Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 494: The woman who gave her life

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There was a sudden sound of brakes, and the fast-moving commercial vehicle was pushed out diagonally on the street in an instant.

In the car, two thin punks and Huzi sitting in the back seat were instantly thrown down by the violent shaking of the car body.

After A Hua pulled the handbrake, she ran to feel the little gangster's waist, she remembered that he had drawn the gun just now.

"Bang bang!"

After the little **** fell down, he pressed under the body of his companion and kicked Ah Hua's cheeks two or three times in a row: "The one next door to Spicy, **** her to death!"

Ah Hua was kicked until blood came out of her nostrils, and her right eyeball was blurry, but she still gritted her teeth and pulled out the gun stuck in the waist of the opponent with both hands.


Huzi next to him must not watch Ah Hua grab the gun. After he realized it, he rushed forward immediately, holding A Hua's wrist holding the gun with both hands.

The two fought hard, A Hua was a woman, no matter how fierce her nature was, it would definitely be difficult for her to gain the upper hand in a fight with a man. This is a physical weakness, and no one can do anything about it.

But Ah Hua didn't want to fight desperately with the opponent to grab the gun. She was very smart, and she was completely different from the shrew image shown on the surface.

Holding the gun in both hands, Ah Hua suddenly bit Huzi's left wrist in desperation.

"Ah! Damn it!" Huzi screamed, and let go of his left hand, but his right hand was still pressing on Ah Hua's arm.

At this moment, Ah Hua found a space, without the opponent's left hand blocking her, she skillfully pushed the safety of the pistol, did not aim at all, but decisively pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang!"

Two crisp gunshots resounded in the car.

on the surrounding streets.

Su Tianyu, who was trying his best to find someone, heard gunshots immediately. He was a little startled, and immediately shouted with the walkie-talkie: "Left, on the left! Hurry up!"

"heard it!"

"It's very close to me, I'll pass!"


Hou Guoyu, Lao Hei, and Fangzheng's car were the first to respond.

Su Tianyu raised his head and urged the driver: "Quick, hurry over! If she fired, it would definitely be dangerous."

inside the car.

When Ah Hua was about to fire two more shots to report, she suddenly felt a chill in her left leg.

In the center of the middle row of seats, the little gangster who was pressed to the side pulled out a dagger from his waist, and when he raised his arm, it happened to scratch A Hua's leg.

"I am Nima, I will stab you to death!" The little gangster held the dagger with red eyes, and stabbed it with a knife.

At this moment, Ah Hua was tearing at Hu Zi, with no room for her hands, so she could only let the other party stab her in the thigh.

The point of the knife pierced the pants, the skin, and instantly pierced the bone. The piercing pain felt like a hard object was scratching his own bone.

"Shoot her neck, stab her!" Huzi roared angrily.

Ah Hua couldn't grab the gun at this time, because she couldn't tear Huzi apart, so she dropped the gun, picked up the leather case next to him, and hit Huzi twice on the head.

Huzi used his arms to block the suitcase that was thrown at him, pushed away the gangster who was pressing on his stomach, and got up to embrace the fire.

Bang lang lang!

At this moment, the black box that was smashed twice in a row burst, and a hand bud rolled out of the interlayer inside.

This was given to A Hua by Su Tianyu before getting into the car, the purpose was that in case of any emergency, Lao Hei or Hou Guoyu could use it to escape, but at this moment it fell into A Hua's hands.

In the car, when Hu Zi raised his arm, Ah Hua also grabbed the hand bud, and directly bounced the safety.

In the carriage, the three big men were all dumbfounded. Firstly, they didn't expect Ah Hua to be so fierce, not afraid of knives or guns; secondly, they didn't expect that a woman could shoot a gun and play with hand buds.

In fact, they didn't know at all that it wasn't because Ah Hua was brave or fearless, but because she missed her husband, the **** who cheated on her money every day...

Ah Hua clutched her hand buds and shouted hysterically, "Come on! Die together!"

