Whispering Verse

Chapter 1252 Identity Investigation and Blood Testing

"Shad, you can continue to talk about this issue with Princess Margaret, and you can even reveal that you have heard some inside stories from Miss Carina, that's okay. Of course, if possible, ask her about the opening ceremony of the shipyard The specific time, I think it won’t be delayed until spring.”

Director Anlos said that a new round of negotiations on the Pantanal’s outer trade routes and boundary lines has been scheduled for April.

Shade nodded, then pretended to be curious and asked:

"I heard from Princess Margaret that the Masons have been causing trouble. Are any of our people involved?"

"It's just adding fuel to the flames."

Director Anlos said it very lightly, as if he was talking about a naughty child knocking on the neighbor's glass:

"Provide them with some weapons or propaganda methods. We are not directly involved, but we are kind-hearted and provide some help. Speaking of which, there is another news that you may not know. William Anjou was assassinated by someone who called himself the Masons. "

Shade really knew that it happened on Wednesday, and he was also at Mr. Granger's banquet. Of course, what impressed him most at the time was that the royal guards acted very quickly and did not give the assassin a chance to fire a second shot.

"This has nothing to do with us, this thing is too stupid. But after that, the Masons' Association's emotions have obviously been aroused to the peak. I bet that there are other organizations reaching out in this matter, but I don't know who it is. .Shad, the water in Randall Valley City is very deep. If the princess needs help, we can provide some help. After all, this is one of the few descendants of the Anjou family who has established a good relationship with us."

He ordered Shade, who nodded slightly. As for more information about the Masons' Association and the accident twenty years ago, Director Anlos gave Shade permission to access the documents and asked Shade to check it himself.

Today is not only Saturday, but also the first day of the month of February 1854 in the universal calendar, the month of rare stars. February every year is the most difficult time of year to observe the stars in the sky, hence the name.

And since it was the beginning of another month, Shade spent the morning taking little Mia to deal with trivial matters in the city. It is worth mentioning that the gas company sent a letter to Shade a few days ago, informing him that starting from April, the gas charges in the St. Teresa Square neighborhood will be adjusted. Originally there were tiered charges based on the amount of gas used, but now the charging standards for the second and third tiers have been slightly adjusted.

For this reason, Shade also calculated whether his monthly expenses should be reduced or increased. It was not easy to live alone, especially since Shade was unwilling to hire an accountant for himself as suggested by Lesia.

As for the afternoon meeting at the doctor’s place, although Luvia was still unable to attend, the doctor entrusted Shade to verbally convey the contents of the meeting to the fortune teller who was on a business trip in Randall Valley:

"The college has arranged a general timetable for a new round of identity investigations on correspondence students. Because Sir Prisha, the academic spy at Serkses Higher Medical School, is from Kasenlik, this time it will start from the south. .”

He took out the college's documents and showed them to the other three people:

"It's the Tobesk region's turn, probably around March. Although there is still some time, we must be prepared. This time we will focus on investigating the social relationships of correspondence students before they come into contact with the college. In addition to inquiries from professors, astronomy The academy also sent diviners to assist in the investigation."

The doctor looked at Shade, Priest August and Dorothy with deep meaning. The last one was actually Lecia. Today is the time for forced exchange:

"We still have the whole of February to prepare, so as not to discover any problems until then. This is not a routine inspection, so previous experience is of little use. I want to emphasize that in the past month, try not to have any problems with your identity that may cause There is no need to contact people who have misunderstandings. Of course, if you have any difficulties, you can talk to me. I am the team leader, and I have been a student for the longest time. I am quite experienced in handling this kind of investigation."

Priest August and Lesia both nodded and looked thoughtful. Only Shade asked curiously while stroking the cat:

"Since we are investigating the experience before becoming a ring sorcerer, can we apply for a more detailed investigation? It would be best to be able to investigate to the level of the eighteenth generation of our ancestors."

Seeing the doctor looking at him with a strange expression, Shade explained:

"Doctor, you know me. I have no memory of before I became a ring magician, so I have always been interested in my previous life. It would be great if I could use this investigation to learn more about the past. I want to go Take a walk around your hometown, even if all your previous relatives have left, at least the land still has memories."

"Aren't you familiar with the college's librarian?"

The doctor suggested:

"Miss Denister, I should be happy to help you."

Shade nodded, but actually thought of more things.

