Whispering Verse

Chapter 1174 Tragic Comedy

With his spirit body and broken arm, Shade quietly left Mr. Franco's bedroom and returned home. Greeted by the cheerful little Mia, she carried the "broken arm" to the third floor of her home. Of course, during this period, the [Confinement Halo] will remain in the casting state, otherwise the arm will disappear.

The life ring appeared behind him, and under the aura of [True Death], the black iron cemetery fence door locked by hinges appeared in the center of the corridor illuminated by gas lights. The metal fence seemed to be able to absorb light, and the corridor quickly became dark after its appearance. become dim:

"May the end of eternity bless me before the end."

The hinges left along the edge of the fence like a black snake. Shade pushed open the fence door and walked into the white mist with the cat who was looking around.

Countless tombstones stood dimly in the fog, and there were cross tombstones stuck diagonally into the ground at their feet. All the tombstones had mottled marks, but no words on them.

[Soul Cemetery] has the power to repair broken souls, so Shade brought this amputated arm, and then pressed it against the tall tombstone with a high base and a white jade pattern on the side.

The broken arm, imprisoned by the moonlight ring, was smoothly integrated into the tombstone, and then a few lines of simple text "penetrated" from the tombstone to the surface of the tombstone.

[Outlander, since the main body of the soul still exists, you cannot rely on soul fragments to repair a damaged soul. 】

"It doesn't matter."

Shade looked at the words on the tombstone:

[Maria Fundi (Sixth Age 1828-1854)]

【Miss Norma】

[I love this earth deeply, and I will eventually return to it. 】

[Died from suffocation. 】

He placed his hand on the final cause of death, and a line of small words appeared below:

[Place of Death, Old Continent, Kingdom of Delarian, Eastern Suburbs of Tobesk City, Abandoned Manor. 】

A map appeared thoughtfully below, marking the specific location of the abandoned manor. Shade took one look and recognized that it was the place where Miss Norma lived when she was a child. It was the aristocratic manor where Miss Norma's mother once worked.

He had seen a close-up view of the manor in photos during the day.

After writing down this information, Shade picked up the cat at his feet and exited the cemetery. It was already past midnight and it was Friday. He didn't plan to set off now, but wanted to wait until daytime to finish the investigation.

[Can you guess what happened? 】

"I can probably guess it, but I hope it won't be the same as what I thought."

Early on Friday morning, after breakfast, Shade set off.

The eastern part of Tobesk is mountainous, so the city's public cemeteries are all in the eastern part of the city. After all, the rugged mountainous terrain destined the city to be impossible to expand to the east.

But in the early days of the city's development, some nobles who owned woodland in the eastern forest area built their own manors at the foot of the mountain. Shade's current destination is the building from that time.

The carriage took Shade to the public cemetery first, where Shade got off the car and then walked into the mountains. He had to walk not far, but within twenty minutes, he saw the silhouette of the manor that had been abandoned for more than ten years along the country road.

The abandoned manor still had a fence gate, but the fence gate had been opened, and the rusty iron chain was thrown into the snowdrift beside it.

Go through the fence gate and walk along the courtyard stone path covered with snow and mud. The courtyard was completely dilapidated, and one could tell at a glance that there were no traces of use here. But when he turned to look at the stable, he saw several horses grazing with their heads down.

The manor house was not Shade's destination. He quickly left the stone road and walked to the left. On the side of the stone statue of a knight wielding a sword whose head had disappeared, he saw a simple camp built with three tents and a bonfire.

It was nine o'clock in the morning, and the curls of green smoke were drifting towards the cotton candy-like clouds in the blue sky outside the city. There were pots on the campfire, and the camp hosts were having breakfast.

Shade, who was wearing a black coat and warm boots, did not hide the sound of his footsteps. The bottoms of his boots made rustling sounds with the snow. The young people sitting around the campfire soon discovered him.

There were three people in total. They all looked a little haggard due to their long "wild life". The coat and trousers were relatively neat, but the beard had covered his chin. Although this made identification more difficult, Shade still recognized that these were the three missing persons related to Miss Norma, including Mr. Martin Jr.

[They are all ordinary people, with no traces of elements on their bodies. 】

"Sir, who are you? You have trespassed on private property!"

Before Shade could speak, the tall young man at the head said loudly, "This is Mr. Martin Jr."

"Private property?"

Shade looked around:

"Isn't this an abandoned manor?"

"Yes, but this place has been re-bought by us! The transaction was carried out last week, and we have complete tickets and deed certificates!"

This sentence didn't seem like a lie, and the two people behind Martin had already picked up the pokers and shovels by the campfire, apparently wanting to intimidate Shade.

"Buy here? That's okay."

He stopped and looked around:

"Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a private detective."

He did not say that he came to see Mr. Martin Jr., but instead introduced:

"Mr. Johnson Franco, who is bedridden due to a serious illness, entrusted me to find the missing Miss Norma. I found out that this is the place where she lived when she was a child, so I came to try my luck. Have you ever seen a beautiful woman? Madam, have you been here recently?”


