Whispering Verse

Chapter 1265 Lazy Thaumaturgy

Shade did not give Agelina a chance to object:

"I will look for the gift again. Also, please call me by my name from now on, Your Highness."

The little princess then showed a sincere smile, and Lesia was responsible for making her recognize the reality:

"When you send out invitations, don't forget to send one to Dorothy Louisa. Also, prepare a safe and soundproof lounge for us at your birthday party. Yes, it has to have a big bed. That kind of thing.”

She looked at Shade with a smile:

"Knight, the Day of the Red Butterfly is coming. Are you ready?"

Half an hour later, Randall Valley City, the first floor of the Fertile Land Hotel.

Although the hotel was crowded on Monday morning, it was still very peaceful. The guests staying in the hotel were enjoying their lunch, and in the open first floor, no one paid much attention to Luvia and Shade sitting by the wall.

Mia stayed in Tobesk and was taken away by Lesia. Little Mia was able to enjoy the royal meal today.

While Shade was eating, he talked with Luvia about what happened last night and this morning. The girl with purple eyes nodded while listening, and finally concluded:

"So, you are really interested in girls' legs. Why didn't you see this hobby before?"

“Is that the point of the story?”

Luvia smiled:

"Okay, the point is the relationship between Mr. Lassers and Thomas Granger. Assuming that the two belong to the same organization, there is no need to assume that they are both souls who died because of the Mad Earth, and they both mastered the power of the earth after death. ', and appeared to save the earth at the most dangerous time. They must be related, and they must know each other."

"Yes, and they don't want to see us. But don't worry, now that it is confirmed that the stone statue in the church is indeed Mr. Lacers, then there is a way to find him. Miss Lacers is his direct descendant, even if Mr. Lacers The relics, I mean there are no clues in the real relics, and divination based on blood can also provide us with clues. The truth is about to be revealed to us!"

"This also means that danger is approaching. The three god-summoning rituals constitute the final [Feast of the Earth Mother Goddess], and the followers of the evil god [Stone Heart Demon] were actually encountered by you. There are also 'powers of the earth' among them. owner."

She held up the sandwich and looked at Shade:

"You have obtained the ritual of [Contacting the Thousand-Eyed Phantom Butterfly of the Old God]. What is the point?"

"Hold a banquet at a special place - this can be prepared at that time and offer sacrifices to the gods - leaves, flowers, and fruits. The three items cannot be ordinary leaves, flowers and fruits, but they do not have to be powerful. The requirement is that it symbolizes the vitality of spring and has extraordinary significance in mysticism.”

Shade explained, then stretched out his finger:

"The leaf can be [Eternal Youth Leaf]. The power of this leaf comes from the ancient god [Father of the Infinite Tree], so it meets the requirements. The flower can be the souvenir of this time key, the one shared by three friends. I plan to call the pink and white flower made of a gift [Flower of Spring], which is the power of [Thousand-Eyed Phantom Butterfly]. Therefore, I also need to find a special fruit, and I will carry out entrusted acquisitions in various cities, witches It can also help.”

"We still need to make up the difference between the three god-summoning rituals and the real [Feast of the Earth Mother Goddess]."

Luvia added, and Shade nodded. At that time, he might need to go to Huntington City to find the "Lady of the Lake" for help. Although the wisdom of the "Lady of the Lake" is very powerful, he cannot seek help for everything, and gaining knowledge requires facing tests, so it is not too late to wait until he has gathered three rituals before going.

"Things are going quite smoothly and everything is being implemented steadily."

He sighed softly.

"Including your relationship with the witch."

Luvia added, flipped her hair, and said before Shade wanted to explain:

"I am happy to see your relationship with the witch getting better and better. I don't need to tell you this. Speaking of which, haven't you used those two leaves yet?"

"Not yet, a lot happened last night."

"Yes, yes, you broke into Yodel Palace at night and slept with the Cavendish princess, I know."

Under Luvia's teasing, Shade put one of the green leaves in front of his eyes. He turned his head slightly to prevent the other guests on the first floor of the hotel from seeing the faint golden light emerging from the veins of the leaves.

"This is the knowledge of the mermaid race."

After a long while, he rubbed his eyes and said:

"It's a lot of complicated knowledge. I'm proficient in mermaid language now. Do you want to hear it? Well, I can see from your expression that you don't want to hear it.

I didn't expect this race to be so ancient. They were originally descendants of the God of Wisdom and Knowledge [Secret Master] and had a very developed underwater civilization in the First Age. Moreover, the mermaid shape of [Desire] seems not to be a coincidence, it really has something to do with mermaids. I need to straighten it out, this is really an amazing discovery! "

Luvia nodded, not interested in this kind of thing at all:

"Then the other piece is."

