Whispering Verse

Chapter 931: Folklorist’s Inspiration

After Iluna finished taking notes according to the standard procedure, she hesitated and didn't want to leave, but because she had no reason to stay, she was finally sent to the door by Shade and the professor. But when saying goodbye, Shade pretended to be casual and said:

"I have to go home at noon and take little Mia for lunch."

Iluna blinked, smiled and waved to him, then walked briskly into the fog.

The professor did not understand the meaning of the conversation between Shade and Iluna. After the door was closed again, he shook his head and sighed:

"Although Tobesk is the capital of the Kingdom, the detection rate of this kind of theft is also very low. I think instead of expecting the police to find the thief, I should pay attention to the dynamics of the black market myself, and maybe I can buy the vase back as soon as possible."

"Professor, I heard that this is a serial theft case, and Ridwich Field takes it very seriously."

"Oh, detective, paying attention can't increase the detection rate. The antique tapestry I reported missing ten years ago has not been found yet. I guess the Redwich Field may not even have the files I reported the crime to back then."

Professor Manning said rather dissatisfied, and then looked at Shade:

"Detective, how about I entrust you with this theft case? I heard that you are a very good detective, and your entrustment completion rate is 100%."

"Where did you hear that? I don't remember that I never boasted about myself like this in my advertisement in Steam Bird Daily."

Shade asked curiously. Professor Manning called Shade to the study to talk:

"People say so. I went to an academic conference yesterday and heard about your activities at the wedding banquet of the Asberg family and the royal family on Tuesday...a penny detective, right?"

Professor Manning laughed and joked:

"That's really a clever mathematical problem. I was fooled at first. Oh, people in the club are now saying that Princess Margaret of Carsonlik has a very good impression of you. I think this It shouldn’t just be a rumor, right?”

Although Tobesk is large, Tobesk's upper class is actually very small.

Shade came to visit Professor Manning about Professor Drake in Huntington City. Professor Manning has a pretty good memory. Although he and Professor Drake have not corresponded for many years, he still remembers the history professor:

"Kansas Drake is very talented in history and folklore. He can be regarded as Kasenlik's historical authority."

Professor Manning spoke highly of Professor Drake, and Shade was a little surprised by this. He thought Professor Drake was just an ordinary college professor.

"His gift was not only academic achievement but also... acuity."

Professor Manning frowned on the sofa in the study and tried to describe his thoughts:

"Detective, you should be able to understand that the word acuity is not accurate. Let me think about it... He is always the first to detect details that others cannot discover. He is always the first to detect something wrong that others cannot find at the excavation site. Always the first to point it out…what’s the word to describe it?”

"Very lucky?"

"No, no, that's not just luck, that's a talent."

Professor Manning frowned and tried to find a more appropriate adjective.

"Very inspired?"

Shade said, he himself was surprised when the words came out.

Professor Manning smiled and clapped his hands:

"Yes, yes, Professor Drake is the kind of person with strong inspiration. Sometimes I have to write to him to ask questions. It's a pity that after that accident, he never had any academic achievements again. I can understand that, after all, for folklorists, there is no learning that can be achieved by just sitting at home and in the office... Detective, did your writer friend in Huntington mention Professor Drake? His physical condition?"

"My complexion is not very good, and I can only move around in a wheelchair. Professor Drake thinks that he will not live too long. I think this is not an illusion. He... is old after all."

Shade shook his head. Professor Manning was a little disappointed, but then asked again:

"Is his thing...similar to when I met that pen?"

He knew that Shade had extraordinary abilities.

"It's possible, but I'm still investigating. Professor, tell me again about Professor Drake's strong inspiration."

Professor Manning picked up the tea cup and thought:

"Those of us who study history and folklore, sometimes encounter some ancient murals or stone carvings. This is normal. When looking at some strange ancient relics for a long time, we will feel dizzy... Germany Lake is the kind of person who can quickly notice something wrong with those ancient relics, and then understand the meaning and be the first to faint."

Shade pursed his lips and nodded:

"Then I put forward a hypothesis. If there is an image of a terrible monster hidden in a certain photo, and the inspiration is too high...forget it, this question is not important."

Shade shook his head. He was not sure what the "inspiration threshold" was that triggered the photo curse. After all, he himself is far more inspired by abnormal phenomena than ordinary people.

The two chatted about Professor Drake's past, and then Shade asked to see letters from more than ten years ago. These old professors are very careful in collecting letters. The academic letters exchanged by Professor Manning and his colleagues are arranged according to date and can be easily found.

On the eve of Professor Drake's accident, he had a lot of correspondence with Professor Manning. The professor gave the pile of letters to Shade, and asked Shade to go back and read them slowly, and then return them after reading them. As a reward for lending these letters to Shade, he wrote a letter to Professor Drake, asking Shade to forward it to Professor Drake through his "friend" in Huntington, hoping to persuade the professor to change his life. More love:

"I remember that Drake has a child, but he probably doesn't live with him. He could actually develop some other hobbies, such as raising a cat like you, which would be very helpful in maintaining his enthusiasm for life."

Professor Manning melted some fire paint, dripped it onto the envelope seal, and put his seal on it. After the red paint seal solidified, he handed it to Sha De.

"Having a cat?"

Shade did not comment on this.

After bidding farewell to Professor Manning, it was just past eleven o'clock. Before returning home, Xia Des did other things in the city.

On Tuesday night, he obtained the second spiritual rune of the fourth ring, Blasphemy [Thunder], and he planned to go to the Black Raven Library to find the thaumaturgy related to this spiritual rune.

At present, he has only mastered [Thunder Spear]. There is also a thaumaturgy [Weak Paralysis] that can be learned in the "Pink Book" that can be related to [Thunder]. Although Iluna promised to provide Shade with some thaumaturgy related to thunder and lightning, Shade still planned to go to the library to look for it himself, maybe there would be unexpected gains.

The Black Raven Library is also located in the University District, very close to Cat Tail Lane where Professor Manning lives.

Shade changed into a coat to disguise himself in the alley that stretched in all directions. After putting on the mask, he knocked on the side door of the library in the alley. The dripping steam pipes were still wasting hot water as they did in the summer, and there was a lot less garbage in the alleys. I wonder if it was because the people in the library just couldn't stand it anymore.

Shade would always come here every now and then, so the man at the door with an anchor tattoo on his arm let him in without asking too much.

Stepping on the wooden floor that was warped due to moisture, Shade followed the man along the corridor to the room in the dimly lit corridor. On the way, he passed by a man in a black robe. According to the rules of the library, both of them deliberately avoided looking to prevent being suspected of peeking at others' identities.

[Marguerite Anjou. 】

"Just by passing each other, you can tell who the other person is?"

Shade asked in surprise, but did not turn around.

[The characteristics of the spirit, the characteristics of the soul, and the characteristics of the alchemical items and relics carried on the body. It's easy to tell. 】

"I see... It seems that Her Royal Highness the Princess's trip to Tobesk was not a leisurely one."


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