Whispering Verse

Chapter 859 Apprentice

The time for representatives of the Anjou royal family to come to Tobesk is getting closer and closer, and the residents of Tobesk can also feel that the city hall and the kingdom attach great importance to this matter. But this had nothing to do with Shade for the time being. After leaving the Prophet's Association, he said goodbye to the cat lazing on the window sill at home and headed to the city of Huntington through the statues in the basement.

When I walked out of the wine cellar of the White Valley Vineyard, the morning sun at the turn of autumn and winter was even a bit dazzling.

Raising his hands above his eyes, he happened to see Mr. Bernhardt, standing in the courtyard of the small manor with his servants and coachman, directing the workers to unload the goods from the flatbed truck:

"Good morning, Mr. Bernhardt."

"Good morning, Mr. Watson."

The two greeted each other familiarly, and Shade tightened the collar buttons of his warm black coat and walked over:

"Are you storing food for the winter again?"

The middle-aged vampire hesitated, shook his head carefully, and stood with Shade watching the workers unloading:

"No, it's tobacco."

"Tobacco hmm?"

Shade was a little surprised and lowered his voice:

"Are you still in the tobacco business?"

Whether it is in Delrayon or Kasonlik, the tobacco business is regulated by the kingdom. Looking at the way the goods are being unloaded, it does not look like a formal business:

"Do you still have a way to smuggle? Are you going to the New World or to Delarion?"

Shade was not particularly surprised. After all, Lesia was still engaged in the arms smuggling business in Middleburg.

"No, no, no, I'm not that bold."

Mr. Bernhardt lowered his voice slightly:

"Didn't we meet Princess Margaret yesterday and help solve the murder case? Your Highness has a very good impression of me. She sent someone to my manor last night and gave me a note. This is the person The princess's goods were shipped from Willondale and asked me to store them at the White River Valley Vineyard first, and then when the steam airship lands tomorrow, I will pull the goods over."

Shade was stunned for a few seconds before he understood:

"Princess Margaret wants to leave"

"How can the royal family's affairs be called smuggling?"

Herr Bernhard corrected:

"Furthermore, the space of the airship is so large that it should be empty if it is empty. It is appropriate to put some valuable goods. I don't think your Majesty will mind this, but it is best not to be discovered by others. Of course, even if you are discovered, It can also be said that this is a gift to Delarion."

Shade showed a clear expression, and then asked with great interest:

"That princess won't let you do it in vain, right?"

Mr. Bernhardt looked around, turned sideways and drew a number to Shadebi:

"This number."

Shade did some calculations and raised his eyebrows:

"She is really healthy."

"After all, excluding the tobacco tax, the cost of these goods is not much, but you also know the selling price of tobacco."

The middle-aged nobleman who drank alcohol, smoked and drank blood shook his head and sighed:

"The kingdom's tax department is more like a vampire than me."

It seems that people from all walks of life like to complain about tax issues, whether in Delrayon or Carsonlik.

Mr. Bernhardt was busy helping Princess Margaret deliver goods today, so he did not go into the city with Shad. However, he had already compiled information about the local "Lady of the Lake" rumors and handed the document bag containing the information to Shade:

"Actually, there are similar rumors every few years. I heard a lot when I was a kid. If you want to take risks, you can call me to join you. Winter is coming soon and I don't have anything important to do. .”

Mr. Bernhardt said.

The gentleman had planned to have a carriage take Shade to Huntington, but Shade chose a horse at the stable and wanted to ride across the countryside himself.

There is no polluting haze in the sky in the countryside due to steam factories. On the morning at the turn of autumn and winter, the weather is very good, and large clouds hang like cotton in the blue sky. Shade, who was barely able to ride a horse, walked along the country road and looked at the surrounding fields and vineyards.

Riding a horse is indeed colder than riding a car. After dealing with the matters in Huntington City, Shade will also have to consider the heating problem of No. 6 St. Teresa Square in winter.

Princess Margaret and her accompanying personal doctors and servants currently live in Rothschild House in the center of Huntingdon, which is the local property of the royal family. However, when Miss Sylvia made an appointment with Shad in the parliament last night, she did not ask him to meet at the Rothschild Mansion. Instead, she gave him the address of the local "Owl Bookstore" bookstore.

The Owl Bookstore is located in the middle of Malfoy Street in Huntington. From the outside, there is nothing special about it. The popular novels "The Secret of Sisyphus", "The Mad Knight and the Silly Princess" and "The Eye of the Storm Adventure Guide" are displayed in the windows facing the street. When you open the door of the bookstore, the first thing you see among the ringing bells is " "Rodels Poems" and "Selected Troggs", this is serious literature.

