Whispering Verse

Chapter 1479 Love and Unicorn House

"I'm really curious, Shade, what friend are you trying to save?"

Miss Daniste murmured, looking at Shade lying with the cat in his arms, and reaching out to close the coffin:

"After a while, you will have problems with your perception of time. This is normal. Don't worry about it. In addition, you must not take the initiative to open this coffin from the inside. Remember, it is absolutely not allowed! Even if you think that time has passed dozens of times, Not even in 2018. There will be someone at the college to take care of you. I have already said hello, and no one will explore your identity. You and Miss Emilia Siam Nord can act as you please."

She put her hand into the coffin, and finally couldn't help but want to touch the cat, but Mia pushed her hand away with her paws rather "viciously".

"I feel that the coffin is shaking violently. Is this normal?"

Shade asked worriedly.

"This is not a normal phenomenon, there was another earthquake."

Miss Denister said in a relaxed tone:

"So, are you ready for another short trip to the academy?"

She closed the coffin lid with a gentle push. After waiting for a few seconds to make sure nothing unusual happened, he left the camp again and walked towards Miss Sylvia who was waiting outside the camp:

"Madam, come with me to greet him. Shade will be back soon."

Adhering to the idea of ​​saying less and making fewer mistakes, Miss Sylvia simply nodded. She was quite in awe of this long-famous thirteen-ring sorceress. The two walked side by side in the snowy forest. No one spoke for the first few minutes, but Miss Danister finally spoke first:

"I think you should know who I am. Shade Hamilton is my chosen heir and pupil. I know that handsome young gentlemen of his age are interested in beautiful ladies. But I hope you will too. Understand, his future is limitless, maybe a hundred years from now, he will be who I am now, so I hope"

"Should I leave him?"

Miss Sylvia asked, holding back a smile, thinking of the contents of those messy chivalric novels she had seen in the corner of Margaret's study.

Miss Denister is very serious:

"He is not suitable to be your lover."

"You may have confused this relationship."

The young witch corrected, and the two women's boots made a rhythmic sound on the snow.

The sorceress of the thirteenth ring was stunned for a moment before she understood what this meant.

Miss Sylvia frowned slightly, thinking of the troubles and challenges she faced, and then added:

"Besides, Shade hasn't agreed yet."


"This is a queue. Not only is it first-come, first-served, but we also have to consider those girls who are very capable. Professor Danist, you and I are not from the same era, and the current year of 1854 is no longer when you were a student. This kind of thing requires competition, which is even more difficult and challenging than war, and obviously, I am still relatively behind."

So until she reached the very nearby destination, the librarian of St. Byrons remained immersed in the facts she learned.

On the other side, Shade, who was lying in the coffin with the cat in his arms, was not in any danger or pain. In fact, when the coffin lid was just closed, he did feel a cold wind blowing from his trouser legs into his clothes. While he shivered violently, he felt as if someone was blowing wind on the back of his neck.

But then the cat in his arms and himself began to glow together, and the warm light on little Mia's body was like the sun, quickly dispelling the chill that the coffin was about to be haunted.

Mia probably felt that it was very interesting now, lying on Shade's chest in the small space, looking at Shade with her big amber eyes, and Shade also looked up at the cat slightly. The man and the cat looked at each other for about half a minute, and then the coffin lid started to ring again.

When the first light shone in, Mia was stuffed into clothes by Shade, who had already arrived at St. Byrons.

"Come this way."

The location where the other coffin is stored is a small underground room. This is a college building that Shade has never been to.

After climbing out of the coffin, he was led by a silent old man in a white robe and soon saw Amelia, who had changed out of her pajamas. Not only did she change out of her pajamas, she even simply tied her hair with a hairband, which made her look very smart.

Although the elf girl's secret is known to the academy, her mental state at the moment is obviously not depressed but excited:

“It’s rare that I have the opportunity to walk around the college so late. A long, long time later, when I reach the age where I can hug my cat and cover myself with a blanket, sitting on a rocking chair in the afternoon sun, I will miss this very much. Night."

"That will be probably a few hundred years from now."

The old man who led Shadel said, looking at the elf girl, he did not warn her not to wander around tonight. Emilia called the old gentleman "Professor Constantine," who was probably a professor at the "School of Library Management" that specialized in storing and caring for relics.

