Whole Nation

: The collision of four hundred generals (1)

"Zivadine, the Business Capital"

This sentence is undoubtedly the best name for this bustling and huge city,

Innumerable wide and wide commercial roads, centered here, spread like dense webs to the invisible sky,

The wagon wheel turns happily on the road paved by big stones. The six huge open-air markets outside the city are like monsters.

Numerous merchants gathered here, and the shouting of the merchants was mixed in a mess, which could be heard only a few miles away, and became a unique and beautiful scenery.

There are large merchants with large caravans worth one million dollars, and some small merchants in shabby faces who drive old carts,

No matter who they are, they look at the city in front of them with a complex, sincere respect,

This is different from the flattering respect they expressed when they were forced to bend over to the noble masters and lords.

Here, their status is equal, whether they are nobles, civilians, businessmen, or soldiers! They don’t need to bend over to anyone, nor do they have a flattering smile against their hearts

There are no more hairy levels on the spacious road, they can carry their goods along the way smoothly and happily, without worrying about unreasonable exploitation

Because here is the gathering place of wealth, is legendary, unparalleled, a true paradise belonging to the merchant himself!

The prosperous commercial goods and trades make the whole city look like a living beast with incredible vitality and hope,

The "squeaky" striking silver wagon stopped on a flat ground outside of the city of Zhivading. The huge water noise from the distance "whooping" attracted the attention of the people in the silver wagon.

A white and delicate hand gently rolled up the carriage window, revealing a pair of beautiful eyes full of curiosity

"This is probably the legendary gate of Zhivadine!" In the sound like the yellow warbler of the valley, with a concealed surprise, a beautiful girl looked at the huge building on the Satsuma River not far away.

She was attracted by the huge project in front of her. It was a huge water gate. The Samoli River, which was running down, was artificially divided into two.

A tumbling white wave continues to run down the wide water channel like a dragon, and another relatively small artificial water channel that is smaller than each other and leads from the main road junction has been introduced into the interior of the huge city.

The huge water gate arch is like a rainbow lying on it, and there can be vaguely seen the numerous shaking merchant ship masts, shining in the sun,

"Pappa" The white water wave hit the heavy bow, and from time to time, a merchant ship full of cargo turned from this separate fork,

Then it seemed to be lifted by an invisible giant hand and quickly disappeared in the depths of the huge arch

This is the water gate that was built during the third expansion of Zhivadine, spanning the entire surface of the Pentagonal Samoli River.

In order to expand the increasingly tense river transportation line in Zhivading,

Taking advantage of last year's cold winter to freeze the Satsuma Lijiang River, the fat man used nearly tens of thousands of people in the Zhiwading Plain to build a huge **** across the river to divert the entire river on the broad Samo Lijiang River.

Let the branches of the river flow around the inner circle of the city, and then spew out from the outlet of another river channel,

It’s like putting on the whole city, a water transportation line that is constantly flowing. Of course, this is a very common way of using it in cities now.

But in that era, this grand project undoubtedly made the beautiful girl feel a shock from the soul,

She could not imagine that people could rely on their own power to transform the huge Satsuma Li River into a passageway inside the city, and this magical project was right in front of him!

All those who arrived in Zhivadin for the first time had such a shocking experience,

The white tumbling Satsuma Lijiang water hit each other at the bifurcation, by this huge resurgence thrust,

Merchant ships loaded with cargo effortlessly let the water flow from the other side into the waterway that can enter the inner city, and the waterway transportation capacity of Zhivadin was once again greatly improved.

According to the statistics of the tax officials of the business alliance's docks in the city,

The daily cargo that Zhivading needs to handle has reached a terrible 5 million tons, and there are more than 1,000 commercial ships going in and out.

The taxes generated also quickly passed the original maximum limit of 15,000,

The powerful river network and the trade agreement signed with the Kingdom of Rudd at the beginning of the year have allowed Samor’s commercial transportation lines to expand from the northern Kugit to the entire south

The extremely powerful commercial influence is undoubtedly becoming the soul of this huge city with a population of 600,000

"Or! That's what my father wanted me to see!" Mao Monaqing had a complex complexion and put down the window curtain in her hand. The water slamming wet her show, but she didn't realize it.

From the desolate west to the prosperous south of Wikiya, all the way,

Mao Mona thought that what she saw would be a terrible sight of poor soldiers and militarism, and people living in poverty.

But I did not expect that what I saw was a scene of prosperous life, prosperous business, and people living in peace and contentment, which is very different from Samor in Mao Monaqing’s mind.

