Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 241: Shocking Waves Rolling Dragon City

The latest website: At the reception, Director Lin You of the Police Department hung up the phone in a hurry, and was called to the private room on the second floor by Secretary-General Lu.

"What's the situation?" Secretary-General Lu asked with a serious face.

Director Lin immediately replied: "The department received a call that the Holy Church was attacked by unknown gangsters, and about 40 people were kidnapped. The gangsters just made a condition, they want 200 million cash, and let us send it within three hours." to church."

"Has the identity of the bandit been confirmed?" Secretary-General Lu asked urgently.

"Not yet, but the department judged that it might be something done by some extreme laborers." Director Lin replied.

"Organize the police rescue immediately!" Secretary-General Lu pointed at the other party and said, "Be sure to finish the work before the incident becomes influential. Also, you must pay attention to the safety of the hostages. The people who go to that church are all white celebrities. If there are casualties, that is also very troublesome."

"Okay, I'll go to the scene to direct immediately." Lin You nodded immediately.

"Quick, quick!" Secretary Lu waved his hand.

After the two communicated, Lin You strode away from the reception, and Secretary-General Lu was called to an empty lounge by the mayor of Longcheng City.

The Police Department of Longkou District was the first to respond, and sixty or seventy police officers rushed to the kidnapping scene in cars.

At the same time, the anti-terrorism force that was originally on duty around the supervisory committee was also dispatched urgently to the side of the church.

In the surrounding dozen streets, police sirens blared, and anti-riot vehicles and police vehicles were galloping at high speed.

After Lin You left the reception, he did not return to the police station at all. Instead, he took his own car and rushed towards the church.

In the car, Lin You held the phone and shouted in a low voice: "You horse rider, notify the SWAT team to take a helicopter to the scene! I tell you, there is a reception at the Supervision Committee, who wants to break the chain for me at this time, come on!" Eye drops, I must have licked him!"

"Understood, understood!" The deputy director on duty replied urgently: "I will also arrive at the scene soon."

Inside the reception.

When You Yifan was communicating with his friends, he suddenly received a call: "Hello, what's the matter?"

"Have you heard? Something happened to the Holy Church!"

"Ah?!" You Yifan walked aside holding the phone, "What happened?"

"Over forty people were hijacked by unknown gangsters, and the other party wanted 200 million in cash." The person on the phone said in a low voice: "The supervisory committee just held a reception today, and there was a kidnapping outside. Most of them are white people, so I'm afraid it's not easy!"

You Yifan froze in place, and before he could reply, he saw the mayor of Longcheng City on the second floor, and the high officials in his circle, all went downstairs with serious expressions, and walked directly to the back door of the building.

"Yifan, I personally think it's better for you not to attend this reception." The person on the phone persuaded softly: "The upper management has differences on how to deal with Sinalo, and now there is another kidnapping incident. It’s hard to say about the policy! Otherwise, you should come back and avoid it for a while, and wait until the matter falls into place.

You Yifan blinked: "You're right, I'm leaving now."

"Okay, come back and talk."

After the two finished talking, You Yifan raised his head towards Yu Mingyuan, and Su Tianyu shouted, "Come here!"

"What's wrong?" Yu Mingyuan approached with a wine glass.

"Don't drink, let's go." You Yifan greeted hastily: "Tell me in the car."

The two didn't ask any further questions, put down their wine glasses, and immediately followed You Yifan out. At this time, many wealthy businessmen and celebrities of the neutral faction also hurriedly walked out of the courtyard, obviously they also heard the news.

On the street on the left side of the Supervisory Committee, Zhao Weihu stood alone on the side of the road, with his hands in his pockets and a cigarette in his mouth, and nodded towards the car not far away.

On the roadside parking space, the co-pilot of an old off-road vehicle entered, and the battalion commander of the Chijun Guard Battalion took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "According to the plan, start to act!"

The order was issued, and within two or three kilometers from the Surveillance Council, more than a dozen trucks and private vehicles drove towards the Supervisory Council compound from different directions.

At the same time, on the more than 20 surrounding streets, many passers-by who looked ordinary in appearance all accelerated their pace and rushed towards the supervisory committee.

Due to the sudden occurrence of the church kidnapping case, most of the police officers and anti-terrorist forces that had been patrolling around the Supervisory Committee had been transferred away, and there were only some police patrol spots near the center of the venue.

About two minutes later, a cargo truck crossed the intersection and approached the supervisory council compound.

At the edge of the street on the left, a police officer saw a tarpaulin-covered truck approaching, and immediately waved his hand to signal the other party to stop.

Inside the car, in the cockpit, four young men lowered their heads and put on bandit hats, and pulled out long guns from the rest berth.

"Pull over!" the officer yelled.


The windows of the car were lowered, and all four of them raised their guns.

"Da da da…!"

Fierce gunfire rang out without warning, and the three police officers blocking the way were knocked down on the spot.


The large truck rushed to the post in an instant, and the rest of the police officers on the side of the road immediately dispersed, and immediately shouted on the walkie-talkie: "Someone rushed to the post, shot!"

In the supervisory committee compound, Su Tianyu, who was just about to get into the car, turned his head suddenly after hearing the gunshot: "AK! It's right next to you!"

After You Yifan was stunned for a moment, he immediately shouted: "Get on the car!"

In the alley of the building opposite the supervision committee, three masked men ran out, pulled out the automatic walking from the canvas bag, and walked directly onto the street.

"Da da da…!"

The three of them swept across the supervisory council compound with guns, forcing many vehicles that were about to drive out to stop.


The truck rushed over from the side and parked diagonally in the supervisory council compound. The commander in the cockpit shouted with a walkie-talkie: "Get out of the car and control the compound."


After the words fell, the tarpaulin of the truck was lifted. More than 30 masked men, wearing combat uniforms and bulletproof vests, with tactical bags on their waists, carrying guns, portable grenade grenades, and RPG launchers, moved neatly Jumped off the truck bed.

A man wearing a cartoon mask stretched his body horizontally, squatted to set up the RPG, and pulled the trigger.


A cannonball was fired, lighting up the dark night above the Supervisory Council compound.


The sound of the explosion resounded, and the third floor of the main building was instantly blasted open.

Inside the off-road vehicle, the battalion commander of the security battalion roared again: "The communication equipment of each unit will be replaced with encrypted frequency immediately, and all personnel in the periphery will directly enter the scene without controlling the streets."

The order was issued, and in three or four surrounding streets, someone suddenly pulled out a flare gun and pointed it at the sky.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Several signal flares were launched one after another completely ignited Dragon City.

Zhao Weihu lowered his head and put on Megatron's mask, waved his hands at the off-road vehicle, and strode towards the supervisory committee.

In the supervisory committee compound, before You Yifan, Gou Liuzi and others rushed out, they saw a large number of armed men rushing in from the main entrance.

In the surrounding area, dozens of people hid behind the car and kept shouting, "A horse-riding man, who is this who has been forced by a mad dog to attack the supervision committee?!"

"Come on, where are the police officers around?"

"Go back, you can't get out the door!"


Shouts rang out endlessly, and the Supervision General Assembly, whose power was higher than that of the Municipal Auxiliary, fell into complete chaos.

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