There is a sleepy atmosphere in the bookstore on a nice morning, like a classroom on a dreary summer day. There were not many people here. After entering the door, Shade went directly to the counter and knocked on the wooden counter table to wake up the young man who seemed to be dozing off. He was wearing a white shirt and a brown vest.

Shade asked softly in Kassenric, which he was not proficient in:

"I want to find a book."

"what book?"

Behind the counter, a young man who looked to be at least seventeen or eighteen years old yawned and asked. There were acne marks on his face after the acne disappeared, which was as dense as freckles.

"The Theory of Large Numbers."

"Oh, please come this way."

The young man opened the cover of the counter, and then opened the door behind him that was almost integrated with the wall.

Shade nodded and was about to walk in when he asked again:

"Do you have Hamilton Detective Stories here?"

The young man hesitated for a moment and looked at Shade suspiciously:

"Is this sentence included in the code?"

"No, I really want to find this book."

"Oh, that's it. But I'm sorry, that foreign novel seems to be still being translated. If you want to read it, you can go to the Dralion trading house and ask. It is only available in Dralion language now."

Shade thought he could find pirated books here.

Behind the Owl Library is a large club-like building, which itself is the black market for ring warlocks in Huntington City.

Miss Sylvia was already waiting for Shade here. When the waiter led Shade in, the lady was holding a teacup and looking through the book in her hand. That book was the ""Xia De" mentioned just now. Hamilton's Detective Stories.

"Good morning, knight."

This great witch, who was younger than a foreigner, raised the book in her hand to Shade. She was wearing a black skirt today. Black hair actually does not match the black skirt, and people in this era are superstitious that black will bring disaster, so this is the first time that Shade has seen this style of dressing.

"That's a book my friend wrote."

Shade said, pulling out the chair and sitting opposite the witch. The witch waved to the young girl standing beside her, who came over to pour tea for Shade. This was also her follower, but at a lower level than Shade.

"Yes, otherwise it would be impossible to describe you in such detail. Miss Carina Cavendish has really found a good follower."

"No, I am not a follower of Miss Carina."

Shade corrected and thanked the girl who served the tea:

"They can only be considered partners."

"Yes, I understand, your status is equal."

The witch said, fully understanding the meaning of Shade's words:

"But your friend said in the book that you are good at math?"

"Well enough."

Shade nodded reservedly. Dorothy drew heavily on his image when shaping the characters in the story. She asked Shade if he was good at art or had any unique hobbies, and Shade said he was good at math.

Dorothy did not ask how good Shade was, but happily said that mathematics does go well with a shrewd detective.

"Can you give an answer to this question?"

The witch pushed the notebook at hand to Shade. Shade tilted his head and glanced at it, and found that she also specially used Delarian text:

"Multiple equations? The entrance exam for Delrayon College of Higher Education is now a little more difficult than this. I don't think you need to ask me this kind of question? And, is this related to space power?"

Shade knew this information because he was considering going to Tobesk University and getting an honorary degree through donations to free himself from the "Sparrow Detective Tutor" level of education.

"Nothing to do with space powers, but I'm curious about your math skills."

Miss Sylvia smiled, turned to the next page, and asked Shade to continue reading.

On the next page are some pencil sketches with dense letters written next to them:

"Solid geometry? Madam, although I am not very good at this, but you have already selected the coordinate system and reference points, I think it is not difficult to solve this."

He picked up his notebook and hastily drew a few auxiliary lines. Having been in this world for only half a year, these skills are no longer unfamiliar to him.

"very nice."

The witch nodded again and finally turned to the last page:

"Look at this, I think this might be a little difficult."

Shade continued to look and found that the things written in cursive letters on the notebook looked very familiar:

"Morse unfolds?" (Chapter 201)

In the native land of Outlander, this is actually called Taylor expansion.

"You know this?"

The young witch was really surprised this time. Shade nodded:

"During the summer, I attended several academic lectures and reports held in Tobesk University District. I didn't expect that you would also understand this."

Miss Sylvia looked at him carefully:

"You are much smarter than the girls of the Anjou family. I have always believed that learning mathematics can make the ring magician's way of thinking more rational, logical and organized. Moreover, basic mathematics, geometry, and rituals have always been inseparable .”

She put away her notebook:

"Mr. Hamilton, you are very good. Now I can ask this question. Are you interested in being my apprentice?"

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