Whispering Verse

Chapter 1258 The final adventure of 4791 years

The disappearance of that figure also made the surroundings return to normal, which meant that Shade once again felt that he was submerged in the black mud, and was still sinking.

Contact with black mud will not petrify himself, but it does not have no effect on him at all. At first it was just a stinging pain, but after just a few seconds and he continued to penetrate deeper, Shade clearly felt that he could not hold on anymore, but he was also sure at this time that at least a drop of divinity was waiting at the source of these black muds. Looking at him.

[You must leave, your soul can bear it, but your body cannot bear this pollution. Even if you use thaumaturgy to transform into a stone statue, you can't go any further down. It takes more strength from the earth to sink to deeper areas. 】

"I need a second power of the earth? For example, Luvia's power of earth, fertility field?"

[The accumulation of quantity is meaningless for this. You need to make the "Power of the Earth·Healing Aura" stronger. Each time the earth is cleansed, the spell's effect is enhanced. If you make an inaccurate guess and only need to purify 158 more ancient contaminations like "Saint Perry's Cemetery", or 201 such sources of contamination, you have a slight possibility of reaching the source of the black mud. 】

"Where am I going to find 158 or 201."

If there really is pollution like the 158 "St. Perry Cemetery", it means that the problem in Randall Valley City is completely out of control. Shade can consider asking another Luvia if the Sixth Age can be restarted. The only possible place that Shade could think of was the doomsday era of the last Sixth Age where the "other Luvia" was. That place was probably filled with crazy lands. But the problem is that he didn't find the time key, and even if he found it, he didn't have enough spirit to purify so much pollution.

"It seems that we need to think of ways to enhance the spell in other ways. Divinity is a must!"

The chain of the door pendant was tied to his arm to prevent it from being lost. He was holding the time key in one hand and the pendant in the other hand, ready to open the door.

Even in the black mud, the wooden time key covered with cracks has not been petrified, and even vaguely emits an emerald green light. The small door leaf, which was originally made of metal, had now turned into stone. But fortunately, the time key has no requirements for the material of the door. As long as it can be opened and closed and has the shape of a door, any strange material can be used:

"May the World Tree protect me in infinite time."


The heavy but still small stone door opened, and the wriggling white mist directly "sucked" Shade in.

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

[Fifth Age 4791 Autumn, Southern Continent, Worm Cave. 】

[Event: Butterfly Festival. 】

[Duration sixty minutes (3/3). 】

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree continues to watch you. 】

[The test given to you by the ancient god of time will continue. 】

[Help mortals complete the ritual of the old god-'Thousand-Eyed Phantom Butterfly', so that one of them can win the favor of his relatives. 】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you rewards: thaumaturgy - Fiona's domestic servant, a true message - the mermaid. 】

"Huh? Sixty minutes?"

Stepping out of the white mist, the corridor of the "Worm Cave" left a deep impression on Shade. Even though it still had a choking stench, it became so friendly now because there was no horrible black mud here.

The black mud that flows from the essence of the crazy earth naturally cannot follow Shade to this era. And although his skin and clothes were still stained with a strong breath of curses, fortunately in a place like the "Worm Cave" where even the concept of time and space did not exist, the power of whispers and curses was even stronger.

Compared to this, the aura on Shade's body was nothing worth mentioning.


The injury on his right arm from the fist fight with the gray stone giant was felt again at this moment, and the appearance of a living person also made the insects living densely in the small holes become restless again. Shade covered his arms and ran forward, turning into a swarm of scarlet butterflies when the "insect rain" fell.

As the butterflies flew out of the hole decorated with vines and flowers on the side of the rock wall like a stream of light, and finally landed at the bottom of the cave, the people attending the banquet also understood that the strange man was back again.

Shade walked out among the butterflies, and the flapping red butterflies landed on his shoulders and disappeared into broken flakes of light. The real butterflies that appeared because of the Butterfly God [Thousand-Eyed Phantom Butterfly] also danced very close to Shade at this time, and flew around him when he sat down again in his seat.

If it hadn't been for Shade's statement that he did not want the favor of the God of Butterflies, Witch Bletchett, Sister Perry and Mr. Lyman would have really doubted the necessity of continuing this banquet.

The flying butterflies spread colorful light spots all over Shade's body. The injury on his arm recovered quickly, and the healed injury allowed him to maintain an upright sitting posture. And after not seeing each other for a week, the three companions attending the banquet seemed to be in good spirits.

