Whispering Verse

Chapter 1269 The Witch’s “Invention”


Miss Benenice coughed and brought the topic back:

"Sylvia, of course we are interested. What exactly is your business? Do you have product photos? If it is daily necessities, I can promote it for you."

The reputation of the best opera singer of this era is still very useful. And since they are both from Kasenlik, it is easy to promote them.

"Without photos, how do you think I convinced the Speaker? Of course it was because she had already seen the product itself."

The youngest witch in the parliament said with a smile. It was obvious that she was looking forward to this moment:


As he spoke, he stood up from his seat, and Miss Benanis and Miss Carina also came over. But instead of taking the box from under the table or taking the items from her pockets, Miss Sylvia turned her chair ninety degrees and sat down again.

She smiled and lifted her long skirt up, first revealing her black patent leather high heels, and then...


Both Miss Carina and Miss Bernice held their breath, they had no idea what was under the skirt.

The flesh-colored light black fabric fits perfectly on the slightly muscular legs, and the true color of the legs is faintly visible. Although the small crotch toes are hidden in the high heels, they can still be vaguely seen. The almost crazy leg lines are so clear, but the legs are indeed completely wrapped. It's like being exposed to the gaze, but not being seen at all. The thin fabric has fine lines, and every inch has filament lines that seem to make holes if you pull it.

She seemed to have changed a layer of skin for herself, and her perfect curves were outlined, even more attractive than her naked legs.

The orientation of the witches was originally very vague, but the scene in front of them was completely beyond their imagination.

The corners of Emma Sylvia's lipsticked lips were slightly raised. She stretched out her hand and casually picked up the fabric with her nails and lifted it up, allowing the other two witches to watch the extremely thin silk threads with good elasticity deform. And as Miss Sylvia let go, the fabric actually bounced back onto her skin. Looking at the fabric again, there was no trace of its recent deformation.

"Have you become a succubus?"

Miss Carina took a deep breath and reached out to grab it, but was stopped by Miss Sylvia:

"Although it's very elastic, it can't help but keep pulling."

With a slightly red face, she put down her long skirt to cover her legs again, and asked Miss Benanis:

"how do you feel?"

"You...you will buy the whole world."

The young witch showed an even brighter smile:

"It's not that exaggerated for now. The pair I'm wearing is the best kind of product and needs to be made by myself. In addition to what Shade once said, the inspiration comes from the records of the Fifth Age. In that era, the Witch Emperors were Stockings are made from the silk thread of the extinct ice silkworm. As for the products that factories can produce now, their elasticity and thinness are far less than what I wear."

Then he turned his chair:

"But, after all, it's much better than wearing those baggy cotton socks you are wearing. "...

Miss Carina and Miss Benenice snorted at the same time, and the duchess folded her hands on her chest:

"This time, you really got a good chance. Although it seems shameful, no one can refuse it, men and women alike. I can just imagine people lining up in long lines just to buy a pair of you Fabrics, and a thief would not hesitate to invade someone else's bedroom to steal a pair of these things... I didn't see that Shade still had this kind of imagination... "

It’s only now that I think about it:

"That guy must have touched the legs of witches enough in the fifth era to give you such shameless advice."

"The key to invention is not here. The fabric is just the finished product. Do you know what the real value is? I, Emma Sylvia, became the first person to invent artificial synthetic fibers. I pioneered the field of chemistry. New history, my achievements are even in

Thousands of years later, people will still recite it. I even obtained the enlightenment rune [Weaving] at the moment of success, which made me even closer to the eleventh ring.

"How many finished products do you have now? I want you to dress like this."

Miss Benanis interrupted her. Of course the eleven-ring blonde witch understood what an extraordinary achievement this was, but that was not what she was more concerned about right now.

"This is just a test product, and it will need to be adjusted later. Besides, I'm busy writing papers and factory work recently."

Miss Sylvia made an awkward move, but actually she picked up the black hair beside her ears with her fingers and looked at the two of them:

"I'm really busy."

she repeated.

"A pair of 5 crowns, it is worth the price. Don't worry, I won't wear it out before you sell it, just at home if you

We are short of manpower. I can lend you a few people. "

"A pair is 70 pounds. I will find a way for you to sell Delrayon. The girls around me will not refuse this kind of clothing."

