Whole Nation

: 396 Enemies (3)

It is a commercial market town in the northern suburb of Cresdor. The entire town is on a white sandy land,

There is an old spire building in the center of the town square, which is the central hall of the entire market town,

The turquoise stone wall is pale due to the wind and the sun all year round, and two yellow and yellow dirt roads spread from here along the Samoli River.

From the center of the town to the mouth of the town, there is a cluster of small lakes with poplar trees, like a sleeve like a fork,

At the end of the lake is the entrance to the town. To the left of the small lake is an elegant aristocratic manor.

Poplar village with green lush roof and bushy lake. In the center of this white saline land, it is particularly eye-catching.

"This place is good! I did not expect you Lida family, there is such a beautiful manor here"

The fat man stopped the horse in front of the iron hook of the manor. Lidacus, who had already waited, quickly ushered his assistant and greeted the heads of the Samor Banner who had arrived first.

The fat man looked around the environment and felt pretty good, ridiculed in his mouth

"As long as I know this, I should let the Lida family be responsible for the monitoring of Cresdor. The intelligence departments of Samor disappointed me too much.

After this matter has been dealt with, I must rectify these lazy guys! "

Hearing the fat man's ridicule, Lidacus was shocked.

Lidacus is a cautious person

In the fat man's words, although there are more elements of ridicule, there is no warning.

It seems that the power of his family is about to reach the bottom line that the Grand Duke can tolerate. This is not a good sign. Lidacus looked down in panic. "Master, the master laughed. The Lida family will always be the most loyal servant of the Grand Duke! The Lida family can be as glorious as it is now. Blessing of an adult!" Lidakus flattered with a mouthful. "Well, I have heard enough of compliments!" The fat man waved his hand. A smart man like Lidakus should understand what he meant.

The incident revealed the inadequacy of Samor’s intelligence department, but the Lida family’s huge network could not help but make the fat man somewhat awkward

Immediately, the fat man looked at Lidakus and the heads of the Moorish Banner behind him, looking serious.

"Is the matter fully clarified! People and evidence! I gave you ten days, hope not to let me down!"

"Yes, lord!" Lidacus quickly took out a carefully prepared text wrapped in blue velvet from his arms, and carefully passed it to the fat man.

"The Grand Duke! This is the private diary of the old Duke Duai who was stolen. We checked some of the hidden incidents and proved that this should be the real one, just...

Lidacus blinked, he paused in the fat body, hesitating

"This was given to us by the old steward of the Duai family. The subordinate suspected that it was the old steward who stole the diary! Only he had the opportunity to steal the private diary of the old duke in that situation!"

"Old housekeeper?" The fat man heard that the old housekeeper had stolen the diary, and he looked a bit stunned.

Last time in the Duai family, the fat man had seen this old housekeeper,

In the impression of the fat man, this old housekeeper was a very loyal servant. At that time, the Duai family was almost forced to be expelled, but the old housekeeper could still follow the old duke.

This matter seems strange! The fat man murmured secretly,

With a solemn face, he took the diary from Lidacus. Smell a faint fur fragrance from the diary,

It's laro hide! The fat man who has done countless luxury trades has also been shocked by the cover of this diary, and has a little more trust in the authenticity of this note

The dull blue on the surface of the leather, as well as the comfortable texture touched by fingers, undoubtedly prove the preciousness of this leather,

This is the precious leather that you can have only when you make the coat of arms that the royal family hangs in the center of the Kingdom Hall.

It is said to be a fierce monster from the deep sea of ​​the south,

Fat people always think this kind of fur is a legend. I didn’t expect to really see it here, that is, many prominent families have only heard of it, but haven’t really seen it.

The diary cover can be made from such a piece of leather, which shows the importance of this diary to the old duke

The fat man's hand stopped on the surface of the diary and fell into a trace of hesitation

"Look? Or not?"

This is the private diary of Old Duke Duai,

It may be a prestigious old man who turned over himself, a secret that no one wants to be discovered!

"How is Miss Allenstein?"

The fat man did not choose to open the diary in the end, but put it in his arms, preparing to wait until the night was quiet, and then open it again.

This is a genuine memoir of the Duke!

In this era of lack of small culture, but the good product of time,

Lidakus saw the fat man put his diary in his pocket, his expression loosened,

Fortunately, everything is still under control!

If the fat man opens the diary without hesitation, then the things inside will definitely make the fat man run away!

Lidakusi reported "Miss Allenstein is very safe now": The Ai family was ten days ago. Just got rich news.

