When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

When the Juggernaut Comes to the Second Dimension Chapter 1042

Yong Ye searched carefully, but with a blank face, he asked back in confusion.

"When did I get that thing?"

"You, you still want to deny it! This afternoon, no, wasn't it all like that?!"

"No... In the afternoon, you obviously fell on me for no reason, so how did it become a reward? I haven't asked you for the mental damage fee for being harassed yet."

"Mental damage fee? How dare you say it!...Don't get me wrong, I'm not drunk! I'm just pretending to cooperate with you to fulfill the agreement!"

Although he was annoyed by the "spiritual damage fee", Wuhe Qinli squeezed the back of his hand fiercely in order to prevent himself from going off topic and making it difficult to speak halfway, trying to use the pain to refresh his mind, and at the same time Also maintain sanity in commander mode.

"...What you said really sounds like that, but can you keep breathing without trembling in your voice? Isn't it weird?"

"Hey, long-winded! Who's voice is shaking? Don't talk nonsense!"

Kotori, who was pointed out the problem, blushed but insisted not to admit that it was the cause of her gaffe, and insisted that the gaffe was a deliberate reward, which seemed to be the absolute way to save some lost face.

"——Commander! Please don't pinch yourself like this anymore, I really can't ignore your waste of resources! If you want to hit me, hit me——ohhh!?"

Kanzuya... No, Kannazuki was only halfway through, and Kotori stepped on the front of his foot hard, causing him to let out an inexplicable scream that made people feel happy.

Then, after being exposed by his own people, Kotori pointed at Kannazuki who was jumping around happily, frowning and roaring.

"—Get out of here!!"

"Yes, yes yes...! Get out now!!"

Without any objection, she obeyed Kotori's Kannazuki 100%, tried to stand up straight and saluted, then obediently bent down on the ground, and rolled out of the bridge on all fours.

Kotori, who suppressed her embarrassment and anger, didn't care so much now, she stood up with a blushing face, and yelled angrily at the console that was talking.

"—In short! I have already paid the reward! You lolicon, don't drag around! Hurry up! Isn't there your favorite loli underneath? AST will come soon, you Don’t rush down and seal her and take her home!!”

After finishing speaking, maybe because he was worried that Yong Ye would expose her, he stepped on the button on the console without waiting for a reply, and interrupted the call.


"...I'm not a lolicon, why did I rush down and take her home? But speaking of it...this is really a child with personality, this is the first time I've seen such a begging attitude..."

Silently taking the phone back, Yong Ye didn't care about Wuhe Qinli's attitude. Although he was a commander, he felt like a director of an enterprise department, and he was only a fourteen-year-old child.

You don't need to care about anything with a junior high school child, otherwise you will be too stingy and seem to care too much.

Looking down, Yoshino seemed to be looking for a friend and hero named Yoshino in the trash can again. Yong Ye just quietly observed her movements, and did not act rashly like last time. To get in touch, after all, although the other party is docile by nature, he is too timid and afraid of life.

But when he was observing quietly, eleven women in the distant sky, wearing a mechanical armor that could be called sexy, walked out of the dark clouds.

Yong Ye met once, Tobiichi Origami's teammates who tore down the living room of his apartment, and Tobiichi Origami and Takamiya Mana who only met in the afternoon, were among the eleven people.

Unlike Qin Li and the others' organization Ratatoskr, they are ASTs with the purpose of annihilating elves by force. Among them, Takamiya Shina has just been transferred from the DEM agency to Tiangong City to supplement the AST staff, and did not officially join the AST until after dark.

The moment they saw Yoshino, although they didn't understand why the elves were rummaging through the trash can, they still fired micro-missiles in unison as usual.

A large number of missiles that could easily kill people traced a straight trajectory according to the predetermined trajectory, and hit the girl next to the trash can, instantly blasting the trash can into pieces, causing the garbage inside to scatter all over the sky, but... This seemingly astonishing attack was completely unable to penetrate the defense of the spiritual outfit and hurt the elf's body.

