Whispering Verse

Chapter 1239 Prince Assassination Case

As the conversation progressed, Shade, who was holding a wine glass and frowning, couldn't help but think of more things.

There is indeed a manor on the island in the middle of the central lake of the Pantanal. What is very amazing is that the only relatively complete buildings on the island are the manor and the old lighthouse in the northeast. And before the Battle of Pantanal, when Shade and Iluna passed through the manor, they clearly saw the manor. A group of undead.

It’s strange to think about it now. At that time, the demigod witch who appeared under the influence of the word of sublimation fought so fiercely with the evil thing in Pantanal. The power of the evil thing itself caused the earth to crack and almost destroyed the entire island, but that The damage to the manor was almost negligible.

It's just that people's focus was on the evil objects and the aftermath of the battle, and no one paid much attention to the manor itself on the island.

"Are all the correspondence between Mr. Thomas Granger and the Farmer family on that island deep in the swamp?"

He asked softly, and Mr. Granger shook his head slightly:

"I don't know about this, but people haven't found those letters elsewhere. In the blink of an eye, it was almost a hundred years ago. Sometimes I really want to lament the time."

He looked at Prince William dancing in the center of the crowd. This prince was two years older than Margaret, but still unmarried. He was considered the hottest bachelor in Kasenlik:

"I can still talk to you about this now, but in the past few decades or hundreds of years, who else will be able to remember these names and these stories?"

He raised his head and drank the red wine in one gulp:

"This is probably the meaning of family. Only family can remember every individual who has passed away. Not many people know the name of Thomas Granger's great-uncle now, but the family will remember him just like , my descendants will also remember me. The Randall Valley is a place where families spread. In the spring when butterflies are flying, the budding earth will remember the buried people. May the earth be with you and me."

Shade didn't know whether the earl was sighing like this because he drank too much.

The Earl also wanted to entertain the guests as the host, so Shade did not continue to disturb him, but returned to Miss Benenice and Margaret's lounge with the next clue.

But the two ladies were not in the room at this time. Fortunately, Shade found the princess's maid and found out that they had left the room ten minutes ago and went for a walk in the courtyard. Shade guessed that the witch probably had something to tell her prospective apprentice, so he didn't pay attention.

It was only eight o'clock in the evening, so it seemed impolite to leave rashly now. Shade wanted to find something to do for himself, but continuing to play Rhodes would draw too much attention. After thinking about it, he still planned to go to the courtyard to find the two of them, hoping that he would not disturb their chat.

It was already the end of the nascent month of 1854, and the coldest period of winter was over. The weather would get warmer rapidly in about three weeks, but this did not prevent it from still being very cold tonight.

Shade planned to walk out of the main entrance of the building, so he entered the banquet hall again and tried to walk through. But before he could get close to the door, he saw the door open, and a man wearing a black patched coat, who definitely looked like he was definitely not an invited guest at the Earl's banquet, slipped in sideways through the crack in the door.

His whole body was bulging. He pushed the door open with his right hand and put his left hand in his pocket. He lowered his head when he entered, letting the black brim of his hat cover his face.

When he lowered his head and glanced up at the banquet hall, he looked at Shade for a moment, but then he looked away. Because he was just an ordinary person, even though he looked suspicious, Shade did not get close to contact him.

However, Shade still stopped, and then watched the other party quickly enter the banquet hall where the dance was being held. While people around him also noticed that something was wrong with his clothes, the man who rashly broke into the banquet finally removed his left hand from his clothes. He took it out of his pocket.

"What kind of gun would it be?"

Shade thought in his mind.

A pistol whose model Shade could not identify was pointed at Prince William Anjou in the center of the crowd. At this time, the prince's back was turned to him because of his dancing movements.


At the same time as loud gunshots were fired and exclamations were heard, the attendants around the prince had already rushed forward.

Just as Shade predicted, the hastily fired shot didn't hit anyone at all. The man who fired yelled and fired again, but the prince, who had been protected by his attendants and bent down to avoid the bullets, was now safe.

His Royal Highness the Prince's attendants and bodyguards were very good. Although they could not knock down ten strong men at once and kill people within 0.2 seconds, they successfully prevented the man who fired the gun from pulling the trigger a second time.