Among the five-person team, Dorothy was the only one suspected of being an academic spy. So after today's meeting, Shade also talked about this matter with Lesia, but Her Royal Highness the Princess didn't care at all.

On the contrary, she was more curious about how Shade and Luvia spent last night. So while having dinner together, Shade told the story of yesterday. He even mentioned that he gave the unicorn fur to Luvia, and Lesia just sighed slightly, looking sad.

After saying goodbye to Miss Elf, Lesia asked curiously:

"So, you are really out in the wild."

"How is it possible? We are back at the Fertile Land Hotel."

"And you just left this morning?"

Shade, who was stabbing the duck meat on his fork, nodded hesitantly, and the blonde girl showed a teasing smile:

"Look at your plate, your cat is about to put its claws in it."

She first reminded, and then said:

"Although I won't receive a very precious gift, the treatment I want from Luvia tonight shouldn't be too much. Of course, we have to start with the lesson - the fairy tale "Grey's Glass Slippers"."

Shade felt something rubbing against his leg under the table. Looking at Lesia again, the corners of Her Royal Highness's white mouth were slightly curved, making Dorothy's face form a very cute arc.


He looked around and made sure that the table next door was still empty, and then whispered:

"Last night Luvia asked me to use [Light of Confinement] to tie her hands behind her back."

Even though Her Royal Highness the Princess has always been bold, she also blushed at this moment:

"Your "Pink Book" should really include this."

Although she said this, until the two of them and the cat left the restaurant, she did not object to Shade doing this in the hot night that followed.

(Little Mia is running.)

Early on Sunday morning, Shade carried Mia to the Cassandra Auction House in Fort Midhill. As agreed, Grace and Helen found a relic for Shade to identify his bloodline. The answer was very important to Shade.

Even though he had known it was a statue for a long time, when he actually saw it, its size was still beyond Shade's expectation.

Clerical level (Level 4) relic [Sad Nurse Statue], the main body is a statue of a nurse wearing a hooded robe, tilting her head and looking at the baby in her arms. The statue is made of marble. The statue itself plus the base is about the size of two people. If the statue was a one-to-one replica of a real person, then the nurse should be about two and a half meters tall.

Three lines of Quaternary writing are engraved on the square base:

[Tribute to Nurse Jon]


The first two lines are neat letters, and the last line is cursive runes.

[Bloodline is only the starting point of life. Sorry, child, it is also the end of life. 】

"This relic actually only requires blood, but fresh blood has a more accurate effect."

Helen, who was wearing a black skirt, said quietly to the side. Shade noticed that she was wearing a pair of white stockings today. As for her sister Grace, who was wearing a white dress, she rolled up her sleeves for Shade:

"Nurse Jon can identify bloodlines, but she extremely hates creatures such as demons and undead. Therefore, the negative characteristic is that dedicating blood containing bloodlines such as demons to her will cause the statue to activate and attack all flesh-and-blood creatures around it. Indiscriminate killing. Fortunately, this kind of loss of control is easy to soothe, but it may hurt a little."

She tied her handkerchief to the upper side of Shade's upper arm, applied disinfectant alcohol, and then pierced the skin of Shade's right arm with a metal needle to draw some blood.

The red blood looked normal. Grace took out the blood, wetted her handkerchief, and used the blood-stained handkerchief to smear the baby with closed eyes in the nurse's statue red.

After doing all this, the Hongdie girls and Shade stepped back slightly and watched the statue "come alive". The nurse statue moved its arms, lovingly hugged the baby completely in its arms, lowered its head and closed its eyes.

After waiting for three minutes and twenty-one seconds, the statue raised its head again and returned to the posture of tilting its head and hugging the baby. This at least shows that Shad's body does not contain strange blood such as demons or undead.

"I'll see the results."

Grace put her hand into the nurse's sleeve, which was a hollow design, and then took out a smooth pebble from it. After burning it with the flame at his fingertips, a character appeared on the cobblestone.

"Sir, it seems there is no problem."

Shade looked over. The character on the cobblestone meant "human", which meant that Shade's body did not have the blood of any alien creature.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

[What did you think it would be? 】

"She" asked with a smile.

Shade didn't answer, and hugged the cat that had jumped onto the base of the nurse statue at some point:

"Grace, come here, help me draw its blood."

So the poor cat was also given blood with a new syringe, but after Mia's blood was presented to the nurse statue, the results showed that it was not a purebred cat.

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