Unexpectedly, this princess Mao Mo from the desolate area felt a little lost

"It seems that my father's decision to let go of the Western Trade Road is correct!" Mao Monaqing's beautiful and delicate face showed a little bit,

With Samor defeating the Northern Stian family in an all-round way, Samor has become the co-owner of Wikya, but the only difference is the formalities from the Duke to King

The Mao Mo family, who cling to the west, has decided to promise Samuel three conditions,

According to the agreement, the West will open up a business path to Samor and recognize Samor's rule over Vickia,

Naturally also includes becoming the nominal owner of the west,

Regarding the third issue of asking for military expenditure, the Mao Mo family's response was strange,

In fact, when Mao Modain, the head of the Mao Mo family, saw the first two conditions, his eyebrows kept curling.

Until seeing the third condition, Zou Cheng's eyebrows were not released,

money is not the problem! Although the Mao Mo family is located in the desolate west, but for decades of accumulation and exhibition, ten thousand gold coins are still available,

The old and refined Mao Modain valued the deep meaning of the three conditions,

The first two conditions are false,

The so-called deregulation of business and the recognition of Samor's rule are just words of promise. In the eyes of real power, this is just some pieces of waste paper that can be discarded at any time.

Only real things can make the two sincerely connected

When seeing the third condition,

Mao Moda smiled at the corner of his mouth with a knowing smile

The little guy of Samor obviously guessed that he had been pushing Samor and turned to attack the various layouts of Steen,

It was only at this last, and most sincere, question that I had a problem,

According to the fat man's thoughts, even if the old fox, Mao Modain, could disgust him,

sometimes! Fatty's mischief psychology is still very serious,

Anyone who is calculated by someone secretly, but still has to jump in, will be very depressed, give money or give others, you choose it!

Unfortunately, the fat man still underestimated the political sophistication of Mao Moda because of this old fox,

Mao Modain at least saw the two weaknesses of the fat man from the third condition. The first king, who is a hero of war, is also a master with seven passions and six desires, otherwise he will not treat such an important agreement. Expressed in this funny way

Second, the most powerful young man in the kingdom seems to have a little interest in his little daughter!

Mao Moda is worthy of being a man who created the whole western situation by his own power. For the third condition of the fat man's mischief, Mao Modain just smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Kicked the ball to the fat man again, didn't you want me to choose?

it is good! I sent Mao Monaqing personally to pledge 10,000 gold coins to Zhivading, whether to choose people or money,

You can do it yourself!

This is a funny condition, and the Mao Mo family also gave a funny promise,

History is always full of invisible fog, no one can fully understand the truth

No one can think of it,

This important agreement that determines the fate of the entire western region turned out to be an agreement of anger between two young and old

Is it Zhivading City here? A confused female voice sounded in Mao Monaqing's carriage, "It's unbelievable!" I remember when I came here before, it was just an ordinary southern town, but now..."

A beautiful woman with a bit of wildness raised her head from the opposite side of Mao Monaqing, two black bright eyes, with a bit of disbelief, looking at the majestic city in the distance,

There was also a little flush on her face, which made her look as attractive as a ripe apple,

"Oh, did Your Highness Scelis come here before?" Mao Monaqing asked curiously when she heard the emotion of the wild beauty.

"Of course! Two years ago, I was the liaison officer of Wang Ting's south." There was a flash of memory on Scelis' face, and she seemed to remember the embarrassment of the Kugit army at that time and sighed

"Rivadine at the time was completely different from the present. The low and ugly gray city walls, the narrow dirt road southbound, even a medium-sized city in the north are stronger than it."

"I was here to raise food at that time! I didn't expect it to be like this in just two years,

I heard a lot of business people who come and go to Vickia talk about this, I thought they were a bit exaggerated,

Now it seems that here is far more beautiful and rich than what they said, the silly fat man who likes to squat at home still has some skills!

"Stupid fat man who squats at home!" Mao Monaqing was amused by the strange name of Scelis~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now who dares to use this name to call the most powerful person in that kingdom,

Probably only the unrestrained prairie talent of Scelis dare to call it this way. Legend has it that the beautiful woman in front of her has the blood of the Kujit royal family. For this rumor, Mao Monaqing is also full of curiosity.

This time Mao Mona went south, in addition to fulfilling the agreement, was also accompanied by an important task. He accompanied this special envoy from Kugit to Zhivadin,

Although the west has recognized Samor as co-owner of Vickia,

But the Maomo family has a close relationship with Kugit, not to mention the fact that this is the court of King Kugit personally.

"It's finally here! I can be suffocated along the way." Looking at the Zhivadin gate in the distance, Silidis stood up in the compartment and took out a closed box from the seat cushion.

"To be honest, if it is not for privacy, I prefer to ride a horse, and it is a pleasure to ride a horse on such a wide road!

[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]

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