Huzi looked at her in a daze: "I don't believe you dare to throw it!"


A Hua directly poked the handbud next to Huzi's neck: "Don't you believe me?! Come on, I'll let you shoot first!"


Huzi swallowed.

Ah Hua slowly got up against the wall of the car, and kicked the little gangster next to him in the face: "Damn it, you're going to **** me?! When I was a bandit with the bald head, you were still a cell Woolen cloth!"

Hu Zi looked at Lei in Ah Hua's hand, feeling jealous, and then turned his head to look at the gangster at his feet.

"Damn it, if I can't even get a girl, I won't live!" The gangster held the knife and stabbed A Hua directly in the stomach.


At this moment, the driver in front suddenly stepped on the brakes, and everyone in the car was shaken again, and Ah Hua's head hit the front seat.

The little gangster was shaken so that his body was fluttering, Shan moved forward with the knife, and suddenly saw Huzi was also shaken head-on and bumped into him.


With a knife, Hu Zi looked down and saw that the dagger stabbed firmly in his inner thigh, only half a finger's length away from Eggy.

"M's! The ghost!" Huzi was in a hurry, gritted his teeth and smashed the handle of the gun.

"Stop beating, man, someone is coming!" The driver sitting in front yelled.

Huzi turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw that the two cars ahead had blocked the way.

"Damn it, reverse the car, reverse the car!" Huzi roared.


Behind, another off-road vehicle blocked the escape route.

Seeing the situation, Huzi didn't have time to deal with Ah Hua, so he stretched out his hand to pull the car door, jumped down in an instant, and was ready to resist with his gun.

The doors of the three off-road vehicles bounced open, and Su Tianyu, Lao Hei, Fang Zheng, Hou Guoyu and others took a dozen long guns and surrounded them directly.

Huzi was stunned for a moment, what to do with this formation? !

"Monkey, save Ah Hua!" Su Tianyu yelled.

Hou Guoyu rushed forward, just in time for the two punks to come out facing each other.

"A horse-rider!" Seeing Hou Guoyu rushing up, the little gangster gestured forward with a knife.

When Hou Guoyu was five steps away from the gangster, he raised his right arm to accumulate energy.

The two sides drew closer.


The little gangster hastily poked forward.

Hou Guoyu dodged sideways, and punched directly on the side of the little gangster's head.

"Bang! Bang, bang!"

The little gangster was beaten so that his head pulled his neck, his neck pulled his body, and his feet left the ground. After taking off seven or eight centimeters, his head shattered the glass of the car like a shell, and half of his body flew into the car.


Huzi stared at Hou Guoyu dumbfounded, and threw the gun straight away: "I...I surrender!"

Inside the car, Ah Hua rushed out with a bruised nose and a swollen face, blood all over her body, pinching Huzi's neck with her hands, her eyes were red and she yelled with tears in her eyes, "Where's my old Fei?! Where did you get him?! say!"

In the suburbs of Washington, in an abandoned house.

Xiao Xianrou was tied to a concrete pillar and his eyes were blindfolded.

Su Tiannan held the knife against his neck, looked at Zhang Taotao who was opposite, "I can't kill you, but I dare to kill him."

"Su Tiannan! It's worse than my family!"

"I can go to Nima's family!" Su Tiannan roared extremely angrily: "Those people who were abducted, do they have family members?! Dead Uncle You, does he have family members?! In terms of innocence, those people are no worse than you Is the younger brother more innocent?! Your younger brother wears gold and silver, and studies in the best school, and those abducted Chinese, they have problems eating!"

Zhang Taotao was speechless.

"Don't kidnap me morally." Su Tiannan stabbed Zhang Wen's neck with a knife: "Three!"



Zhang Taotao closed her eyes and immediately shouted: "OK, OK! You let my brother go, I will cooperate with you!"

"Take me to Island No. 7!" Su Tiannan roared and ordered.

"Okay, no problem." Zhang Taotao replied with her eyes closed.

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