When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

When the Juggernaut Comes to the Second Dimension Chapter 1108

boom! !

A large number of missiles behind the robot covered her, and the free field on her body was compressed to the extreme. When receiving this blow, the free field shattered and she flew out directly.


The random domain connected with the brain finally broke when she was traumatized, which dealt a severe blow to her spirit, and when she flew upside down and fell to the ground, she couldn't help but began to vomit blood.

Not only her spirit, but also her internal organs were damaged due to the damage of the random domain, the severe pain in her chest made it difficult to breathe, and even her consciousness was becoming hazy, and her vision gradually became blurred.

Maybe she is going to die, but she is very happy when Yong Ye escaped, but she is not willing to die like this... After all, the revenge of her parents has not been avenged until now, so she really has no choice but to die like this.

At this time, she saw in the hazy vision that Yong Ye ran out of the building beside him, took the pistol she had given him for self-defense, and pulled the trigger on the robot, as if trying to lure him away. A robot that was about to attack her additionally.

The robot without a high IQ naturally turned its head towards Yong Ye's discovery, regarded him as the latest threat, and rushed over directly.


This scene made Origami's eyes widen, and her mind was filled with incomprehensible emotions.

"...don't...don't care about me...quick...run away...!!"

Origami gritted her teeth and wanted to prop up her body and stand up again, wanting to deal with the robot, but she couldn't prop up her body more than five centimeters and fell down again.

Immediately afterwards, she could only hear human footsteps and machine footsteps, farther and farther away.

This made her understand that it was Yong Ye who led the robot away, and the ordinary Yong Ye raced against the robot that used the display device to fight. In the process, it might be possible to use human wisdom to increase the escape time, but there must be no way to get rid of the robot. A robot that reveals the device so that the end result is very obvious.

"It shouldn't be...it shouldn't be... like this...if I...Yongye is dead...I...quick...get up...!"

Unwilling to accept such a cruel reality, a lot of anger, sadness, and despair were churned together in Origami's heart. She didn't care about the situation where she was vomiting blood, and she just wanted to force herself to stand up.

She has nothing left now, so she doesn't want to be completely destitute, doesn't want to lose the last thing she wants and wants to protect.

Origami bit her lips tightly, tasted the blood, tried hard to get up but failed again, beat the ground with her fist angrily, still wanted to stand up without giving up.

"I...want to become stronger...I...I don't want...this...cannot...accept..."

The life that Yong Ye sacrificed in exchange for her life was not what she wanted. Even if she was unwilling, she could accept her own death, but she couldn't accept that Yong Ye had to die to protect herself.

Since the day her parents were killed five years ago, the word god has disappeared from Origami's dictionary, but if there are gods or demons in this world, no matter what, she hopes to use their reasons to gain power from them, as long as Even if it costs her life and soul to accomplish her goal now, she can readily accept it.

She wants the power to protect, the power to revenge... She doesn't want to have nothing again.

…at this time when she was deep in negativity.

A strange object, whose whole body seemed to be covered in mosaics, and which could not tell the difference between male and female, appeared beside her.

"—Forgive me for asking, do you... want power?"

The existence of being neither male nor female reveals neither male nor female voices and absurd words. In the past, Origami would definitely ignore it and would only treat it as a neurosis. But now Origami has no such thoughts at all, and the rest of her inner emotions are far away. Far stronger than thinking that this sentence is absurd, I almost answered without thinking.

"I want...no matter what...the price...I want...the strongest power...beyond everyone...that can protect Yong Ye...!"

"That's it...then let me give you the power you've been looking for."

That strange existence, as if smiling, handed her a jewel-like object emitting dazzling white light.

The moment the jewel touched Origami, it emitted a more powerful light, and then floated into the air, sinking into Origami's chest, and the mosaic man disappeared.

Before Origami could react and notice what was going on, even when she thought she was hallucinating in this state in a daze, her heart beat violently, and the blood all over her body became scorching hot.


It was difficult for her to speak, but at this moment she let out a scream and felt that she had been transformed by the gemstone into something else, some kind of inhuman creature, and her consciousness began to fall into the boundless darkness.


There is a huge discrepancy between Tobiichi Origami's imagination and reality.

Yong Ye didn't do anything with a pistol that couldn't kill at all, nor was he embarrassed by being chased by a robot. Instead, when he left the vicinity, he casually threw the robot to the ground and sat on it to kill him. It was disassembled into parts, and its internal structure was studied.

And when the mosaic, the elf code-named Phantom (phantom), he quickly appeared above the nearby buildings, wanting to see what the phantom was trying to do.

"...The legendary mosaic man? Isn't this Murasame Reine? Sure enough, what does this hidden elf want to do, but I don't know what the purpose of spreading the elf is."

The analysis officer of Ratatosk has long discovered that Murasame Reine, who is a friend of Wuhe Kotori, is the eternal night of the elf. After seeing through the mosaic-like object that blocks the line of sight, he noticed that this is Murasame Reine After all, he was not too surprised. After all, his intuition told him that if there was no accident, it was almost the same.

Although he didn't know what Reine Murasame was trying to do, he felt that having power was not a bad thing for Origami, so he didn't interfere with the process, just quietly observing from the sidelines.

When he noticed that Origami was about to wake up again after a brief faint after Reine Murasame disappeared, Yong Ye was briefly annoyed. , came up to a robot and shot it.

Then... just as Origami imagined, Yong Ye began to be chased by the agile but not intelligent self-discipline robot.

Chapter 41 Inverted Origami and Back to the Past

The race between Yong Ye and the self-discipline robot in this city didn't last long, very quickly, really quickly... In the center of the city, a spot of light rose into the sky.

in the night sky.

A girl suddenly appeared. The girl was wearing a short skirt that bloomed like a flower, and a long skirt that was close to the curve of the body. The ring floating above the girl's head and the silk of light protruding from it all Made of pure white.

The pure white girl in the night sky makes people instinctively think of the existence of angels, but they don't have wings.

Image: "Angel of Extinction", Location: "Images/1548956639-100049815-102836280.jpg"

The girl observed the city from a height, and soon found Yong Ye, who was passing through the building and using the terrain to avoid the attack of the robots, looking very embarrassed.

"... Eternal Night will be protected by me—the Angel of Extinction!"

As if responding to Origami's words, multiple rays of light appeared in the night sky surrounding Origami, and then converged on Origami's head to form a golden crown.

"—Sun disc! Destroy it!"

Origami spread her hands, and the front of the crown suspended above her head split into two parts, turning into a sun-like ring, and then the ring began to rotate, spreading particles of light downward.

The dense light particles, like the extremely gorgeous rain of destruction, fell from the sky in thousands, easily ravaging the earth into disfigurement.

The remaining autonomous robots scattered in the city were devastated in this short period of time. Starting from Yong Ye, all the autonomous robots, together with the nearby buildings and vehicles, were turned into waste.

The city's crisis was resolved so easily, and Yongye, who was originally unscathed, was covered in black smoke from the explosion of vehicles not far away, as if he had just dug coal from a coal mine. Same back.

The origami had calculated that the attack would not hurt him, although it did not hurt him, but it created a gray face on his face, so that he didn't know what expression would be better.

After all the threats were eliminated, the girl in the sky swooped down and flew in his direction, appearing in front of him in a short while.

This girl who has never shown any emotion in front of people, like a doll, has the most obvious emotions on her face so far, dissatisfaction and anger.

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