Whole Nation

: 358 Blood Kills (2)

Drift wants to start the Hu Tajing family. Duke Jones raised his head and looked at Man Xuzi. Hesitantly said, "The Hutak family is the lord who defends the western main road of the Ruth wilderness. The influence in the Western Union is not that you are about to bring troops into the west. At this time, offend Huta. Ke family, I'm afraid I will make you into a disadvantageous situation! That’s why I haven’t been working on Salenco, I don’t want to cause trouble for you.”

"Old Duke!" The fat man moved, thinking that for this reason he almost put Duke Jones in danger, he couldn't help but feel irritated, and the firmer the determination of the Hutak family,

The fat man hesitated for a while, and decided to tell the Duke Jones the truth, and took out a top secret document from his arms and put it in front of the Duke Jones.

"I have already prepared for the opposition in the Western Union. This is a secret contract signed by the Kugitites and my Samor. Kugit has promised to fully support our operations in the West and promised to mobilize when necessary. Two hurricane cavalry stationed on the western border, attacked North Stian’s army in the west from the rear"

"Kugits!" The old Duke Jones had a weird face, and he felt gritted at the enemy who had almost destroyed his family.

But it also has to be admitted that the Kugits have absolute say in matters concerning the west. The power of the Western Union itself depends on the wings of the Kugits. If the Kugits really promised to help, this battle of the West has basically been finalized.

"Compared with the support of the Kugits, the Hutak family's voice is too weak!" The fat man sneered, patting the old prince's shoulder and cutting the railroad

"Boss stayed here. I'd like to see what kind of wind and waves that Saloncu can turn up, up to two days. My infantry regiment will arrive at the port of Savaran led by Jones. Take the Hutak family forces uprooted from Jones' collar! Let them know that my Samor's sword is not only sharp but also decisive!"

The timid attendant Frederick stood beside him respectfully, listening to the whispered conversation between the fat man and the Duke of Jones, and the atmosphere dared not kick.

Thinking of the tragic fate of the Hutag family in the western magnates, they were settled in this ordinary small building, and they could not help feeling a burst of coldness spreading from behind.

In the afternoon. The broken snow outside stopped, and there was a silver white between the world, and I saw the beautiful and magnificent scenery outside, the owner of this land. The injured Duke of Jones insisted on taking the fat man to hunt outside the city, claiming to take the fat man to see the characteristics of the west,

With the help of several guards, the old man rode on the tall Supor horse, pointing to the forest in the distance. A look on the fat man said, “May is a good season in our west, and the elk herd will hide after a winter. Unlike the April hunting season in the central part, the hunting season in the west is in May. To be honest, I will treat you all I feel jealous of your luck. You come to fight in the west in May, you will really pick the time!"

"Isn't it a coincidence! I don't want to come anymore, but which guy in Stiancuse doesn't make people safe!" The fat man smiled awkwardly

The head of the business alliance, Murphy, walked over with several oily hounds in his hand, complimenting the expression "Adult! This is a specialty of the western cross-breeding of the Rabourn Shepherd Dog and the Kujit Shepherd Dog, Hulabe Grace hound,

The coat color is good. Brave personality. The body is as big as a pig, because the two triangular ears always stand, and it is called the "sentinel" in the west. Although it is not the top among the hounds, it is also excellent. "

"Okay! With these sentries! I think the old prince will be successful." The fat man looked at the lively hounds and got interested, letting Murphy hand the hounds to the guard, and accompanied the old prince out of Lemiao City.

Duke Jones was right, all the way, the fat people saw several teams of young nobles with bows and dogs and hounds, happily riding horses running on the outskirts of the plains, and occasionally saw some wild animals like hares being driven around.

"Go, let's go over there!" Duke Jones, who was strict in nature, looked at these arrogant aristocratic boys and girls, frowning uncomfortably.

He is the owner of this land, and he used to hurry up and down on weekdays. For these boys and girls who do not know the heights and heights, they are always uncomfortable. The generation gap exists at all times.

With these impetuous aristocratic boys driving in front, the fat man and his party were idle, walking and hunting, and even the poorly skilled fat man shot a few prey, but the elk group he was looking for had never seen it, and I felt a bit regretful. ,

The fat man proposed to return to Lemiao, but the Duke of Jones seemed to be very prosperous and insisted on looking forward, and vowed to follow his experience. There must be a group of elk in front,

Duke Jones turned up a hillside, and suddenly looked proudly at a thick pine forest in the distance. Shouted "Look! Elk herd! I'm right!"