"Yes, [Fiona's Housekeeping Servant] corresponding to the [Sloth] Spirit Rune!"

Shade looked at the leaf in his hand excitedly, but before putting it in front of his eyes, he said with some worry:

"What if the casting material is dragon scales?"

"Why do you think this thaumaturgy is related to dragons?"

Luvia asked in confusion, and then Shade remembered that he could not prove that this thaumaturgy was related to the witch Fiona Drago, and it was just his own conjecture.

Then he turned slightly again, facing the wall, and covered the leaf in front of his right eye. After waiting for a while, I felt a headache from taking in too much knowledge at once and pressed my temple:

"Thumography [Fiona's domestic servant] is different from what I thought. It is not a summoning thaumaturgy, but a time thaumaturgy."


"Somewhere in the long river of time, there are some magical dragons who have signed a contract with the tree father. They use magical skills to temporarily exile the environment or items that need to be cleaned to that point in time. After the housekeeping servants clean them, they will Returned. Those dragons signed a contract with the Tree Father, and the creator of thaumaturgy also signed a contract with those dragons. Only a very small number of people recognized by the creator of thaumaturgy are eligible to obtain this thaumaturgy. Again In other words, the truth of this thaumaturgy is actually a contract of time."

"It's hard to imagine signing a contract with such a powerful creature just to clean up."

Luvia continued, as if she was not surprised at all, although she was surprised that she was not surprised at all:

"Do you need casting materials?"

"Very special casting materials are all gems. If you use a casting material once, the gems can be used for several spells depending on their quality."

Shade picked up the teacup and repeated the information he had obtained:

"The casting material is sapphire or blue cat's eye, and the domestic servant is a blue dragon, good at laundry;

Ruby or blood diamond, red dragon, good at cooking and kitchen work;

Emerald or precious jade, green dragon, good at cleaning the living room, brewing black tea and making snacks;

Black gemstone or sparkling obsidian, black dragon, is good at organizing bedrooms, cleaning wardrobes and drying quilts;

Pink Gem or Heart of Stone, Pink Dragon, specializes in baby products. "

"What kind of giant dragon is the pink dragon? Also, isn't this division a bit too fine? Is this more like a sacrifice than a casting material?"

Luvia asked:

"Besides, I believe that no matter how good the quality of the gem is, it may not be able to sustain too many spells. Since there are gems, after selling them, I can use the money to hire a full-time maid. Not only can I clean the whole house, but I can even do it at night. Some fun activities. This [laziness] is not cheap at all.”

"After all, it is a thaumaturgy created by the witch of the Fifth Age."

Shade also sighed, and was almost certain that the source of this magic was the witch with the beautiful big tail:

"For a witch of the thirteenth level, a gem can be exchanged for comfortable cleaning or meals. It is really a good deal."

Although he was in a coma on the island in the middle of the Pantanal Lake last time, he later learned that Miss Feliana and the others had complained to Iluna that the witches of this era did not take good care of Shade. He had a small guess that maybe this thaumaturgy came into his hands across time because of Miss Feliana's complaints.

But no matter what, Shade will not be dissatisfied with the free thaumaturgy at all. Besides, when he gets really rich in the future, he might be willing to

"No, even if I have money, I won't waste it doing this kind of thing."

However, this does not prevent him from trying to cast a spell sometime. After all, it is a thaumaturgy that I have learned, so I have to try it out anyway. Although expensive cleaning was unacceptable, Shade could still accept it if he just wanted to experiment.

"So, what are your plans today? Go to Coldwater Port and prepare all the materials that the elf lady asked for?"

Luvia asked again, but Shade shook his head. He had elf materials in his basement, and he could also buy them through Old John's channels if he needed to purchase them:

"I'll go find Miss Benenice later and ask about what happened last night. But before that, Luvia, I want to ask you a question - you came to Randall Valley to escape from a hidden old... In the hands of the divine sect, I learned about their sublimation book. So, what is the name of that sect?"

Shade only thought of this issue yesterday when he realized the relationship between the Golden Dawn and the Church of the Forgotten.

Sure enough, just as Shade expected, the purple-eyed girl blinked in confusion:

"Of course, speaking of it, I really don't seem to know. It's strange that I haven't had any doubts about this issue."

Shade shook his finger:

"Is it possible that that sect is the [Forsaken Order]? I heard from Miss Benanis that this old god sect has connections with the local ring magician organization, and the Prophet Association knows them It’s also very possible.”

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