Whispering Verse

Chapter 846 Three Coins

Chapter 843 Three Coins

After leaving the king's study, Shade did not leave Yodel Palace immediately. Instead, he waited in the waiting room until Director Anlos finished the interview, and then had lunch with his boss at a club in the city.

The MI6 chief acted with caution, stressing the importance of the mission to Shade in the dim lights of the club, which was ostensibly a laundromat. The club's restaurant consists of booths that are far apart. It is also one of MI6's strongholds in the city. The atmosphere and anonymity are completely in line with ordinary citizens' imagination of a secret agent organization.

In fact, Shade's task is not heavy. All he has to do is to monitor the princess of Kasenlik in social situations and observe as much as possible whether she has come into contact with special people. Overall, the key to this mission is to think of yourself as a young gentleman trying to develop a friendly relationship with an exotic princess.

Shade did not comment on tasks of this nature, but he was curious about what Miss Carina thought of this task. Director Anlos, who also belonged to Miss Carina's camp, gave the answer in the club:

"The Duke is also very supportive of you in carrying out this mission. If you can achieve something, we can put it into operation next spring. Although it is still a little difficult to change from a knight to a baron, at least your status in the Sixth Office will definitely be different."

Contact with Margaret Anjou was already part of Shad's plan. After all, he needed a suitable reason to approach Mr. Lykins Priscia, who possessed the "Guiding Moon" core spiritual rune. Collecting the aura of the opponent's core spiritual runes cannot be achieved by shaking hands, so it is the most correct way to get to know the "Moon of Guidance" through the princess in a roundabout way.

But no matter what, the visiting delegation has not yet arrived in Tobesk City. All Shade can do is wait calmly and then carefully collect the vouchers for reimbursement. Because during this mission, his reimbursement limit was increased to 1,000 pounds, and if there are special needs, he can apply for more financial support.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Anlos that afternoon, Shade lamented the end of his peaceful life, so instead of staying at home and continuing to read, he took Mia, who was reluctant to leave home, to Coldwater Port.

Coldwater Port in late autumn was still bustling and lively, and while confirming the commission to recycle special coins at the Seven Broomsticks Tavern in the dock area, Shade heard people here still chatting about Fort Midhill.

It took only a few days for such a major event to spread throughout the material world. Now, three weeks later, the ring warlocks had more topics to be awe-inspiring, and they speculated on what happened this year.

Throughout the history of the Sixth Era, it is not unheard of for two divine events to occur within one year, but they are usually related things. Although the Moon Goddess suspected of being an old god appeared in Tobesk in midsummer and Midhill Fort in late autumn, the two incidents did not seem to be related in any way.

Since there is a first time and a second time, there may be a third time. Even though only a few people still know about "The Whispering Psalm", now, no matter where the ring warlocks are, they can feel the turmoil in the world.

Shade was probably favored by an unknown goddess today. Not only did he have an extra lucrative job at noon, but in the afternoon at the Seven Broomsticks Tavern in Coldwater Port, he had been commissioned to acquire special coins for more than three months. There is actually news.

Because Shade paid the deposit in advance at the tavern, the sturdy bartender bought the two coins directly for him. This is a coin that Shade has seen before, a clerical relic [Dandelion Coin]. A gentle blow on it will make the coin fly, and using the coin will summon any kind of wind that may be present in the local environment.

This coin has a pleasant light blue metallic color and is about the size of a penny. Although there are dandelions on both sides, only one side is engraved with strange words, which are the names of the legendary elemental creatures-the wind elves. Word--

[May the wind take away all my thoughts. 】

Two coins cost Shade 124 pounds and 3 shillings. This clerical relic was more valuable because it could amplify any extraordinary power related to wind. Otherwise, the price of ordinary clerical relics would not be so high.

After Mia saw this kind of coin last time and "blown it away", she kept blowing at Shade, so this time Shade didn't let the cat touch the coin again, but the cat still recognized it. Such a fun toy.

With the good mood of acquiring the coins, he took the carriage to the old lighthouse outside the city. Unexpectedly, Mr. Edmond also brought him better news, and there was more than just one piece of good news.

"The special coin you asked for."

Mr. Edmond, who had just reached the top of the sea cliff where the old lighthouse was located, walked up from the path carrying a bucket and a fishing rod, said.

Although this old gentleman is the keeper of this old lighthouse, his daily work is actually quite leisurely. He probably spent more time as a black market trader than maintaining a lighthouse.

"Special coins? How many are there?"

Shade asked with a smile. He didn't expect that he would be able to find these coins easily after the death of the chosen one was over. Spending the last of his blood money a few weeks ago seems to be the right choice now. Using blood money to find blood money will only make you fall into the curse of blood money.

"One. Do you think certain relics are so easy to find?"

Mr. Edmond said, handing the bucket to Shade to carry, and then opened the lighthouse door. A week ago, [Spiritual Cultivation Order] had contacted this old man, and [Guiding Light Hermitage] also gave Sister Devlin valuable information and made a lot of money, so the old man became more friendly to Shade. .

Shade, who was holding Mia, followed Mr. Edmund into the first floor of the lighthouse. The latter walked to the table, opened the drawer, picked up a small brown old leather bag tied with a hemp rope, and threw it into Shade's hands. .

Opening the bag, there was a sky blue coin inside. But unlike the [Dandelion Coin] I just got, this blue color is not natural, and the traces of artificiality are very serious:

"Poet level - [Coin of Wisdom], throw this coin into a water glass, and then drink the water, you can temporarily improve your wisdom and enhance your talents in certain fields. But when the effect of the coin disappears, there will be a slight It will damage your intelligence, and high-frequency use for a short period of time will cause mental confusion. What is very interesting is that this kind of coin is addictive."

The old gentleman turned his back to Shade, carrying the kettle and preparing to boil water, and sighed:

"Wisdom can also be addictive, but who can give up that outstanding talent?"

Long-term and high-frequency use of [Coin of Wisdom] will eventually cause the user's soul to degenerate and corrupt into a terrifying spiritual monster. The monster that carries the whisper element and is named the "wisdom demon" usually requires at least a 9th level warlock to fight it alone.

The size of the coin is similar to the [Dandelion Coin]. On one side is the head of an unknown old man with a beard, and below it is written——

【Blue is the color of wisdom. 】.

On one side is the equation "One plus one equals two" engraved with ancient mathematical symbols, and below it is written——

[A wise man does not fall into the river of desire. 】

Shade took the coin, looked at the cat he was holding with one hand, thought for a moment, and decided not to try to use the coin to make little Mia smarter.

【why? 】

she asked in the sea breeze blowing through the tower door.

"Because this cat is already smart enough."

PS: To summarize, Xia De now has two [Eternal Youth Leaves] and three special coins in his hand. Luvia also had a [divineer's silver coin] in her hand, but Shade was unwilling to spend it easily.

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