Whispering Verse

Chapter 940 High Reward

Luvia did not leave Shad's house that morning. The two of them had been talking about the fourth candidate all morning. After lunch together, she took a four-wheeler with Shad holding the cat. Hire the carriage and go to Dr. Schneider's clinic for a meeting.

It snowed again at noon, but stopped when we reached Röntgenstrasse.

Because Tobesk seemed calm this week, the five members of the group had nothing new to share. In addition to once again emphasizing the importance of the exam week next month, the doctor also reminded everyone to pay attention to theft prevention:

"I heard from the black market that a humanoid relic that is good at stealing recently appeared in the city."

The doctor said his news:

"This kind of relic targets everyone, but it is more inclined to steal ring warlocks. Local ring warlocks have already stolen important items. You should pay attention to preventing theft, but don't use ring warlocks' methods, otherwise the opponent will become very powerful. . As long as our anti-theft measures are strict enough, even if it finds us, it will give up stealing."

Shade thought of what he saw and heard from Professor Manning, so he said:

"An ordinary old professor I know was robbed. The thief used a wire to hook the latch on the inside of the window, opened the window on the first floor, entered the room, and stole a vase."

"I've heard similar things."

Priest Augustus polished his pipe and said:

"Old Birmingham, who often visited the church, had his dead wife's only photo taken with him stolen. The thief committed the robbery during the day. He moved a large wooden box disguised as mailed goods and placed it at the door. The thief hid in the wooden box. Inside the box, he sawed open the door from the side close to the door, entered the room to steal, and then returned to the wooden box."

He shook his head:

"Who in their right mind would think of such a method of stealing?"

"I have also heard other prophets talk about this relic in the association."

Luvia also shared interesting anecdotes:

"Miss Lain, who lives in the east city of Tobesk, about two blocks away from here, had her family's pearl necklace stolen. But this time the thief neither broke the door nor opened the window. He took advantage of it. Miss Zhu Laien was not at home, so she used a hammer to break open the back wall of the house in the garbage alley, and then got in through the hole the size of a dog hole."

"Is this considered a method used by ordinary people?"

Shade asked suspiciously:

“Can ordinary people use a sledgehammer to break open the walls of a building?”

"Okay, after all, the house itself is not a very solid building."

Luvia said, and Dorothy became interested:

"Although the other party is a relic, he is also a thief. I really hope I can record the process of being caught, so that I can have more interesting plots in my book."

She said and glanced at Shade. Of course, Dorothy would definitely not encourage Shade to find a human relic.

"What's the benefit of catching it?"

Shade curiously asked again. This time neither Luvia nor Dr. Schneider could answer. However, Priest August knew more because he heard information from others in the church:

"This humanoid relic has many wonderful treasures in his hands. Yes, if you can catch it, you can get one of its treasures."

Seeing that the other four people present showed interested expressions, Priest Augustus hurriedly added:

"Don't think that things are simple. So far, no one has ever been able to see the true appearance of that thief. It becomes stronger when it is strong. Although it usually only uses ordinary people's methods to steal, those methods are very subtle. What's more, Church records show that this thief does not exist at a point in time other than when the 'theft' occurs. He only exists in the scene where the theft occurs. So on the surface, it is not difficult to catch him; but in fact, There is reason to believe that the possibility of catching him is about the same as using a fishing net to find a needle in the sea."

In addition to the interesting story of the theft of humanoid relics in the city, the five members of the group also contacted the college this afternoon to make final preparations for the year-end exam next month.

Priest Augustus still lacks some practical credits and wants to accept an academy commission with a high enough score; the doctor wants to try again and make up for the elective course "Aether Mechanics" that he failed in the summer, although he himself has nothing Confidence, but after all, I still want to try my luck.

As for Dorothy and Luvia, Miss Writer was promoted to the fifth ring with the help of Shade, so she has to take the grade promotion exam at the end of the year, and she still has a few basic courses that she has not submitted. Although Luvia is a student jointly trained by the Prophet Association and St. Byrons, after being promoted to the fourth ring in the Battle of Fort Midhill in the fall, she is also considering taking the fourth-grade entrance exam in the winter.

She herself is not in a hurry. Even if she fails the exam this year, she can take it again next year.

Shade is the most troubled of all. He has officially proposed to St. Byrons that as a second-year student, he will take the skipping exam at the end of this year and directly enter the fourth grade.

The condition for participating in the skipping exam is that the Ring Warlock level is sufficient, which Shade has no problem with; the exam content only covers the written part of the required courses, and the unfinished practical courses and papers of the second and third years can be completed within the next year.

