It's a gunshot!

The audience in the broadcast room was also taken aback by the sudden gunshot:

"Fuck, I'm ready to sleep. Suddenly I got this shot, and I didn't feel sleepy for a moment!"

"Will it be the militants attracted by the smell of Asahi roasted mice?"

"666, do you think the militants are predators, the nose is more than a dog torino?"

"This group of people is quite time consuming. As soon as Xuye got the liquid ammonia and white phosphorus incendiary bombs, did they come here to give the experience?"

Chen Xu put down the shell of his shell and immediately took out the steel bars and white phosphorus from his backpack:

"From the perspective of the spread of the sound, the sound of the gun is still not far away from us, and it should not be aimed at us; but just in case, we still go and observe.

After speaking, he took a steel crowbar, put white phosphorus in his pocket, and sneaked out of the alley.

At night, Hataya was dark, and the only light was the moon from the sky.

This also provided a natural cover for Chen Xu's actions.

The direction of the gunfire was south, which was the right-hand direction out of the alley.

Chen Xu quickly found a pile of rubble nearby and hid behind, looking forward.

After adjusting for about five or six seconds, he finally determined that, about 40 meters ahead, there was a small shadow standing there, which should be the owner of the shot.

The second figure was not seen for a long time, indicating that the other party was only one person.

But because the distance was too far, and the sky was so dark, Chen Xu couldn't tell whether the man was male or female, what gun was in his hand, and whether he had a night vision device.

"To survive the battlefield ruins, in addition to fighting collapsed houses, scarce water and food, all these dangerous militants are left."

"Like the laws of nature, here is also weak meat and strong food. People with guns are at the top of the food chain. They can rob others of their materials and even determine their lives and deaths."

While staring at the figure, Chen Xu whispered to explain to the audience.

I don't know if he was killed or killed. In short, for a long time, I heard no second gunshot.

He also seemed to know that the sound of gunfire would attract others to come, so he began to leave quickly.

As for his escape direction, it happened that Chen Xu was here!

Just when the two were 15 meters apart, Chen Xu finally saw his outline, a strong man in an army green coat.

In his hand, there was no shadow of an assault rifle like the AK47, but a black pistol in one hand and two metal cylindrical boxes in one hand.

Chen Xu determined that it was a metal box because it reflected the luster of the metal under the moonlight.

Grenade? Not like.

kettle? Nothing like that.

Metal cylindrical box ...

Just then, his head flashed, and he suddenly thought of an item: canned meat!

Canned fruits are usually stored in glass bottles. Only canned meat can be stored in iron boxes.

No wonder he chose to shoot, it turned out to be for these two boxes of canned meat.

After all, Syria is at war, and for Homs, a refugee city, two boxes of delicious canned meat can be exchanged for a lot.

This food is incredible!

Canned meat is not only delicious, but also has high protein content, high fat content, and high energy.

Therefore, even the International Army supplies will be equipped with these things.

Thinking of big chunks of braised pork, Chen Xu could not help but brighten his eyes. He only ate six candies today, a rat, and there was not much left in his stomach.

But he saw the man with a gun in his right hand and hesitated again.

Originally just came to check the situation.

Now, do or not?

He hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to do it!

Because the food in the city ruins is very difficult to find. The most important thing is that the boy has "home-delivered meals" himself.

Because the distance was too close, Chen Xu could not communicate with the audience.

Moreover, the man found out that he had also arranged the drone in a hidden place in the corner.

Many viewers seemed to have foreseen something, rubbing their eyelids, widening their eyes, and watching every picture in the camera intently.

By the time the coat reached five meters away from Chen Xu, he had found a piece of cement and stone.

It can be seen from the vigilance of the other party that this person is not a powerful role, otherwise he will not go the long way.

To deal with him, white phosphorus is not needed.

Besides, if white phosphorous is used for burning, then the two boxes of cans are likely to suffer along with it.

It's close!

Six meters, five meters, four meters.

This distance is great!

If it were not for the night, he would never have been so close!

The next second, Chen Xu, holding a cement stone in his right hand, aimed at the head of the man in black and slammed it!


At a distance of three meters, even a child will definitely throw it, not to mention him.

In a single hit, the man was suddenly beaten with a grimace, and subconsciously raised his right hand pistol and fired at Chen Xu.

The audience in the broadcast room was shocked to see this scene.

If it were hit by a pistol bullet, it would be dead if not dead!

But looking back at Chen Xu, it seems like an unknown prophet. As soon as the man raised his hand and fired, he took the first step toward the front right position and rolled, just avoiding the muzzle!

Of course, he did not really know the prophet, but his purple special forces grid killing experience told him:

In the state of being attacked, a person will immediately counterattack the direction of the attack.

And Chen Xu, just the moment he threw the stone, immediately made a roll!


With a shot, the shot was empty!

The man reacted quickly.

However, he did not have Chen Xukuai.

Just in the blink of an eye, Chen Xu rolled up, changed the steel in his left hand to his right, sharpened the hook sharply, and chiseled at the man's right hand holding the gun!


The sharp hook tip plunged into the man's flesh instantly.

Followed by ~ ~ the sound of guns falling to the ground, followed by the screams, was almost at the same time.

Chen Xu's eyes were fast, and he kicked the pistol on the ground first, then smashed it with a steel bar.

But this time, he aimed at the man's head!

Of course, he didn't use the hook tip to align, but used the back of the hook!

But the pain is the same.

The man had not yet reacted to the pain in his right hand, and immediately followed, feeling a pain in his neck.

Then, his head fainted.

Seeing that he didn't fall down, he said nothing, and Chen Xu was up again with a steel bar.


The man finally arrived and passed out on the ground.

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