The Duchess also offered a price that could be described as "sky-high".

As for the witches' deal tonight, Shade certainly didn't know.

Shade got up very early on Tuesday morning. After having breakfast with Mia at home, he took the cat to Huntington. This evening, they agreed to make a deal with the elf girl, so they had to enter the creek forest again. Shade planned to take Mia with him. Winter is about to pass, and it will take more than half a year to see this kind of scenery again.

Of course, in order to prevent others from seeing the cat and thinking of him, Shade used the witch's disguise runestone to change Mia's appearance. This super powerful illusion was specially developed by the witches of the previous century for the effect of makeup, so there is no need to worry about the cat disguised as a dog being spotted.

The Holy Emblem has now been re-hanged in the Forgotten Church, and the stone statue is still sitting on the front seat. Miss Lassers will not move it in the short term.

After Shade left Cherry Leaf Lane with Mia, he went directly to the local Cassandra Auction House. Although it was only nine o'clock in the morning, the auction house's foyer was already bustling with customers. There were several important auctions today.

The president, Mr. Kimberly, had already been waiting for Shade's arrival in the foyer. Even if he brought an ugly dog ​​into the red-carpeted room, Mr. Kimberly did not dare to have the slightest objection. …

"Good morning, have you found the ledger?"

"Found it, please go this way, all the records are here."

As he spoke, Mr. Kimberly led Shade to his office on the third floor. At this time, there were three cardboard boxes piled on the floor of the tidy office. Two middle-aged accountants in brown vests were placing the ledgers and transaction records on the coffee table in chronological order.

Next to the coffee table, black tea and snacks have been prepared on the dining car, and a young girl dressed as a maid is arranging the plates.

"This is Miss Miria."

Mr. Kimberly immediately introduced him. Shade looked at the maid and found that she was a ring wizard. The badge on the chest is very weakly heated, and the opponent's level is only level three:

"Mr. Watson. I saw you at Fort Midhill last year. You probably didn't notice me then."

The maid bowed respectfully, and Shade nodded without saying anything else.

As the oldest existing witch, the old witch has a number of followers that cannot be matched by "young people" like Miss Sylvia. Therefore, Cassandra Auction House's branches across the Old World will have followers of the witch to a greater or lesser extent. An important city like Randall Valley would probably have three to five ring warlocks.

They do not participate in management, they only supervise the handling of troublesome auction items and maintain the black market business of ring warlocks. This system has been implemented for nearly a hundred years.

Shade didn't say much, put Mia on the sofa and started checking the account books and transaction records. The accountants went to the next room to wait, while Mr. Kimberly was driven away by Miss Mirya to arrange other matters at the auction house. She personally accompanied Shade here:

"Han Mi

Mr. Donton, Princess Margaret, and Prince William of Anjou will be here at ten o'clock to attend the auction. Accompanying them is the Earl of Granger, who want to buy a batch of statues sold by the local Masons. "

"You don't need to tell me this. I'm here just for the account books."

Shade shook his head. He didn't have time to deal with Margaret's matter at the moment. Finding Thomas Granger and Mr. Lassers was the most important thing at the moment.

So Miss Milya didn't say much, and helped Shade's account book to search for suspicious transaction records.

Shade actually didn't know what they were looking for. He only knew that it might be related to the "Heart of the Earth", so they could only select the transaction records that might be related to it, and then conduct a detailed analysis.

Fortunately, all public auction items in the auction house must be photographed and documented, so it will be easier to find them with photos. Shade limited the records he was looking for to the period from two months before Mr. Lacers' disappearance to his disappearance. The booming business of Cassandra Auction House made such a large-scale search quite laborious.

Only Mia enjoyed this kind of time. Seeing that Shad had no intention of running around with it, the cat curled up comfortably and slept in a place that Shad could easily touch, or maybe it really fell asleep.

When it was 9:43 in the morning, Shade picked up a record of the auction items and looked back with interest. This was not what he was looking for. This was the auction record of Oxenfurt Manor.

Rumor has it that since the manor was lost to the Oxenfurt family, everyone who bought and lived in it would suffer bad luck. This auction record changed hands again in 1844, but according to records, the auction failed, and it was finally sold to an out-of-town businessman the next year.


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