Whispering Verse

Chapter 935 Containment of Sirkses’ Relics

Mr. Madison and the disguised Princess Margaret arrived at the Three Cats Inn on a foggy Friday afternoon. They chose a table very close to the woman sitting alone and sat down, and the maid from the Three Cats Hotel quickly brought drinks.

Shade saw Mr. Madison asking the maid not to leave yet, and then pointed at the woman sitting alone, as if asking her something. The shabby waitress also answered a few words, and then replaced Ma Two small coins handed over by Princess Gretel.

"Doctor, don't prepare for the ceremony."

Shade, who saw the "getting beans" scene just now, kicked the doctor under the table, then raised his finger to signal him to be silent, and then pointed to the table on the other side of the patio.

The doctor also saw Mr. Madison and another lady. He frowned and thought for a moment, then motioned to Shade to keep silent. The doctor wrote something in his notebook with a pen, and then passed it to Shade:

[Although everyone is friends, they have their own actions. Let's not get involved in this kind of thing. If it's a matter involving Serkses Higher Medical School, our presence will only cause unnecessary trouble. 】

Shade nodded to the doctor. That woman was obviously the target of Serksese's correspondence magicians.

He was not worried that Mr. Madison and Princess Margaret would stay here forever. The newspaper said that tonight Princess Margaret was invited to go to the King's Opera House of Delrayon with Queen Diana and others to watch the Delrayon Opera and experience the traditional art of Delrayon.

Therefore, Princess Margaret conservatively estimated that she would have to return to the manor where she was staying before five o'clock.

"She is really busy. She has to participate in overseas activities and take care of her studies as a ring wizard. The princess's schedule must be quite scary."

Shade thought to himself.

In order to prevent Mr. Madison and Princess Margaret from seeing them, Shade and the doctor stood up and moved to a position that was not illuminated by the gas light while the two were not paying attention, leaving the sleeping accountant lying in his original position. . Sleeping drunkenly on one's stomach is a very common "scene" in the Three Cats Hotel, so it is not out of the ordinary.

For the first ten minutes after Mr. Madison and the Princess were seated, everything was perfectly normal. But at 3:17 in the afternoon, the woman holding the wine glass put down the ale in her hand again. She didn't pour herself wine or get other things on the table as she did just now. Instead, she cupped her cheeks with both hands and lifted her head up from her neck again.

Shade had just seen this scene, but Dr. Schneider, who only heard Shade say that women are strange, was really shocked when he saw this scene.

[Outlander, you have come into contact with whispers. 】

The head was only held up for less than ten seconds before it was placed on the neck again. During this period, another peanut popped out from under the head. It seems that this "detachable" head is not suitable for eating beans.

The hint of the "whispering" element appears only when the head is separated. When the head and neck are reconnected, no trace of the elements can be felt anymore.

Shade looked at Dr. Schneider with a sullen face. The doctor's face was somewhat blurry in the shadows.

"Doctor, can you identify what that is?"

Shade wrote in his notebook.

"have no idea."

The doctor also wrote on the paper, and then emphasized again that this was a matter for the Serkses Higher Medical School, and it was best for the two of them not to interfere until the other party clearly needed help.

Shade and Dr. Schneider both saw the abnormality from such a distance, and of course Mr. Madison and Princess Margaret also saw it.

Shade couldn't see the expressions of the two people, but could only see the two communicating again.

Then, while Princess Margaret sat there motionless, Mr. Madison actually got up and walked over to the woman who was picking up her glass again to drink. He leaned over and said a few words, and then returned to his table again.

"This is testing, using language to determine the other person's mental state, and using close visual observation to determine whether the other person's body is alienated. This is a relatively basic and primitive testing method when coming into contact with weird humanoid creatures."

The doctor wrote on the paper and motioned to Shade to continue reading.

Mr. Madison sat back down opposite Princess Margaret, and the two whispered again for a few words, then took out some things that Shade couldn't see clearly and put them on the table.

"It's time to take action. We are preparing magic items. There should also be items for the containment ritual. That woman is related to the relic!"

The doctor wrote again in his notebook, his handwriting was very neat.

"Why don't you lure her to a deserted place before doing anything?"

Shade asked on his notebook, while the doctor shook his head. He didn't know the specific situation:

"Alan is a very reliable person, so don't worry."

Shade immediately began to worry when he saw the letter written by the doctor.

Princess Margaret and Mr. Madison didn't have long to prepare. Together they walked towards the woman drinking alone. Regarding the arrival of the two men, the woman holding the wine glass seemed confused and turned to look at them.

