Whole Nation

: 694 Palawan Rebellion

694 Palawan Rebellion

"Assassin, Your Majesty was assassinated"

Such news spread as quickly as an earthquake across the entire Ryder Barracks. The Kingdom Guards mobilized and the heralds sent to Palawan in a panic seemed to prove the truth of this rumor,

Under the deliberate disguise of some people, the news of King Harlaus vomiting blood and fainting soon evolved into a rumor that the East Court assassin pretended to be an emissary, and the ministers became in the version in order to protect His Majesty’s safety and hesitate to block The model of the Assassin's Blade, although His Majesty suffered some injuries, but because of the imminent danger of the ministers, the brave and fearless rescue in time, he saved His Majesty's life from the Assassin's potential blow.

Walking out of the chaotic hall of the Rui Er Dian Chao, the fat man Rui Er Dian was completely saved,

King Harold, who was spitting blood and fainted, was like a balance bar, supporting the last hope of this kingdom. Now that the balance bar is broken, the tilt of power will inevitably bring a **** wind,

"Go, we will Emira "The fat man took the horse rein from the guard, and commanded while turning over the horse." Give the dark thorn in Kyoto a password, let them use the fastest way to the Prais family and Princess Ruidian sent Palawan"

Sri Code Kyoto, Palawan

"Are you ridiculous? Are you sure?"

A prince who received the report almost spewed out the wine contained in his mouth. He stood up hesitantly. After carefully confirming the authenticity of the incident, a sneer finally appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"What a great opportunity, if ever, but it will be condemned." The second prince murmured in complacency. He waved to the bodyguard. The music at the banquet came abruptly. The eyes of everyone were surprised.

The nobles present were all young and up-and-coming among the high-ranking nobles of Palawan. These young men full of blood and vigor, although young, had become a middle-level commander in charge of the military because of the large number of front-line commanders' war damage. Compared with the old nobles with solid interests, these young and energetic officers are more compliant with the requirements of the second prince Harold Skox,

To be admitted to the big tree of the Second Prince is also the dream of these officers who have risen from ordinary nobility,

Raising the silver goblet in his hand, the second prince's intoxicated voice revealed a joy that could not be concealed. "You guys, it seems that we have to temporarily stop this wonderful night."

"Why, Your Highness, look at what a beautiful night tonight," said a young young nobleman who was hugging the dancing partner and said aloud, "Your generosity shines on the earth like the moonlight tonight"

The newcomer is a newcomer and doesn’t understand the rules at all. If it’s not for your useful purpose, you will be driven out. The second prince said indignantly,

It can be seen from the uniform on this nobleman that this turned out to be a well-known banner leader. His name was Sarret, the banner leader of the Fourth Banner Regiment of the Kingdom Guards, and was hailed as the most likely. Young cutting-edge who became Minister of Affairs before the age of 50

"Tonight is indeed a wonderful night, but unfortunately, the demon from the north has cast a dark shadow on the moonlight tonight." The second prince Haruo Sisi first brewed an emotion, pretending to look very sad, looked down He gritted his teeth and said, "I just received the news from the front line, my beloved father, your esteemed majesty, I just encountered a despicable assassination by the Dongting people on the front line and he is now in a coma..."

"? Your Majesty was assassinated." The news was like a bomb exploding in the crowd. The young nobles looked at each other. The hall was silent. They were still too young to handle such a thing at all.

"Don't you guys have any cleverness?" The second prince stood secretly dissatisfied with it, and under the eyes of countless pairs of confusion, he felt like singing a one-man show

"As the aristocratic elite of the kingdom of Rui Erdian, we who have enjoyed Wang En for generations, should we do something? He raised his hand high and threw the silver wine glass in his hand to the ground. Will step on the walls of Palawan, so we just watched the kingdom power, and fell into the hands of those incompetent people? "

"This..." The young nobles hesitated, what did they mean? Rebellion? Blood washing Kyoto? Still. . This kind of thing will kill you

"His Royal Highness, you are the only adult prince in this mess, you should focus on the kingdom, please become the superintendent."

A young nobleman with a flesh and blood first knelt down. This was a squadron of the Guardian Guards of the Rui Er Dian, and he was also the confidant of the second prince. Hearing what the master said, he should do it even if he is stupid.

"Yes, Your Highness should become the Crown Prince of the Prison"

Another captain of the knight knelt down, his voice like a big horn, agitating the blood of all the young nobles in the hall, looking at the second prince full of enthusiasm,

This is the dream and opportunity they have been expecting. They are different from the old ministers of the kingdom who support the Grand Prince. The family of these officers is not a great minister of the kingdom. It can only be regarded as second- and third-class in Palawan. The reason for being so young to climb to such a high position is entirely due to this tragic war and the eclectic promotion of former military minister Prais

They, once those heavy ministers on the front have regained control of personnel and the army, their position will soon be occupied by the relatives of those heavy ministers.

The young nobles in the banquet hall "Please pay attention to the kingdom as the king's crown prince", all of you are smart people. Now that you are still stupid, you can't walk out of this hall.

"Okay, everyone's loyalty will definitely pay off in the future." The two princes Haruo Sisi fisted his hands with excitement. Also useless,

"Come here" he shouted and ordered the guards to block the hall. Except for the young nobles involved, everyone including musicians, cooks, clowns performing, dancers and nobles attending the banquet were imprisoned

After a tumult of shouts, the second prince Haruo Sisi asked the guards to lay the map of Palawan on the long table of the banquet.

"You, let us start fighting for the future now," the second prince raised his hand high, and the excited voice echoed in the hall,

"Fight, fight..." There was a cheer below

"Sirans, Azeris, Kuteri, you each lead 1,200 people in charge of the four areas of the city." The second prince's powerful finger emphasized on the map. "Especially the residential areas of the ministers, you need to use the fastest To control it there. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed. We have only one night to control them. The generals and ministers on the front will not dare to spontaneously play."

"Yes, Your Highness," several young nobles with silver coats of arms embroidered on their chests nodded with dignified expression, and their heavy footsteps disappeared in the corridor.

"Bosrik, Don Sarri, Reich, you each led 500 people to control the city gate area," the second prince continued. "Before the sun rises, even an ant can never be released from the city."

694 Palawan Rebellion

694 Palawan Rebellion

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