Entering the game, you will be greeted by a rather crude style of painting.

How to describe it?


The picture is undoubtedly 2D, and it is from a top-down perspective.

All buildings have no roofs, directly showing the internal structure; simple lines outline the walls, classrooms and playgrounds. Even items such as tables, chairs, podiums, etc. are basically composed of only three or four simple lines.

As for the characters inside, the style of simple drawings is implemented to the end. They are basically exaggerated Q-version images with only some very simple movements.

And it can be clearly seen that these students and teachers have fixed templates, with hair, face shape, and body shape randomly combined, which is unbelievably crude.

To put it even more exaggeratedly, this style of painting allows many enthusiasts to complete it by simply opening the drawing tools that come with their computers.

However, the color scheme of the game is quite comfortable, and the proportions of the Q-version characters and various buildings have also been adjusted. After getting used to this style of painting, it is still good, and it will not directly discourage players.

As for the gameplay of the game, it is a more traditional simulation business gameplay.

The player plays the role of the principal of Henggang Middle School, who is mainly responsible for the school's enrollment, construction, daily management, teacher training and other aspects.

However, unlike those business simulation games that are all built from scratch, "Henggang Middle School Simulation" will give players the big frame of the school from the beginning, including the playground, classrooms, canteen and other infrastructure. Reserve your location in advance.

Space for expansion is reserved around each key building, and there are more plots outside the school to support players in making more expansions.

Gu Fan spent an hour briefly experiencing the game.

Then, he fell into deep thought.

Lilith was quite nervous and rubbed her hands together subconsciously: "How's it going, Gu Fan, have you thought of any good ideas?"

Gu Fan said seriously: "I have to say that Azazel came prepared this time. This job is very challenging for me.

“Although the template of this game uses a common template for business simulation games, Azazel has made a lot of subtractions in it.

“He just directly copied some of the content that can be copied from business simulation games, such as putting students in solitary confinement, getting haircuts, and running laps on the playground. It seems that they were obviously copied from prison simulation games. But for those functions that cannot be applied mechanically, they are all blocked.

“This has resulted in the game’s content being severely emasculated. There are actually very few operations that players can perform, and the playability is extremely poor.

“Basically, it can be said that this game needs art with a theme, gameplay with a theme, depth of thought and a theme...

“Except for the fact that this subject matter is quite topical, there is basically nothing else left.

"The most important thing is... this game always gives me an inexplicable sense of déjà vu."

Lilith was a little surprised: "Huh? Sense of déjà vu? This game uses templates, so it's normal to have a sense of déjà vu."

Gu Fan thought for a while, searched on the official platform, and quickly found a game called "Prison Tycoon".

"Now I know where the déjà vu comes from."

Gu Fan didn't download the game, but just clicked on the game's promotional page, which made Lilith a little nervous.

Like, so similar!

How can they be so similar?

The same 2D bird's-eye view, the same simple painting style.

Of course, it wouldn’t be the same if they were exactly the same. “Prison Tycoon” is set in a foreign country, and its style of painting is more foreign. Moreover, the villains and buildings in the game are smaller, and prisons are built from scratch.

"Henggang Middle School Simulation" is more like a localized design. The painting style is more inclined to the domestic cartoon style, which looks fresher and more natural. The characters and buildings also support zoom viewing, and the school is determined. The basic structure does not allow players to expand at will, and can only build in specific reserved squares.

In addition, "Henggang Middle School Simulation" is like a super castrated version of "Prison Tycoon". Those that can't be moved will definitely not be moved, and those that can be moved will depend on their mood. As for making some original new features? I can’t say it’s completely absent, but it’s still better than nothing.

Lilith was a little surprised: "Isn't this considered plagiarism?"

Gu Fan shook his head: "It doesn't count.

"The law does not protect the gameplay, not to mention that these functions are basically already available in the simulation business templates. There is no legal risk in piecing these templates and functions together and then replacing them with a set of art resources.

"But... if the players find out, the price will drop."

Lilith's expression became serious: "I understand, is this intentional by Azazel? He not only castrated the gameplay of the game, but also used this theme to stimulate players' painful memories, coupled with the scrawled painting style... this The game will definitely receive rave reviews!"

Gu Fan nodded: "Yes, Azazel can use the name "Henggang Middle School Simulation" to create a certain degree of popularity and trick players into joining it, but it only takes more than an hour for players to discover that this game is actually not very Lots of playable content.

“Taking into account the price of the game and various miscellaneous investments, it is indeed very difficult to make a profit.”

Lilith looked at Gu Fan: "Then do you have any idea?"

