I don’t know how long it took for the Goddess of Pity to face Lin Ang and tremble and speak!!

Pity goddess goddess a long golden dress, standing in one place, the appearance is amazing!!

Even in this case, as a goddess of the age, I can still maintain a calm.

In the Void…

Lin Ang was like a god, looking down at the pitiful goddess below, but said lightly: “If Lin Mou dies, who will announce what you have done?” ”

“Who will tell this starry sky tribe the guilt you have committed?”

“Who’s coming… Collect debts from your family, the sectarian forces? ”

A word falls!!

Pity the goddess goddess, pretty face, instant change!

Get gloomy!!


And… A hint of panic!!

No way!!

The relationship with the strange ominous is the most unforgivable crime in this starry universe!!

Her actions must not be made public!!

Her guilt can never be allowed!!

Once it is announced, not only her, but also her family, her relatives, and even her dao domain!!

all will be attacked!!


“Lin Tianren!!”

The next moment!

Pity the goddess of heaven, actually directly kneeling, can’t help but kowtow!!

The voice cried out, “Mercy Heaven is willing to die to apologize for his sins!” Willing to quit the battle for the Emperor’s Blood!! ”

“Please also ask Lin Tianren to forgive my family, my Dao Domain!!”


Lin Ang, but he looked indifferent!!

Speaking lightly, he said the guilt of the Heavenly Goddess One by one: “Pity the Heavenly Goddess, secretly colluding with the Dark Alien Race, strange and ominous, secretly harming the strong people of my human race!” ”

“Pity the Goddess of Heaven, open the passage to the dark plane, and the dark turmoil broke out!” Almost, we are going to make our era enter the Dark Age! ”

“Pity the Goddess of Heaven, for a drop of Imperial Blood.” Killed countless Terrans!! As a result, in addition to my Heavenly Man Divine Land, thousands of Dao Domain strengths, the Terran race was wiped out!! ”

“Pity goddess, is the era!! The greatest sinner!! ”

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