The middle-aged witch Bletchet looked at Shad curiously and nodded to him after he sat down; the middle-aged nun Olly Perry, who came for extraordinary power, bowed her head slightly as a greeting, which made Shad think of that again She looked old, and the party was not over yet, but he had already seen the end of this pious soul.

As for Mr. Lyman, he was still writing and drawing on the page in front of him, adjusting the sentences of the poem. According to Sister Perry, this gentleman also successfully left here and multiplied his family in Randall Valley City, and even had descendants in the Sixth Era.

Shade has already investigated and found that there was no ancient family with the surname "Lyman" in the Randall Valley in 1854 of the Sixth Age, so his descendants probably no longer had the original surname.

However, if it can be confirmed that Mr. Fred Lehman gained the favor of the God of Butterflies’ retinue after the banquet, then maybe his descendants will have heterogeneous blood. The nurse statue at Helen and Grace will point out the existence of special blood to Shade.

"God of Butterflies, it is an honor to come to your banquet three times."

Shade said respectfully to the god opposite the huge round table, and the god with illusory transparent butterfly wings behind him asked:

"You already got my gift?"

"Yes, I will leave it to a pair of butterfly girls for the time being. If you are interested, I can tell you the story. But before that, please allow us to dedicate poetry to you."

After receiving the God's permission, the four people displayed their works one by one in the same order as last time.

Mr. Lehmann was the first. As expected, he praised the beauty of "Butterfly Girl" according to his own imagination. Some of the sentences are even a little unsound, but they fully reflect Mr. Lehmann's sincerity. This gentleman has made great achievements in poetry creation, and his poetry is very good.

Sister Perry was the second, and she wrote poetry in the style of religious hymns. Compared with Mr. Lyman, Sister Perry's poems are a bit ordinary. She also knows that she is still probably not the best this time, but the nun can maintain her normalcy.

The third one is the middle-aged witch Ms. Brechet. Shade originally thought that the only transcendent among the three would be able to show the same advantage in the first round in the second round. But Bretchett's poetry is not even as good as Sister Perry's.

Because the witch was sitting next to Shade, after noticing Shade's eyes, she asked:

"Why do you think I'm good at writing poetry?"

"Because you are a witch."

"Do witches have to be good at creating? This is an obvious prejudice that people who know nothing about witches have, sir."

Shade is the last one. This week he entrusted Miss Benanis, Lesia and Dorothy to help him find excellent poems created in the Sixth Age. Miss Benenice chose for him a poem called "Poetry: Butterfly Dance" written by the poet Delarion around 1024 in the Sixth Age. Dorothy and Lesia actually wrote a poem and gave it to Shade, thinking that since it was going to be dedicated to the gods, it would be better to be original.

Shade also thought this idea was good, so he finally brought Dorothy and Lesia's long poem "The Red Butterfly". This is a long narrative poem they created based on Grace and Helen. After learning the story of the Red Butterfly Twins, the princess and the writer were even more touched than Shade, who had witnessed the story in person. And after composing this poem, both men gained new powers of enlightenment.

Because it was a long poem, Xia De held the starry book and read it for five minutes before finishing it. The three companions listened attentively. After he sat down, Mr. Lehmann clapped softly with his eyes closed:

"Although I don't want to admit it, it seems like I'm still far behind."

Sister Perry sighed slightly, lamenting the fate of the twin sisters who tortured each other in the story. The witch Ms. Bretchett is very curious about the end of the story. The end of this long narrative poem stops at the beginning of a new cycle. The twin sisters sitting on the top of the mountain holding hands, watching the rising sun rising from the east, together. Looking forward to meeting you next time.

The god made a very similar comment to last time:

"A very good poem. Although it is not the best, the story and the emotions contained by the creator are enough to surpass most poems I have seen. But this is not your poem, and your recitation skills are also very good. Oops. If last time it was all about skills and no emotion, then this time it’s all about emotion and no skills."

Shade noticed that the middle-aged witch with her head lowered was also smiling at this time, and he coughed awkwardly:

"I am willing to admit that I have not made any achievements on the road of art and literature. But since it is a gift prepared for your banquet, then I cannot fool you by just bringing out songs or poems, so please forgive me for bringing it. Someone else’s work.”

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