What happened next was so fast that Shade didn't really see it clearly. He only saw Mr. Madison taking out something and shaking it in front of the woman, while Princess Margaret walked behind the woman and tried to strangle her neck from behind, as if using an invisible transparent rope.

It was all silent, but it was clear they failed. The thing in Mr. Madison's hand suddenly caught fire, and the bright fire flashed for a moment and then disappeared. Princess Margaret seemed to be pushed back by a huge force. She maintained a strangulating posture and took two or three steps back stiffly before she stood still.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the woman stood up, then took off her head with one hand, and waved it at Mr. Madison and Princess Margaret.


The fluctuations in the whispering element suddenly increased, and Shade heard the doctor sigh softly, while Mr. Madison and Princess nearby were obviously directly affected by the relic. The two of them covered their necks with their hands at the same time and staggered back. The princess with the fourth ring suddenly sat on an unoccupied chair.

Still no one paid attention to what happened in the corner, and after repelling the two ring warlocks, the woman put her head on her neck and turned around to run away. Mr. Madison looked pale and chased after him with staggering steps, while the princess slowly walked away. It took more than ten seconds before he stood up and quickly chased after him.

The two ring warlocks did not dare to use the power of ring warlocks in public places. They could only follow the woman and try to find a deserted corner to try again. But they had no chance. The woman walking quickly at the front did not leave this floor, but walked almost straight in the direction of Dr. Schneider and Shade.

As she got closer, both Shade and the doctor felt that something was wrong. But they didn't have a chance to get up and leave. The woman passed the sleeping Mr. Jims, then pulled up a chair and sat next to Shade and the doctor.

Shade looked at the doctor, and the doctor seemed to understand what he meant:

"It's definitely not because I'm unlucky."

The doctor also didn't speak, but Shade felt that he understood his expression.

Even without taking off his head, Shade could still feel the coldness of the middle-aged woman with light makeup nearby and the influence of the curse with whispering elements attached to it. The sense of mental oppression forced Shade and the doctor to dare not move. At the same time, both of them felt itching on their necks.

Shade looked at the doctor and clearly saw a black line on the doctor's neck. Judging from the doctor's expression, there should be similar marks on Shade's neck.

At this time, Mr. Madison had caught up with him, and there was also an abnormal black line on his neck. Neither Schade nor Dr. Schneider disguised themselves, and Mr. Madison recognized both men at once. The gentleman with his head wrapped in a scarf slowed down slightly and then showed a relieved expression.

He hesitated for a moment, then walked to the table, pulled out the chair and sat down, opposite the woman, close to Dr. Schneider's side.

Princess Margaret, who came later, also saw the situation here. Xia De sat still and thought for a while without deliberately pretending, so Her Royal Highness the Princess came over in a panic. She first saw Dr. Schneider, whom she had met at the banquet at Lakeview Manor, and then set her sights on Xia De. De's face.

For a moment, Shade almost thought she was going to scream in surprise, but Her Royal Highness the Princess had a very strong psychological quality. Even after seeing an incredible scene, she still pretended to be calm and imitated Mr. Alan Madison, and pulled away. A chair sat down.

She sat opposite the woman, to the right of Mr. Madison, close to Shade's end. There was also a strange black line on her neck, which was the trace of the relic curse.

"Let's introduce each other."

A woman who can take off her own head seems to freeze when she sits down, as motionless as a wax figure. Mr. Madison said distressedly, and then complained softly:

"Bill, if I had known you were here, I would never have relics collected here. Oh, this is Mr. Hamilton, a local correspondence cyclist from St. Byrons. I have met him. He is an excellent correspondence cyclist. Knight, this is a correspondence student from out of town."

"Miss Mary."

Princess Margaret said with great surprise.

"Mary" is the most frequently used name among Delarian women. Using this name to introduce oneself is basically equivalent to telling others that it is a fake name.

"Sorry, my identity is a bit sensitive."

She said apologetically to Shade, who nodded. He didn't really care that Princess Margaret knew about his identity as a student of St. Byrons. It was even better to let the other party know in this way. Now the princess knows that he is a ring sorcerer, but she does not know that he knows that she is also a ring sorcerer, and she does not know that he knows that she knows that he is a ring sorcerer. This is a very interesting situation.

"Are you trying to say that it was my bad luck that caused this?"

The doctor complained to Mr. Madison dissatisfiedly, knocked on the table and looked at the frozen woman. After the latter infected Shade and the doctor with the curse, he never made any other moves:

"Alan, what on earth is going on?"

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