But even so... Even though she was unscathed, Yoshino's body trembled in embarrassment. After holding her breath in panic, she stepped hard to the ground and flew into the air, trying to escape from everything.

Ever since she became an elf at the age of thirteen, she lost her home and was unconsciously pulled into the boundless darkness and disappeared into this world. When the sleep in the darkness disappeared, there were only ruins left around, and the streets There will be absolutely no human presence.

The sky is always raining, and the sun is hidden somewhere. While the icy rain drenches her, there will be mechanical troops chasing her constantly, sending out cruel malice and murderous intent towards her, but she doesn't know why. Such a thing would happen to her, and the fate that had been imposed on her would not answer her.

However, it doesn't matter, her hero and her unique friend will protect her after she becomes an elf, and will always be by her side and protect her forever.

But... now... the one and only friend and hero who should be in the left hand... is gone.

She still can't fully understand the concept of death, but she doesn't want to die. In order to avoid the attacks of her former race, she can only draw a complicated flight track to escape to the sky, wanting to escape here.

"—the elves must be killed without leaving behind!"

"Don't let her escape!"

"Kill her!"

Yoshino doesn't want to fight, she just wants to escape from this place that frightens her, but there is a group of people who also don't want to die because of her appearance. I couldn't stop trembling maliciously.

After becoming an elf, she lost everything, lost the purpose of living, and didn't understand the meaning of living, but...she still didn't want to die. Although she had no goal and didn't know what to do in life, she still wanted to live because she was afraid dying...

Yoshino, who hates violence and injuries, can't hate people who are also afraid of death, so she can only dance in the air in a panic, but... being thrown with countless viciousness, this is almost the limit for her.

"...Ice Golem (Zadkiel)...!!"

Losing his only companion, he couldn't bear it and couldn't bear it any longer. When Takamiya Mana came to attack with double blades, Yoshino raised his right hand to the sky under the artillery fire, and then swung it down fiercely.

On the ground where the concrete was dug out, the total length was about three meters. The surface of the body was like animal leather and cloth, with white patterns engraved everywhere, and a huge white puppet emerged from the soil.

Opening bright red eyes, the puppet with rabbit ears on its head but with fangs and sharp teeth let out a roar of "Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" attackers.

Facing the claw attack, the alert Takamiya Mana immediately switched from offense to defense. While setting up the double blades, he condensed the free field to a narrower degree than usual.

——Boom! ?

The random area where the defensive power would be increased by narrowing the range was still hard to resist the huge impact, and Mana's body flew out in an instant.


Mana, who was flying upside down, frowned, looked at the frozen puppet spouting white smoke, and couldn't help sighing while enduring the pain.

"...Sure enough, unlike the inexhaustible Nightmare (Nightmare · Tokisaki Kurumi), the elves other than that Nightmare are all too strong..."

...Yoshino didn't pay attention to her exclamation, and also ignored Origami who was advancing with her blade. She quickly turned over and got on the frozen puppet. More white mist.

The white mist sprayed from the puppet was as cold as liquid nitrogen, cold enough to freeze the rain and turn the pouring rain into heavy snow.

The puppet opened its bloody mouth and sprayed out a white breath, freezing the three AST members who were not in a hurry to dodge together with the random domain, and it looked like a hockey puck that fell from the sky.

After the three AST members turned into snowballs and landed on the ground, the rest of the AST members hurriedly backed away, dragging their companions on the ground to be wary of possible attacks from puppets.

The frozen puppet also took advantage of this moment to bring its owner's four feet to the ground, and started fleeing again at a very high speed on the frozen ground, trying to get away from the attackers.

It's a pity... It's just that this blow didn't make the attackers give up, but regrouped and drove the thrusters again, and quickly chased after her, firing malicious and deadly artillery at her again, so that the timid girl finally Unable to bear it any longer, he let out a helpless and desperate choked cry.


"——Everyone! Don't show mercy! Full firepower!"

AST does not have any sympathy and compassion for elves, even if that elf is a crying child.

Perhaps others may see it as extremely cruel to shoot children, but from their standpoint, this is a job, and it is also something that must be done to protect human beings.

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