Shade has borrowed enough books from the library to "recite". As long as he completes Miss Danister's commission, he can get a huge amount of practical credits through the back door. So for Schade, before the end of 1853, he had a huge number of books to memorize. Fortunately, with "her" help, Shade didn't think he could pass the exam.

After the five people requested the list of thaumaturgy from the library, the college also delivered a letter from the Student Administration Office to the group.

The letter was opened by the team leader, Dr. Schneider. He took a look at the content and sighed:

"Well, the Tobesk division of this year's off-campus practical activities has been officially cancelled. The students who were originally going to come to us went to other divisions."

Off-campus practice for regular St. Byrons students was supposed to take place during the summer. However, this year's event was postponed to winter due to the events that occurred in Tobesk during the summer.

Dr. Schneider also complained about this, but unexpectedly it was canceled directly in winter.

"Why cancel the zoning we have here? Hasn't Tobesk been very safe in recent months?"

Priest August asked in confusion. Dr. Schneider handed the letter to the priest, and then explained to the others:

"The school believes that Princess Margaret of Anjou's visit will cause some things to happen in the city, so for safety reasons, this year's off-campus practical activities are officially cancelled."

"What does the princess's visit have to do with the Ring Warlock?"

Dorothy asked deliberately, but the doctor shook his head:

"The academy didn't make it clear. However, the academy has issued an extra high bounty. Augustus, please read it to everyone."

The old priest who was reading the letter coughed and read clearly:

“The academy offers a reward.

According to the divination results of the Astronomy Academy, high-danger relics related to 'trials', 'tests' and 'riddles' will frequently appear in the city of Delarion-Tobesk and the surrounding areas in the near future. A bounty is now being offered to all college correspondence ring magicians in the region. Once they encounter such relics, they will quickly inform the college of specific information. Depending on the details and value of the information, the college will grant practical credits ranging from 1 to 20 points. "

"So many credits can be given just for submitting information?"

Dorothy sighed softly, and Priest Augustus continued to read:

"If you come into direct contact with this type of relic and can complete the test given by this type of relic, without asking for any reward, you will receive a teardrop-shaped blue crystal as a reward. The crystal is a physical substance with an unknown specific composition and is named Poet Level relic [Wise Pyroxene]. Submit the Wise Pyroxene to the academy and you can obtain it in one go.”

Priest Augustus opened his mouth in surprise:

"20 points of practical credits, 2,000 pounds in cash, learning information and ritual materials for any thaumaturgy listed in the library, and any sage-level relic contained in the academy."

The priest himself took a breath, Shade glanced at Luvia, Luvia's eyes moved and her expression remained unchanged, Doctor Schneider touched his chin as if thinking, Dorothy hugged Shade's cat Also quite surprised:

"Contain a poet-level relic (level 5), and the academy will reward a sage-level relic (level 2)?"


Priest August nodded and read the last few sentences of the college's reward order:

"Remark 1: This task is extremely dangerous. It is not recommended for students with levels below 4 (inclusive) to try to obtain [Wise Man's Pyroxene].

Note 2: During the duration of the reward, the college library will provide free access to the storage information of some humanoid relics. For specific information, please contact the college library for detailed consultation.

Note 3: Multiple ring warlock organizations, including the Zhengshen Church, will participate in this event, and it is expected that a medium-intensity urban ring warlock battle will occur. Local correspondence cyclists are requested to protect their personal privacy and security. If necessary, please feel free to contact the St. Byrons Student Management Office. "

After he finished reading, the others remained silent. Even though Shade and Luvia had known about the [Wise Man's Pyroxene] half a week ago, they were still shocked by St. Byrons' "generous act".

"Last time the academy gave such a generous reward."

Dr. Schneider said softly:

"The academy suspected that the Tobesk area was trapped in an eternal time loop, but it later proved that this does not exist and that time has been flowing."

Luvia quickly exchanged glances with Priest Augustus (Chapter 512). The priest wiped his pipe and shook his head slightly.

"It seems like something big happened in the Tobesk area."

Doctor Schneider's expression suddenly became serious. He was the oldest ring warlock in the group.

"Is there any other situation where the academy could offer such a generous reward?"

Shade asked again, and the doctor said again:

"Yes, a certain integer itself is a relic. This integer is between 13 and 14. If you find this number, the college can give you a sage-level relic and a reward for tenure after graduation. Once this number is announced, it will directly lead to The collapse of mathematical systems.”

This is a bit like solving Goldbach's conjecture in a foreigner's hometown. The doctor's metaphor allowed Shade to fully understand how strong the academy's desire for [Wise Man's Pyroxene] was.

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