Gu Fan looked at him: "If I say now that there is nothing I can do, can you let me go?"

Lilith said with a dark face: "No!"

Gu Fan sighed silently: "Then what else do you ask? Let me try."

At the same time, Wang Dawei’s live broadcast room.

After a lot of hard work, he has also successfully cleared "Ascension".

Of course, this achievement was achieved by him and the black dragon together, and the two of them killed each other indiscriminately.

In the early stage, the black dragon was killing indiscriminately in front, and he read the plot text in the back; in the later stage, the black dragon was killing indiscriminately in the front, and he sneaked up and used the BUG relic sword to perform a martial skill.

But that doesn’t matter, just tell me whether you passed the level or not!

During this period, Wang Dawei also published some analysis of "Ascension" one after another, and his previous live broadcast slices of bugs he discovered also brought a lot of popularity to his live broadcast room.

The audience also wanted him to play Ascension again, and only in single-player mode.

On the one hand, I want to see him suffer, and on the other hand, I can play with multiple endings.

However, Wang Dawei has some lingering fears about "Ascension" for the time being, and wants to play it later.

But what reason can we find to stall it?

That’s it, let’s get a new game!

At this time, he was rummaging around on the official platform and happened to find a new game that had been released recently.

The name is: "Henggang Middle School Simulation"!

Seeing this name, Wang Dawei couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Huh? Audience friends, I found a good game! Henggang Middle School Simulation!

"Isn't this a professional counterpart? It's just right for a top student like me to play!

"In this way, let's put aside the matter of clearing "Ascension" alone for the time being. Let's play "Henggang Middle School Simulation" first, and let everyone re-experience the wonderful senior high school life. After the experience, we will go back and continue playing "Henggang Middle School Simulation" Ascension".

"What? Are you worried that this game is too easy for a top student like me?

"Oh, no, I'm not actually a top student. I was recommended directly to the Olympiad, and our high school at the time wasn't really a college entrance examination factory.

"Besides, this game seems to be about playing the principal, right? Anyway, that's it!"

Danmaku didn't quite agree and wanted to watch "Ascension", but Wang Dawei had already paid and downloaded the game quickly.

"Hey, so fast?

“It should be a little game.

"Small games are just small games, as long as the gameplay is interesting."

Soon, Wang Dawei entered the game.

I have to say that this game is quite crudely made. There is no CG at all at the beginning of the game. It goes directly to the top of a school, and a portrait and dialog box of an old man pop up.

This old man was the previous principal of the school, and he had retired at this time. Before retiring, he gave a few sincere words to the new principal who took over, the player.

For example, it is necessary to improve teaching staff, pay attention to campus management, implement superior documents, etc.

However, these words are actually just to heighten the atmosphere and cannot provide much guidance for players' gameplay. Wang Dawei will soon know this.

After the conversation ends, the game pops up a rather crude difficulty selection interface.

They are [Easy Difficulty], [Normal Difficulty], [Hard Difficulty] and [Ultimate Difficulty].

Each of these four different difficulty options corresponds to a picture.

Easy difficulty: The classroom looks spacious and bright, with very loose student seats and a variety of high-tech teaching equipment. The students are neatly dressed in school uniforms, with neat hairstyles, and all of them are studying seriously.

Normal difficulty: The school environment is a little worse, the teaching hardware has become less, the students' seats have become crowded, and the tables are piled with various books. Many students were not wearing school uniforms and had various strange hairstyles. In the back row of the classroom, students could be seen fighting and playing with their mobile phones.

Hard difficulty: The school environment is still similar to normal difficulty, but the number of poor students has obviously increased, and their behavior has become more and more outrageous.

Ultimate difficulty: The classroom is extremely crowded, the atmosphere is extremely depressing, and there are more students wearing strange clothes, with permed and dyed hair. At a glance, there are only a few normal people in the entire classroom.

Wang Dawei thought carefully for a moment: "Hmm... It seems that the difficulty of this game is mainly concentrated in two aspects, right?

“One is the school’s funding and environment. The higher the difficulty level, the worse the school environment will be and the funding will definitely be smaller.

“The other is the quality of the students. The higher the difficulty, the worse the students will be.

"Okay, then let's get there in one step and go directly to the ultimate difficulty!"

After selecting the difficulty, the game officially begins.

If it is other simulation business games, such as prison or hospital-themed games, you can probably name it yourself at this time. But this game has already been decided that this school will be called Henggang Middle School, so naturally there is no naming aspect.

After entering the game, what comes into view is the simple game screen, as well as the main game goal at this stage.

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