Because Miss Allenstein has confirmed that the little is not the granddaughter of the old duke, the Duai family announced that they will elect a new heir tomorrow!

Before that, Miss Allenstein had been confined in a private courtyard in the south corner of Douai Family City! It is said to be a joint operation from several outlying families,

They surrounded the Duke’s palace on the first day of the old Duke’s death, sealed off all news, and asked Miss Allenstein to give up the position of heir. We have secretly sent someone to surround the other courtyard,

As long as the adults are willing, within an hour, Miss Allenstein will appear in front of the adults! "

"Not for the time being, I don't want to alarm these dying guys! The fat man's sharp eyes swept across the faces of Lidakus and several flag leaders, raising his voice. You must protect Miss Allenstein , If she is hurt a little bit, then see how I clean up you."

"Yes, my subordinates understand what to do."

"The life of the nobles is always decaying. When the old prince with strict nature is young, he must also be a rogue kid.

"Is it possible to find out who passed on the news that Ellen Sting was not the granddaughter of the old duke?. The fat man continued to ask, as if he had always been grudged about this matter.

"Your lord, we have investigated a woman named Levenkona!" Lidakus quickly responded. "She is a vassal of the Duai family, the mother of the contemporary patriarch of Fei Lain,

It was once the mother-in-law of Allenstein's childhood! still is. still is. Lidakus stopped hesitantly, wondering if he should continue.

Seeing Lidakus's weird face, the fat man groaned indignantly. "Let's be the lover of the old duke! Only the closest and most trusted people around us can set out such secret things!"

"Adult's wisdom really ashamed his subordinates!" Lidakus nodded.

What's the matter! The fat man sighed secretly, but did not expect that the old prince of the Ming dynasty I had such an ending in the end!

Fortunately, Allenstein did not suffer any damage. The fat man finally lifted his heart along the way.

The doubts in my heart are also opened,

Among those who know that they are closely related to the Duai family, the old housekeeper is one,

Obviously, with the sudden death of the old duke and the confinement of Allenstein, the loyal old butler can only choose to steal the private diary of the old duke to delay the time for the family to elect a new heir.

Sir, do you think we need to do it immediately! "Lidakus saw the fat man flashing a bit confused, subconsciously with his eyes, the fat man followed hundreds of murderous guard cavalry,

This time, the Fatty went south with not only 5,000 Samor's Guards cavalry, but also the 18th Banner Regiment, which was left behind by Hubraban.

Eight thousand elite Samor's heavy infantry are now hidden in the woods fifteen miles from the outskirts of Cresdor,

As long as the fat man gestures, the Crest City in front will be shrouded in a **** storm!

Thinking of this, Lidakus couldn't help but feel a little lucky, but fortunately this matter was mainly due to the internal conflicts of the Duai family,


Now the oncoming wind should be mixed with a pungent **** smell.

"Since Miss Allenstein is okay for the time being, I don't want to spread too many people! Tomorrow's heir ceremony is not going to be held, it's just a matter of taking these people away!

The fat man hesitated, turned over and came down from the horse, handed Ma rein to the guard behind him, and walked into the hall of the manor surrounded by everyone.

After a day of jolting on the battlefield, the fat man felt tired for a while, and his bones were about to be shaken away. The fat man looked at the dim sky outside, first let everyone take a rest, and then sent someone to stay with the Kyoto deacon, a commercial alliance in Kyoto Stouhan found it,

"Long time no see!, old friend." The fat man leaned on the seat, holding a glass of red brandy in his right hand, and raised it to Situhan, who looked haggard in front of his eyes.

The scared Siduhan was lying on the ground in panic. The former president of this business alliance was not happy recently.

Now Krystal has completely lost control!

Various forces are competing in this chaotic city~www.wuxiaspot.com~The business is dying, and the caravans with serious population loss have bypassed the former Kyoto Gold Trade Route and chose to go from the outskirts of Krystal The region crosses, which seriously affects the influence and reach of the business alliance in Cresdor

The departure of the old duke undoubtedly made this chaotic situation worse,

Every time I thought about how severe fat people would punish myself, Si Duhan had insomnia overnight

"To be honest, old friend! What you did is not so good! I wanted to appoint you as the person in charge of the municipality of Cresdor at the appropriate time, but you see what you have done here."

The fat man's eyes gleamed lightly, and he took a sip of the brandy in his hand, allowing the spicy taste to spread in his mouth.

"Now I see it. I guess I was wrong. Commercial ability does not equal to government affairs ability! After finishing the business here, you can go back to Japan!

[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]

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