Whole Nation

: Three hundred and sixty-one blood kills (5)

call! The famous Samor Scout cavalry flew from a distance wrapped in the wind and waved a red document representing the scout intelligence in the Zhenzhen. He stopped the horse in front of the guard next to the fat man. "The urgent report! The Hutak army has passed five In the town of Tang Poll, inside and outside, the scout squadron has fully retracted to avoid exposure!"

"Good! Tell Hu Keqili that the enemy came out of the mountain pass. He immediately followed the attack plan and quickly led the ambushing second squadron to break the enemy's cluster." The fat man withdrew his gaze and turned his command

"I will lead the cavalry main force to attack from the front, destroying the enemy's final resistance!" The fat man continued with a heavier tone. "Remember, the forward cavalry followed the broken army and entered the west. No matter what obstacles were encountered, Hutalenku could not be occupied, Let Hu Keqili raise his head to see me."

The scout brought the order book, and the war horse turned into a small black spot in the distance, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the wilderness.

The fat man was riding on the horse, standing at the top of the hill, looking at the vast wilderness in the distance, the stacked hills floated like a layer of pale smoke in the air, and further forward was the territory of the Western Union. This battle The main battlefield, the beautiful and rough scenery in front of him, makes it difficult for the fat man to conceal his turbulent feelings in the heart, "Who will rise and fall".

The fat man has his own plan for the battle of the Western War,

The Westerners have always been exclusion, and even the few Western families who actively asked Samor to send troops this time, only allowed Samor to lead the army after the North Stian army entered the west, and there were still restricted conditions to enter.

For such demanding requirements, the fat man could have totally rejected it, and let the Westerners fight with Stian when they were dead or alive. Then, as long as they waved their hands, tens of thousands of well-prepared Samorian troops would treat this like a flood. The vast land is submerged, the red war will ignite this ancient land,

With the weak power in the west, it can take up to one month. The entire west will fall into the hands of Samor

However, this kind of occupation will inevitably cause a strong rebound from the xenophobic Westerners. Westerners can stand in this barren land, most of them are unruly generations. For these Westerners who may rebel at any time, fat people often have headaches.

The strong pressure is not appropriate, and it is impossible to get it together,

Fat people have been looking for an opportunity, originally wanted to gather troops in the Jones family, and then use the influence of the Jones family, under the dual pressure of military and political. For some supporters in the west,

But the Kugits intervened. With this sudden rebellion, the fat man saw a problem clearly,

The West in reality is not as previously considered. Is a solid iron plate,

The conflicts among the various families in the same place also exist, and the Hutak family is used for the benefit. In the case of the Western Union as a whole, it depends on Samor. Still secretly playing the ideas of Samoir’s allies is disregarding the overall situation, and the Western Union can only show indifference to this situation. This is good news for Samoir. As long as there is a struggle, there will be a breakthrough gap.

This reminds the fat man who is still having a headache. The Western Union is not very binding on the lords. This shows that the western lords are the most critical core on the western issue.

Rather than use soft posture to win the support of the rich, low-handed local riches in the west, it is better to use a tough attitude and show Samor’s strength at the right time.

Let the western riches know. His own courtyard wall is not reliable. Samor’s war knives can easily cut their heads like tofu.

Strongness can play a very good role at certain times. In the face of this danger, the western lords will definitely split in their attitudes, which has excellent benefits for Samor to enter the western region.

Rather than fighting all or pulling, it is better to use the internal contradictions of the Western Union to disintegrate, as long as the Kugits do not forcefully intervene, the West will fall under the control of the Satsuma.

"Ma'am, look!" A Samor's guard suddenly shouted at the distance, and saw a team of infantry with messy equipment appearing at the pass.

"Mercenary?" The fat man looked weird. He didn't expect to see the army in the west for the first time. It is such a virtue. The infantry in the distance is obviously some poorly equipped mercenaries. Most of the equipment is leather armor and wooden shields. The formation is scattered and messy. The troops of thousands of people have dragged out more than a dozen miles. Which came to fight is like a bandit on a mountain coming out for a walk.

"Adults, this is not surprising. Compared with the prosperous areas of the Kingdom, the west is not only sparse in population but also unevenly distributed. The territory of tens of thousands of people is large, and some small lords only have hundreds of people, one manor! The valley may be a lord"

On the contrary, the officer Jones, who served as a guide, explained frankly, “It’s a tradition to use mercenaries as an army in the west! There are a lot of adventurers in the west, which just fills the gap of the lack of people. Many family troops have mercenaries. The shadows of soldiers and mercenaries, and even some family armies are usually mercenaries. When they fight, they are called the army."

"Oh! I really didn't expect this tradition in the west!" The fat man smiled with ease, and the words of Officer Jones were basically consistent with the intelligence collected by the fat man. According to the scout information, the Hutak family, one of the powerful in the west, has only 5,000 family troops, and it is still mainly infantry, and the rest are all mercenaries.