The fat man looked around, and sure enough he saw a few black spots covered with thick snow cover on the dark green pine needles. During the period, he jumped happily, and each one was only covered with fat fat... Gangkouli... o...Yu Shu's concave body clam! …, six; like the elves in the world, they are the elk looking all the way

"Oh, the old man's experience is really rich!" The fat man ridiculed in a good mood

Seeing that the fat man was interested, Duke Jones' eyes rolled. Suggested, "It's boring to hunt like this. Let's make a separate bet. If you win, I'll give you the Luclens Manor outside Jones' main castle! That's one of my three best manors."

"Okay, I like this proposal! Then I'm welcome." The fat man smiled at the corner of his mouth, looking at the scattered elk herd in the distance, and took the first long bow from the guard. He ran to the horse and plunged in. Pine forest in the distance

The cold wind blew on his face, and the fat man's feet were tightly clamped. Warhorse slowed down, "Open!" The fat man sipped lowly, clenched the handle with his five fingers, his arm pressed hard, and the two-meter thorn bow string was immediately pulled into a full string

The elk not far away hasn't felt this malicious hunter

A whispering white thread pierced the air, nailed to a pine tree trunk with a violent roar, and the strong impact of "lock" made the arrow pierce the trunk,

The trunk was shaken and the leaves were mixed with snow flakes.

An elk who was eating **** with its head bowed blankly,

Seeing the tail of the shaking arrow suddenly reacted, the fat body shook violently,

The stretchy limbs quickly ran away on the snow, and the whole elk group was like a team of forest elves, leaving a plum blossom hoof mark on the snow.

"Haha! Fat man, you are still a virtue. You just said that the prey is not worth your start. Now you have nothing to say!" The old Duke of Jones rode on the horse and laughed at the fatal level of the fat man just now.

"No way! I really don't get used to this!" The fat man grinned at the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect that the shooting power of the thorn tile longbow was so strong, which caused an error in the calculation. He quickly gave the thorn tile longbow in his hand to the accompanying guard. Turning agilely, he lifted the heavy-duty foot crossbow in the weapon slot with his right hand, and his sharp eyes shone with the blade-like cold light

"Beng" trembles with a strong bow string, short tail arrow with wind sound, traverses a strange arc in the air,

The running elk collar, a muscular body shocked, a cluster of arrows pierced from its thick neck, bright red deer blood sputtered from the arrow mouth, and a wailing scream in the air,

The fat body was carried out by a strong arrow for more than one meter, hitting the ground heavily, the limbs twitching, and the hot deer blood was particularly eye-catching in the snow.

The infantry crossbow has a powerful and terrifying piercing power. Duke Jones, who was still teasing just now, secretly thought of such a terrible weapon. The 100,000 Legions that have been equipped with Samor can't help feeling scalp numbness

"The times have changed, and the dead fat man is not what he is!" Duke Jones looked at the fat man in the distance. Inwardly, three black Huberan hounds ran happily past him, barking joyfully around the prey.

"Dead old man! I'm not bad!" Looking at the old duke's deflated face, the fat man raised his crossbow. He whispered arrogantly and smiled, "With this one, I will have six, and everyone will be even. Just shoot one more, and your Luklens Manor will be mine!"

"It's dark, let's go back." Duke Jones deliberately didn't look away, not looking at the fat man's petite face, but the fat man's interest seemed to be lifted by this arrow, excitedly said, "Don't. The hunting has just begun. !"

"Where is there any prey?" Duke Jones looked awkwardly. The arrow just scared away the elk herd. Only the empty woods remained, and the sky had already arrived in the evening~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The forest fell into a faint dark color, the horseshoe stepped on it, and there was a sound of broken snow

"Who said no! After following us for so long! How should we show our faces?" The fat man smiled in the corner of his mouth, pulling the lever on the infantry crossbow with a little squeak in the bowstring. The loud sound shook the leaves.

With a flick of his right hand, in the crisp sound of the bow string, a black shadow was planted from the thick pine elm tree on the right, heavily planted in the snow, and was a masked assassin

"God! What's going on?" Duke Jones couldn't figure out what was going on. "Do it!" A rattling sound rang from the top of the pine forest, and a dark shadow jumped from the high pine forest with a long sword in his hand A cold light gleamed in the darkness, covering the fat man's head,

"Look for death!" A blue light burst from the fat man's waist, and the famous "Prairie Blue Moon" in the prairie made a small arc in the air that brought death, "Ah" the black shadow dodged in the air, was caught on the spot. The man cut the knife with two pieces of blood, and the blood was mixed with the internal organs. It was like a red blood rain. Blue light had a roundabout and returned to the fat man again.

"Beng! Beng!" The three thorn tile archers in the guard. There was a burst of longbow in the hand, and there were a few black spots planted from the tree just... mouth yang... o...Yu Shu's body is not orange!

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