The loyal guards and attendants threw him to the ground like a rohan, snatched away the pistol, and pressed him firmly to the ground. There were at least five men taller than Shade piled on top of him, while others restrained his hands and feet with handcuffs and ropes. The owner of the manor, Earl Granger, stood on the sofa and shouted loudly for everyone to stay still and warned anyone not to take out weapons at this time, while the sound of a police whistle sounded outside the manor. The whistle sounded continuously, indicating the urgency of the situation.

An assassination plan like this is much inferior to the assassination of Queen Diana last summer. Whether it is Carsonlik or Delrayon, there will always be one or two similar accidents every year, but this time the target is Prince William of Anjou.

He is not the eldest prince of the United Kingdom of Kasenlik, so the ripples this incident will cause will not be as big as the assassination of Queen Diana in Tobesk last summer.

Shade just stood aside, watching with the other anxious guests that the man who tried to murder the prince was tied up tightly. Before being gagged, he continued to curse and express his hatred for the Anjou royal family with great emotion:

"You are a bunch of vicious dogs who don't pay back money. Now that I have no family and everything is gone, why don't you pay the price?"

By piecing together the information from Ling Ling, we can guess his identity. The man was a mason who was owed wages from the masons' association twenty years ago. His right hand was even disabled in an accident twenty years ago and he was unable to earn money to support his family. This is very sympathetic, but no one dares to comment on this at this time and comment on the nature of this assassination.

Shade was a little doubtful whether this incident was related to MI6, or whether it was just an accident caused by a simple personal conflict. After all, if William Anjou really died here, the opening of the Randall Valley Shipyard and subsequent events would not go so smoothly.

But no matter what, this matter has nothing to do with Shade. But he was a little worried about Margaret's safety, so before saying goodbye to the princess that night, he specifically warned her about safety issues. Although the five-ring warlock will not die with one shot, he is not truly immortal after all.

There are more and more things at hand. I originally came to Randall Valley with the main mission of "finding the key to time", but now I haven't found the key to time, but I am trapped by other complicated things. But at least Shade knew what problem he needed to solve most at the moment, so early on Thursday morning, he waited in the alley next to the Blackstone Security Company in advance and stopped Iluna when she passed by.

"Oh, Shade!"

The seventeen-year-old girl was wearing a brown trench coat with large buttons and a very long hem today, and a decorative belt around her waist. The hem of the trench coat was just at the knee, allowing Shade to see the brown women's boots that were almost the same color as the trench coat.

Iluna subconsciously pulled on her red scarf. She saw Shade holding the newspaper and looked very happy:

"What's the matter with calling me so early? Is there something wrong with Luvia?"

She immediately became nervous again.

"No, no, I want to explore the manor on the island in the middle of the Pantanal Lake. There are some things that need to be verified. At present, the only ones who can use the space maze are you and Sister Devlin, but I don't want to disturb the nun. ,do you have"

"Have time!"

Before Shade even finished speaking, Iluna immediately said:

"Are you anxious? If so, I'll ask for leave now."

"No, no, let's go tonight. I'm worried that if we go during the day, the souls in the abandoned noble manor will be hidden. Because it's night, I might not be able to solve the danger if I go there alone, so I came to you. .”

At present, the power of the Pantanal evil still remains on the island. Except for high-level warlocks, no one else in the church will easily land on the island, so they go there at night to avoid being discovered.

"No problem. I'll meet you at your home after get off work. Oh, how about having dinner together? I can treat you."

She boldly made the invitation, and after Shade nodded, she restrained herself from showing a too bright smile:

"See you tonight, Shade. I hope everything goes well."

Iluna Beas, perhaps never so eagerly hoped that the day would pass quickly.

Although they had agreed to go to the island in the middle of the Pantanal Lake that night, Shade did not waste any time during the day. He did not travel far in the morning because a long-lost client came to the door and asked "Detective Hamilton" to find the lost pet cat.

This kind of commission was extremely simple for Shade. Before lunch, he found the black short-haired cat hiding in the corner, as if frightened by the carriage. For this reason, he was "disliked" by Mia for a while when he came home. A while.

At noon, I took Mia to Fort Midhill for lunch. The old witch and Miss Swift both welcomed Shade's arrival. During the dinner, Shade also asked Granny Cassandra whether Miss Aurora had obtained the information on [Ritual - Contact with Earth-shaking Worms], but it didn't look like the situation was very optimistic.

After all, that is the information for the God Summoning Ceremony. Even if the cult declines, it cannot be obtained by just saying hello.

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