"Order to attack!" The fat man shouted a sword from his waist, and the mercenaries who were passing through the mountain pass shouted out and shouted a group of wild ducks rushing towards the barracks that guarded the entrance of the hills.

According to the promise of the Hutak family, only the Jones family's main castle was beaten down, and they were allowed to plunder for three days.

Thinking of the castle full of property opening the door to themselves, and thinking that those beautiful celebrities and ladies will soon become the gifts of their crotch, these mercenaries felt a burst of blood and did not know that they were entering the trap of death. The mercenaries who rushed halfway stopped in doubt. The hills in front of me were not high. With the sunshine, the mercenaries were empty in the barracks above. Only a dozen cavalry guarded a fat man. The icy look at himself is like looking at the dead, this strange situation makes the mercenaries feel a dangerous breath

Little rush up! dash forward! Occupy the barracks! One silver coin per person! "The infantry captains of the Hutak army agitated aloud, waving their weapons at the forefront,

Countless mercenaries wield a variety of miscellaneous weapons. Followed by shouting loudly,

Even the fat people above cannot be seen at all. Is such an army considered an army? This is simply a group of refugees! No wonder they were pressed by the army of North Steenwan, and they begged for themselves! The gap is too ridiculous!

"Little ready to attack." The fat man took a deep breath and saw most of the enemies pass through the mountain pass. The sword in his hand suddenly dropped, "Dong Dang Dang". A fierce and neat sound of broken drums came from behind the camp hills.

Six thousand Samor cavalry hiding in the back of the hill slowly emerged from the top of the hill, the horseshoes stepped on the ground, and the fine armor on the body flashed in the sun, just like a wall of light suddenly stood at the top of the hill.

"Cavalry! There are cavalry." The sudden appearance of a large number of cavalry made the mercenaries who rushed halfway dumbfounded. The momentum that was just high was completely reduced to the freezing point.

"Xiaolue!" The sound of a neat drawing of the knife resounded through the hills, and a shining warrior brought ice from the heart, which scared the mercenaries who retreated panic. The scattered formation is completely messed up,

"Small run, some mercenaries have begun to turn around and run away. Encountered cavalry clusters in this wide area, even fools know what will happen, even if they are not killed, they will be trampled into pieces by the war horse, which makes other The soldiers completely lost their will to fight, and thousands of people were in a mess

The shouts of heaven and earth are like a noisy downtown. There are also some experienced mercenaries who shouted "Collect!" "Killed." Hu Cochli rushed out with the Samor cavalry who had been hiding behind the hills, and the flying horseshoes covered the sky with dust. The war knife circling in his hand was like a high-moving killing knife wall.

At a distance of 50 meters, he immediately hit the middle mercenary group, the swords flew, the head rolled, and the mercenaries fell down.

"Ah" Hundreds of mercenaries had not yet wailed, but they were stepped under the horseshoes by the surging horses. The corpses kicked out with blood and rolled on the slopes.

Hu Keqili took the lead. The company even cut three mercenaries, and suddenly saw a Hutak flag moving quickly. A dozen well-equipped cavalry guarding a pale Hutak general, this Hutah General Ke is shouting angrily, and the chaotic army almost cuts off his escape route

"Little don't let him go! Kill the past with all your strength." Hu Keqili opened a stabbing spear. Shouted in the mouth, the horse galloped over, and the sword in his hand was turned into a cold light from the head of a horrified Hutak guard.

"who are you". Hutaklens looked at the enemies rushing in panic, panicking a long sword inlaid with gems from his waist,

The ambush battle was too sudden, and now the second person of the Hutak family has not figured out who he is fighting.

"Protect Lord Hutak! Protect Lord Hutak!" Other Hutak guards quickly surrounded them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are all guards of the lord, and their equipment and skills are not comparable to ordinary soldiers.

"Feng!" The later followers of the Samor cavalry and the guards strangled together, isolating them from the outside like a fence

"The ego is Samor's guard Hu Keqili! Take your sword." Hu Keqili looked at General Hutak in front of him, sneered in the corner of his mouth, the **** sword was still raised in his hand, and the murderous intention made Hutaklens retreat again and again.

"What are you doing!" The long sword in Huta Krence's hands is shaking, he is only a clerical member of the family, mainly responsible for the family's territorial affairs, if this is not a sudden matter, the family patriarch is not in the territory, nor can it be When he came to lead the army, he thought it would be a very easy invasion battle, but he was expected to be inexplicably ambushed...what? . Hu Keqili looked at the enemy generals who went back and forth, and felt very funny in his heart. How could such a person lead the army, undefeated! Unfortunately, you are not dead! Dagong takes my head! . Go to death." Hu Keqili's face was ruthless, the sword in his hand was suddenly chopped, and the sharp blade was cut from the clavicle of Hutaklens. A curve was crossed, and the human head was mixed with bone residue and cut by the blade.

"Your Lord Hutak is dead!" Hukochi lifted Hutaklens' head high and shouted to the stunned enemy

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