"Please allow me to apologize again."

Shade hurriedly said to the elf.

"Oh, please don't say that. Please teach me more knowledge about ancient elven runes when you have the opportunity in the future. Follow me. The entrance to the passage is not in the Academy City area, but near the unicorn's habitat. "

Just like what Miss Denister said, no one asked about Shade's identity. Before saying goodbye to Professor Constantine, he and the young elf girl each received a dark St. Byrons school badge pendant.

According to the old professor at the School of Library Management, St. Byrones after the curfew has enough ways to detect whether students who have not yet graduated have violated the curfew regulations, so if you want to walk through St. Byrones at night, A "credential" is required to prove that you are allowed.

Probably because Miss Daniste had already given instructions, no one followed the next actions, only Shade and Emilia.

The area of ​​St. Byrons Comprehensive College is no smaller than that of Tobesk City, and the unicorn breeding area that Emilia mentioned is actually far away from the college castle located in the core of the city.

However, there is no need for them to ride horses, carriages or even flying carpets. In this huge northern city built on the basis of the Academy of Thaumaturgy, there are simpler methods of short-distance teleportation. Normally these teleportation devices are rarely used by students, but fortunately Miss Denister has given them enough permissions tonight.

Therefore, one second, he was in the underground of the college's large library, passing through the obsidian door engraved with fine runes, and the next second he had already appeared in the night forest with the obsidian door standing there.

Compared to the Randall Valley where there was heavy snow tonight, the weather in St. Byrons in the far north was unexpectedly better. Looking at the night sky in the woods far away from the city, the stars seem to be hanging upside down above our heads. Little Mia stood on Shade's shoulder and looked at the stars above her head, but the anxious Shade was not in the mood to appreciate the academy this time.

"This way."

The elf lady wrapped in a robe led the way. After walking for a few minutes on the path with street signs in the forest, she saw a big tree with a wooden sign that read "Unicorn Home".

However, the building ahead was not the stable that Shade imagined, or the small house in a fairy tale. Continuing to move forward, you will reach a large lake through the jungle. In the center of the lake is the island in the center of the lake. A giant tree on the island in the center of the lake almost covers the entire island, and hundreds of unicorns emitting pure white light are standing there. They gathered together in twos, twos, and threes and slept under the shadow of the tree.

Dots of white light floated in the lake and the island in the center of the lake, like fireflies, but they seemed to be just an abnormal optical phenomenon caused by the collective gathering of unicorns. The sparkling waves reflected the pure white magical animals under the giant tree. Those light spots and the waves together made the scene look even more fantastic.

The night was so beautiful tonight that Shade couldn't bear to disturb the quiet atmosphere here.

Emilia, who was standing by the lake with Shade, explained:

"There are more than twenty unicorn populations in St. Byrons. The one that the teacher assigned me and my companions to manage is a smaller one. After all, I am still a student. To open that ancient passage, I need the help of unicorns. In fact, It was because of their help that I discovered that road in the first place.”

As she spoke, she put her fingers into her mouth and blew the whistle hard.

Although the penetrating whistle was not very harsh, it still woke up the sleeping creatures on the island in the middle of the lake in this quiet night.

They looked at the source of the sound, and then stood up one after another. White light surrounded them, and they themselves seemed as still as night.

Emilia took out the school badge pendant and shouted loudly:

"I have received permission from the academy and need the help of one of you tonight!"

So most of the unicorns lay down again. After waiting for a while, the smallest unicorn in the group spread its wings and ran towards the lake on the water reflecting the sea of ​​stars.

The soft hair was blowing low in the wind, and when the body passed by, it left a faint white trace in the night.

The young elf with blond hair also smiled and stretched his hands behind his head. After untying his headband, he let his blond hair spread out and sway in the wind.

She opened her arms and took a step forward by the lake to greet the companion who was about to arrive:

"Lianna, I need you to help me tonight."

If it weren't for time, Shade wouldn't really want to disturb this tempera-like painting. Fortunately, it was not him who disturbed this scene. Little Mia recognized the "playmate" she had seen before. It called "meow", so the happy little unicorn trembled and then left Ai. Milia's arms came to Shade obediently.

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