When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

When the Juggernaut Comes to the Second Dimension Chapter 1035

"Ah, ah, ah?!...Am I... cute?"

Yong Ye sighed for no reason, and Kotori, who was walking in front of him shaking his hands and striding forward, couldn't help holding his breath, and subconsciously turned around in surprise.

"No... please pretend I didn't say anything."

Because it was too late to sigh, Yong Ye withdrew his preface on the spot, making Qinli pouted.

"Hey~ why is this like this!"

"...Well, that's how life is, it needs some ups and downs."

"Huh...? What do you mean?"

Feeling puzzled, Qin Li, who didn't understand Yong Ye's words for a while, tilted her head, but before she could seriously ask, she suddenly remembered that Yong Ye always called her by her full name.

"By the way, teacher! Teacher, don't always call me Wuhe Kotori, just call me Kotori!"

"...or not? I feel that you will regret it after a while."

"Will not!"

"Well...Let's talk about it later."

Although Yong Ye gave Qinli the anti-alcoholic medicine, her personality has not yet switched back. Under this situation, he believes that when Qinli changes back to Commander Shaking S, her expression will be very exciting. To be honest, he is looking forward to that A scene, and I plan to find an opportunity to secretly record it, so that it can be used in the future.

"No! Promise!"

Innocent Qinli, who didn't understand what Yong Ye was thinking, was like a stalking girl who meets an elder she likes, and naturally held Yong Ye's hand, swaying from side to side as if she was acting like a spoiled child.

"...I personally don't care, but I hope you don't bang your head against the wall when the time comes."

"Great! It worked!"

Not paying attention to Yong Ye's advice at all, Kotori cheered and turned in a circle at the same time, just like an ordinary junior high school girl, cheering for a little trivial matter.

"...I'm really thinking about you this time..."

Witnessing the girl's circling behavior, Yong Ye muttered something in a low voice, and then said nothing, just waiting for the moment to switch roles.

He believes that there will be a wonderful show at that time.

I can't be sure about other things, but at least Wuhe Qinli's face change will be very exciting.


It's school time.

After all, Yong Ye still failed to get rid of Wuhe Qinli, because Wuhe Qinli, who had transformed into an innocent girl, became unexpectedly entangled under the influence of alcohol, which made Yong Ye once suspect that the hangover medicine was fake.

However, for the time being, there is no time to care so much, Yongye returned to school as agreed, chatted casually with Qinli in the office, and waited for Shixiang and her little friend to arrive.

"——Yong Ye! Here I come! Hurry up and go eat grilled fish together!"

Not long after the bell rang, Tohka pulled Tokisaki Kurumi with his left hand, and one of the trio with his right hand, and pulled the remaining two in series, bringing four of them at once and rushed over immediately .

Chapter 18: The Origami Self-Propelled Pistol

Excited for the food, Shi Xiang rushed all the way, Yong Ye just shook his head amusedly, then raised his head and glanced at the clock beside him.

"...It's only past three o'clock, are you sure it's so early?"

"Of course! Why don't you hurry up? Oh, by the way, is Kotori going too?"

Tohka, who is as innocent and innocent as Wuhe Kotori with the white ribbon, is friendly to most of the others except Origami who hates elves. When she noticed Kotori, she naturally invited Kotori.

Kotori, who was in the white ribbon state, had no reason to refuse, and readily agreed with a smile.

"Okay! Then it's not advisable to be late...!"

"I am coming too."

As if going on a spring outing, Tohka raised her hand excitedly and was about to announce her departure, but Origami, who appeared expressionless, interrupted her at this time as if on purpose.

Tohka, who was originally smiling, frowned deeply when she noticed the existence of origami, and when the smile disappeared, she showed a vigilant look instead.

"——Tobiichi Origami, why did you come here!"

"I'm going back to the apartment, and I plan to go back with Yong Ye along the way."

Origami was also wary of Tohka and Kurumi, but she didn't pay much attention to her words, she just said her plan casually, and at the same time cast her eyes on Yong Ye, waiting for him to speak.

"Uh...we don't plan to go back for the time being, but we are going to eat fish at a newly opened restaurant nearby. If you have time, would you like to come together?"

"I go."

As soon as Yongye's invitation was spoken, Origami agreed without hesitation, almost without any thought, which made Tohka stunned, and her good mood was ruined by half.

"What—!? Why, why did you go with this guy?!"

"...Because it's a neighbor? And this child has taken care of me before, right?"


Although Yong Ye temporarily explained, Tohka still had a look of nothing but acceptance, clenching her teeth like an angry female cat, and made a sound of unknown meaning.

"Well, Ten Fragrant Sauce, calm down."

"We're all classmates after all, don't be like this."

"Let's eat peacefully together?"

The female trio, Ai Yamabuki, Mai Hazakura, and Mii Fujihaka held Tohka to appease the dissatisfied girl. Mii Fujihaka, who wore glasses, unexpectedly did not appear at this moment.

"Hehe~ Tohka-san is really cute."

Kuang San also just covered his mouth and chuckled lightly, very much like a young lady. Origami just held Yong Ye's wrist in a nonchalant tone.

"Since you have decided to go, let's go without further ado."

"Wait for me……"

Tohka stood up again, didn't want to go with Origami, and argued with Origami.

Throughout the whole process of this matter, Yong Ye just acted like he was used to it, waiting for the matter to be resolved automatically, and did not intend to interfere too much.

In this way, after about three minutes, the outcome of this matter was known, and there was no big surprise as usual. Tohka was defeated in front of Origami, and could only agree with Origami to go all the way.


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