Xie Linglu

Chapter 174:

In the past, Ji Xin only felt that she had grown so big and had never been so cold. Even in the winter of the orphanage, she could only wear a single shirt and huddle in the corner. Back then, it was never as cold as it is now. She couldn't tell whether the coldness was invading from outside. Come, or spread from the inside out.

She still remembered the gazes of the people around her before she lost consciousness.

In the darkness, feeling that she was awake but unable to escape from it, she could vaguely feel the familiar light fragrance on Xun Youling's body, which reassured her and attached her.

But the smell disappeared immediately, and what was replaced was a feeling of loneliness and coldness. She felt someone caress her cheek, and there was uncontrollable excitement and trembling in the caress, but there was an unfamiliar aura on that person.

She hated this kind of touch and wanted to run away. The other party seemed to be able to feel her will withdraw her hand, but she didn't leave. A low voice kept chattering in her ear.

Tell her how different she is, she is different from everyone in this world, she shouldn't live like this, don't suppress any of her instincts and desires, she can do whatever she wants.

Ji Xinxi's heart was filled with infinite fear. She was not afraid of the existence of this person, but felt that she was gradually accepting everything the other party said. She was afraid that she would be deceived. She wanted to find Xun Youling, as long as Xun Youling was with her. Not afraid of anything, she has been searching hard in the dark for a long time, but she is always alone in this darkness.

This kind of desolation was unbearable for her. She felt that her consciousness was on the verge of collapse. At this time, a faint light lit up from the darkness. She ran after the light, and before the light, she trembled. Reach out to touch.

In an instant, all the bits and pieces of being with Xun Youling flooded into her mind, and the darkness was driven out bit by bit. Ji Xinxi held the beam of light tightly in his hand, pressed it deeply into his heart, and his vision returned to light again.

The dark ground came into her eyes, and Ji Xin had a pair of feet in her sight. The man was wearing black boots, and the edge of the robe covered most of the uppers of the shoes. She looked up along the line of sight and saw the familiar star. cinnabar mole.

"It's you."

The next moment, she looked around and found that she was the only one around. She was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she saw a broken arm not far away, Ji Xinxi opened her eyes wide and suddenly stood up and asked the person in front of her: "What have you done to them? ?!!!"

At this moment, she completely forgot her fear, she doesn't care about herself, but if the other party dares to hurt the person she cares about, that is her last bottom line, and she is against the scale, she will never let the other party go no matter what.

The man in black robe stood there silently and looked up at Ji Xinxi. The black robe's hat covered half of his face, but he could see the other's scarlet eyes. Facing Ji Xinxi's questioning, that There was a trace of injury in the person's eyes, and then he raised his slender hand and pointed straight at Ji Xinxi.

"Why do you say that? Wasn't you the one who did it to them?"

Ji Xinxi was stunned for a moment, and when she opened her mouth, she was about to refute, but the other party's finger lightly tapped, and the black smoke turned into a mirror and appeared in front of her. Seeing herself in the mirror, Ji Xinxi froze in place.

In the mirror, she was covered in blood, and her eyes were bright golden, as if the pupils of a beast were fierce, and the strange pattern on her forehead was even redder than dried blood.

The man in black robe silently moved behind Ji Xinxi, looked at the mirror with her, and whispered, "I didn't intervene from beginning to end, it was you who made this happen, don't be afraid, this is your talent , is something you are born with, and you have to learn to accept it."

Ji Xinxi slammed her fist into the mirror in front of her. The mirror had no substance. Her fist was empty. She bit her lip and ran to the river not far away. In the reflection of the river, there was nothing between her and the mirror. the difference.

She noticed that there were traces of explosions all around, and blood was still splattered in many places, and the biting river water splashed on her face. Ji Xinxi was eager to wash away the blood from her body, and she did not want to believe that all this was true.

The man in black robe appeared beside her again, squatted down and comforted: "Why are you sad? You and they are not the same people. You belong to our side, and we are the real one."

Ji Xinxi stopped what he was doing, looked at the man in black robe and asked coldly, "Who are you? Why have you been following me?"

There was a look of obsession in the scarlet eyes of the man in black robe, and he said reverently: "I'm just an insignificant existence. You haven't remembered your true appearance yet, but you will soon understand."

Ji Xinxi saw the chaos in the black-robed man's mind, but she did not let go of her defenses. She realized that the man in front of her didn't seem to want to hurt her for the time being, but was waiting for what he called her "true appearance". ".

"Then what is my true appearance, like you? Hiding in the dark and unwilling to show others?"

The man in black robe chuckled a few times, and reached out to touch Ji Xinxi's face, but Ji Xinxi waved his hand away in disgust. With such a strong affinity, they tell you that it is because you can purify them, but have you ever thought that you are of the same origin as these, and you are one family."

Ji Xinxi's face darkened, she kept telling herself not to believe what the person in front of her said, all this was false, but she couldn't help but doubt the possibility.