Mr. Martin Jr. said with certainty, and Shade nodded:

"So, can I ask, what's under the piece of soil next to your camp that looks like it's been turned up recently? And why do you need to bring a shovel with you when camping?"

"Sir, you'd better stay out of your own business!"

The young man frowned and looked at Shade. Shade looked at the newly plowed land without snow with some regret:

"It seems that Miss Norma has met with misfortune."

As soon as Shade's words came out of his mouth, the expressions of the three young people changed drastically. Little Mr. Martin scolded:

"Sir, please leave here. This is private property."

"What if I don't want to leave?"

"There are three of us!"

Little Mr. Martin also picked up the shovel standing on the side, and the three of them approached Shade together. Although one of them is slightly shorter, the other two are almost as tall as Shade. This appearance is indeed very oppressive.

Shade took a step back, looked away from the ground, took out the pistol from his waist and raised it forward:

"I'm sorry, I'm only one person, but I have a gun. Do you want to bet if I have bullets in my gun?"

The three of them were obviously taken aback, not expecting to see the pistol. So Shade pressed the hammer and raised the muzzle of the gun. After a bang, green smoke floated from the muzzle into the blue sky.

He lowered his gun and pointed it at the three people again:

"So, do you still want to bet on how many bullets are left in the wheel?"

The sound of gunfire seemed to still be echoing under the vast sky. Two shovels, a poker and a revolver faced off for a moment.

Then, all those "cold weapons" fell to the ground.

Shade smiled and was about to put away his pistol and say something, but after the cold weapon landed, the three young men also fell to the snow.

Under the only patch of land not covered with snow, a layer of disgusting black mud oozed. And in the black mud, the evil spirit that Shade had seen twice yesterday appeared again. Its broken arm has been repaired, and its long hair is hanging around its head. Now Shade is very sure that it is the missing Miss Norma.

"An evil spirit that appears during the day?"

Looking up at the bright sun, Shade was slightly surprised. This time, the evil spirit did not attack Shade. The two were in a stalemate for a moment, and a rational human voice was actually spoken by the spirit:

"They're fine. When they wake up, they'll just think they passed out from the cold last night."

Although the words were still filled with madness and trembling, they were undoubtedly the voices of reason.

"Why are you meddling?"

asked the dark spirit standing on the mud, the soul polluted by the unknown force still retaining part of itself.

"Someone entrusted me to find the missing Mr. Martin, it's that simple. Madam, if you are willing to tell me the truth, that would be great. I can help you rest in peace and let your soul rest forever."

He suggested cautiously, but evil spirits will be evil spirits after all. The wriggling long hair stabbed at Shade's face like a wildly dancing snake, but with just a swing of the sword, Moonlight's sword easily wiped out those weird hair.

Holding the sword in one hand, he stepped forward on the snow under the winter sun. The moonlight slash thrown by his left hand broke the dark sphere projected by the evil spirit. With his right hand, he thrust the sword forward, piercing the spirit body steadily and ruthlessly. Nailed it directly to the ground.

The squirming spirit still wanted to resist, but as the [Blade of Chaotic Time] took effect, three moonlight swords thrust out from the void, like beams of light, completely nailing the soul to the ground. The black mud under its feet was constantly squirming, but it was ultimately afraid of the holy moonlight and could not help the evil spirit resist.

The moonlight sword summoned by [Blade of Disrupted Time] will not disappear because it is no longer held by Shade. So he just held a sword, and then touched the soul's head with his left hand:

"Tell me your secret - your guide to death."

Direct contact with the soul, the secret of this sane and crazy soul, and therefore fully revealed to Shade.

The bright sunshine in the winter morning gradually disappeared from Shade's eyes, and strange pictures unfolded in front of him one after another. Everything about Miss Norma who was buried on the earth was shared with the soul from a foreign land through this simple touch.

"I see."

The land of the manor has been calling Miss Norma since she was a child. And Miss Norma has been able to hear sounds since she was very young. Years of exposure have allowed her to learn some wonderful knowledge, and also convinced her that she will eventually become one with this land.

Miss Norma was already asleep in the snowless soil at this moment. Her disappearance was not forced. She wandered among men, and it took her many years to finally select the three men who loved her most deeply, and coaxed them into believing that she would be resurrected in the mud. Therefore, the three young people headed by Martin Jr. personally buried their "lover" with a gentle smile in the ice and snow this winter.

But they did not wait for their resurrected lover, but in the biting winter wind, they waited for the detective investigating the matter.

This is not the tragedy of Miss Norma, nor the comedy of the three Martins. This is just that the earth is calling her.

However, Shade did not notice anything unusual in this land.

PS: There is a big recommendation on the 29th. I will update it at that time. If there are no accidents, I will update it by 1W.

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