Whole Nation

: 415 Prisoners in Cloud City (1)

415 Prisoners in the Cloud City (1)

The effect of the commercial embargo is very significant, but for 2 days,

The originally caravans of Turga, who were woven together, suddenly deserted a lot,

The store was closed, the cargo station was empty, and countless caravans disappeared inexplicably like shadows.

For this situation, King Kugit’s court in the cloud city was also scared. The consumption of hundreds of thousands of tribes is not a small number.

Even if the horse's fodder can be temporarily replaced with vigorous grass outside the city, people still have to eat,

But Wang Tingbu's emergency mobilization order. Many tribal troops only brought some dried meat with them, and rushed to Turga, the center of the royal court.

Grain, flocks and other materials that have been grazed are still in transit. Now that the food supply chain is broken, these tribes start to panic.

The great Wang Ting was stumped by the problem of eating

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Wang Ting's ability and prestige. It can be said to be a knock on the ground, completely destroying Wang Ting's ambitious revitalization plan.

No food, no weapons for the army, even if Wang Ting has the ability to turn the sky, he can only watch the noble time slip away from the front,

Every second in 15 days is a countdown to Wang Ting’s life,

It's a rebirth!

Still the madness before destruction,

Everything will be revealed in 15 days

When the flames extinguished on Mount Rudato,

Wang Ting’s enemies will not give Wang Ting another chance to rise

Check it for me

At the banquet in the Cloud City, King Kugit Khan threw a gold wine glass inlaid with 36 precious stones on the ground in front of all the ministers.

The Kugits, who had always admired the scimitar and warhorse, were shocked,

In front of this irresistible economic undercurrent, they now show that the powerful cavalry they are proud of is as vulnerable as babies

Even if there is no chance of resistance, it will not be defeated

The discomfort and nausea pinched by the invisible hand to the neck made the entire senior Kujit feel for the first time the anger and coldness of being backed with a dagger.

Under the tracing of layers, the business alliances quickly found out,

"Damn Wikia people, I know that these merchants should not only **** blood or **** blood, we should use scimitars to teach these profitable lowly embryos,

What is the anger of the prairie eagle, what is the punishment of longevity?" Individual radical ministers pulled out their swords on the spot, shouting to use force,

To completely eradicate the spreading tumors of the business alliance,

Show the lowly mercenary businessmen who hanged themselves on wooden poles outside Turga,

Some ministers said that they should take a more gentle approach to deal with this matter. Since the Wikiyas want the eastern grasslands, give him

Anyway, for Wang Ting,

The Turga region in the middle is the most important foundation. Keeping Turga, Wang Ting has hope

As for the Hamal Doron Department, who has always refused to discipline,

And the wicked species of the Zamulu family, who is in the hills of Lana, and who played the banner of revenge,

Let the Wikia merchants blame them

"What do you think of this matter, my Wangting's foreign affairs officer" King Kukit Khan's gaze finally settled on the third row of seats on the lower right,

The icy and majestic voice made the lobby of the cluttered market just quiet, and only the sound of howling outside was heard.

Kujit is a nation that worships the strong and the wolves. Among the wolves, the status of the head wolf is sublime.

Foreign Minister Du Weiyan of King Kukit’s court, this young man with a stubborn face is noble, sitting at his seat as a chill, and his face became pale and ugly after hearing King Khan’s question.

He was brought in by the Vickia Caravan, and now that something like this has happened, he can’t escape the relationship anyway.

This incident is so big, even if his family has strong foundation and power in the top of Kujit, it is absolutely difficult to bear the thunder of the Khan King.

"The vassals thought that this caravan strike should be just an accident." Du Weiyan stood up nervously, his eyes carefully watching King Kugit Khan on the throne, his voice trembling.

"In the last negotiation, the Wikyas proposed to open the trade route in the eastern grasslands. Their subordinates knew the eastern part of the Duolun Department and had always coveted Wang Ting.

Now, even with the opportunity of unity, he is involved with the traitor in Lana,

The subordinates did not agree because they worried that Vekiah’s irons would flow into the east. Now it seems that this strike should be a warning from Vekiah.

Political matters should still be solved by political means. If we really want to use force against the business alliance, the fat man who must pay attention will not stop there.

"Are you threatening me, my foreign affairs officer?" Sia Ali's face was solemn, and his voice made Do Wei Yan sweat from the heart like ice, and the finger hitting the handrail stopped.

"The great king invites you to believe me. I have been to Wikya now, where the position of the business alliance is far more than that of the nobles,

It is said that the behind-the-scenes boss of the Business Alliance is the Vickia Falcon. At our southwestern border, nearly 50,000 Vickia’s elite troops are gathering on the border.