Seeing that she didn't speak, the black-robed man chuckled again, and continued: "I might as well tell you one more thing, do you know that your mother died because of you?"

"You lied!!!" The news sounded like a thunderstorm in Ji Xinxi's ear, and she subconsciously shouted angrily.

"My mother died shortly after I was born, how could I have killed her as a baby!!!"

Seeing Ji Xinxi, whose body was unstable and filled with this madness, the man in black robe stood up unhurriedly, and said slowly, "Don't you ever think about why you can't see this world until you are eighteen years old? Yinxie, why didn't you feel anything for the first eighteen years?"

Ji Xinxi's body was shocked. It wasn't that she never thought about this question, but no one gave her the answer. She later classified it as a simple physical problem. What if it wasn't?

"The reason is very simple, because your mother put a seal on you, so you will not live like an ordinary person until you are eighteen years old. If you don't think that your power is really for the sake of Taoism, then why is your mother? To seal it, that's because you were born an alien."

The words of the man in black robe were like a curse, constantly circling in Ji Xinxi's mind, her brain was beating for a while, and her tyrannical emotions were rampant in her heart, and everything became blurred in her eyes.

The man in black robe's expression gradually became excited, he took a few steps forward, put it next to Ji Xinxi's ear, and whispered: "And the house your mother left for you, it is really to protect you from the outside world. ?"

Speaking of the man in black robe covering his mouth, he seemed to be holding back his laughter, and then he took a deep breath and continued playfully, "Or is it to prevent you from going out and hurting others?"

These words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Ji Xinxi heard the sound of her rational disconnection, and a majestic resentment suddenly appeared all over her body, and all the stones around her were instantly turned into crumbs.

Her eyes glared at the black-robed man in front of her, and the pattern on her forehead shone with dazzling light. She said in a hoarse voice: "Here! Me! Shut up! Mouth!"

The man in black robe turned into a black qi and turned to leave. Ji Xinxi raised his hand and folded his fingers together. The grievances around him immediately gathered towards her, and the man in black robe was dragged back abruptly.

Ji Xinxi looked at the man in black robe coldly, his figure stood still, but turned his head slightly, and the group of grievances fell on the man in black robe incessantly, crushing the grievances of the man in black robe to pieces.

In the end, the grievances scattered around gathered around Ji Xinxi, she was like a born king, and the man in black robe was just an insignificant ant in her eyes.

The man in black robe who was shaking and standing on the spot was not only not angry, but said with ecstasy: "Yes, that's it, this is what you should be like, don't suppress yourself, let out all your inner anger and unwillingness. "

Ji Xin's body swayed, holding the neck of the black-robed man with one hand, the black-robed man let out a painful **** in her hand, but his face was a strange smile.

Looking at the smile on the other side, Ji Xinxi suddenly let go of her hands, looking at her hands with disbelief, she could use the strong resentment in her actions with ease, she covered her eyes and couldn't believe it was all true , Because of the force, her lips were bitten with blood, but the wound will gradually heal quickly.

Ji Xin lowered her head weakly. At this moment, she felt that she was a monster. Listening to the nightmarish remarks of the man in black, she disappeared into the depths of darkness in a flash.


After simply dealing with Xun Ge's injury, Xun Youling and his party set off again. They chose to move on. Xun Zuo's hand was injured, so he simply drove Fu Lu to lift the seriously injured Xun Ge.

Everyone's faces are not good-looking. Xun Ge's words have brought them too much information, and now they don't know what to say to each other, so they can only follow the direction Xun Ge said and walk along the river back to the place where the accident happened before. , to verify the truth of the facts.

Xun Youling's heart is like a pot of porridge. She is very worried about Ji Xinxi's situation now. What if the other party is in control? Will that be dangerous? What are you doing now?

When we meet later, how can she appease the master and senior brother, so that she has time to investigate the truth, as well as the fourth and fifth senior brothers, and now I don't know how the situation is.

It's a good Spring Festival, and other families are celebrating the New Year happily. Why do they have to search hard in places where the sun does not see the light, and the people around them are either seriously injured or their whereabouts are unknown.

Thinking of this, Xun Youling only felt that her vision was a little blurry, she hurriedly looked up at the sky, trying her best to restrain her emotions.

At this time, Xun You, who was in front of him, suddenly said, "We've arrived at the place, it should be here."

Xun Youling immediately rubbed her eyes, and together with Xun You, she flashed the flashlight in her hand. The scene in front of her made her stop on the spot. Not only were there gravels in the river, but the traces of the explosion were obvious and mutually confirmed what Xun Ge said.

Not far away, there was a huge deep pit, as if someone had dug a spoonful, it looked very scary, and the air was thick with resentment.

Xun Nagan took a deep look at Xun Youling, opened his mouth and said, "Xun You, go and wrap that hand in the corner."

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