If we hurriedly take coercive measures against the Vickia merchants, I’m just afraid..." Duo Weiyan stopped talking and dared not to speak anymore, feeling chilly behind his neck,

All the people in the hall looked at Du Weiyan with poor eyes

The cold wind in the sky above the cloud city blew through the wide hall, and the dull air in the air was suffocating,

Some ministers who are closer to the Duowei family secretly wondered whether they need to reconsider their relationship with the Duowei family.

Duo Weiyan's heart also mentioned his throat, like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced,

King Khan’s eyes were cold and bone-like, like a sharp blade hanging over Duo Weiyan’s head, which could crush him at any time.

"What are you afraid of?" After ten minutes of silence, Khan’s heavy voice almost squeezed out of his nasal cavity. "Are you afraid that the Vickia army will declare war on these humble businessmen? I’m still afraid that the Kugitites fear the threat of the enemy.”

Hearing the angry voice of Khan Wang, huge sweat beads rolled down from Duoweiyan, the smooth and clean forehead unique to the Kugits,

"Well, since you proposed to use political means to solve this problem," Khan's Sisali looked hesitant for a while, and the Dou Weiyan shivered with anger.

"Then I will give you another chance. If the sun doesn't see the shadow of the caravan when the sun rises tomorrow, I'll let people hang your skin on the flagpole outside."

As soon as Wang Ting’s emergency meeting was over, Duo Weiyan anxiously came to a huge mansion in the inner city of the cloud,

Unlike the appearance of the low and dilapidated mansion, the guards of King Kugit's court standing outside are the most rigorous three-step guards, one every three steps.

Thousands of people are densely packed, and the whole mansion is surrounded by an iron barrel,

After checking the Wang Ting pass token in the hands of Duo Wei Yan, the two Wang Ting defenders pushed open the door of the mansion in front of their eyes, and an unpleasant smell of the mildew rushed into the nasal cavity.

The vast courtyard is covered with waist-high grasses. In this cool autumn weather, it swings with the wind, and the bright sunshine seems to not disperse the desolate chill in the courtyard.

A grid-like corridor constitutes the main body of the courtyard, and the pillars of the lacquer-painted corridor have been yellow, but the luxurious appearance of the day can still be seen.

Duo Weiyan traveled in the complex courtyard by car,

There are only a few maids in the huge courtyard, and they are all old women who are out of age. Their clothes are mostly old and patchy, but they are still clean.

Seeing Duo Weiyan coming, these maids were still sitting lazily on the palms of the courtyard to bask in the sun,

Duo Weiyan didn't take it seriously, but came straight to one of the middle-aged women and looked anxiously, "Queen Sehuersri, please see my Duowei family has been helping you, this time you want help me"

"Who is the person sent by Vickia this time?" The middle-aged woman looked at Du Weiyan, as if she had no idea about the origin of Du Weiyan's prophecy.

Fair-skinned, slender figure, but only about thirty years old, plain clothes are still hard to conceal

If you look closely, you can see a faint cyan line at the corner of the eyebrows, and the corners of the eyebrows are quite similar to Princess Celis,

She is the biological mother of Scelis, the younger sister of the contemporary Khan king Ssali, and the legitimate Queen of Kujit Khan,

Kugit is different from the customs of other kingdoms,

Because of the poor living conditions of the grasslands and frequent inter-tribal wars

At the age of eight, the man followed the tribe to graze,

At the age of twelve, he rode on the horse all day long, and whistled on the most dangerous edge of the tribe.

War, fight, one group of men fell, another group of men grew up

There are not only wolves and beasts on the grassland, but also quagmire swamps that can devour life at any time. They are the pillars of the entire tribe, but they are also the group of people who can’t escape these disasters.

Often less than fifty years old, various disasters will take their lives

So in the eyes of the Kugit man, death is not terrible, and it is not a bad thing to be able to return to the embrace of eternal life.

They are ready to burn their blood and life at any time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to fight for a bright sky for tribes, wives and unborn sons

Therefore, in the Kugit tribe, the number of male members is always less than that of females, so a male often has many wives, which leads to a unique phenomenon

In order to maintain the pure blood of the high-level tribes, and to maintain the stability of the tribal structure and collective wealth, there is no separation due to changes,

Marriage between brothers and sisters within the tribe, intermarriage between close relatives is very common, as is the case of the marriage of Queen Sehulesli and his elder brother Sesali,

"It's a general Vickia Hukchili" Duo Weiyan actually told the negotiations at that time. Sehuersli listened carefully and occasionally asked a few words

"You mean, he's the commander of the Vecchia Guards Corps?" Sehulesli tapped the palm of his palm with a finger, and a pair of silkworms frowned, as if to detect something.

Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]

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