When I write a bug it becomes the core gameplay

Chapter 179 Deleting code is difficult to reach the sky

"Hey? What's going on!"

Emperor Gan was shocked. He looked around and saw that the world had indeed switched and he was back in the mechanical world!

In single-player mode, the switch between the two worlds is random and has no trace. But at least one thing is certain, the two worlds will not switch particularly frequently.

The Gan Emperor has experienced it several times before, but basically in a world it would last for more than half an hour at the shortest time.

In other words, this world switching is probably not a normal switching mechanism.

What's the reason?

The Gan Emperor briefly recalled the previous operations and quickly came up with a guess: "Is it because of... the crack created by Zhihuan?"

He immediately decided to try again.

It's still the same as before, first using the ultimate magic to cut a rift in another world, and then using the ultimate martial arts to cut down the mobs in the crack.

This operation was done by mistake before, and there was a certain degree of chance. But now I did it deliberately and found that it was really difficult. It took three attempts before I succeeded.

As a result, the world really switched again and returned to the world of Xianxia!

"It's feasible, this bug is 100% reproducible!"

The Gan Emperor seems to have opened the door to a new world again!

Is this BUG useful?

So useful!

For single-player players, the random switching mechanism between two worlds in "Ascension" is actually very torturous, because the switching is completely random and the time is not fixed.

If players want to reach a specific ending in the Xianxia world, they need to complete many side tasks in the context of the Xianxia world, and these tasks cannot be completed in the context of the mechanical world.

If you happen to switch to the mechanical world at this time, then the player can only find a place to kill monsters and buy props, and wait until the switch comes back to continue the mission.

This process is excruciating.

In addition, the switch between the two worlds will also cause the BOSS's attack mode to change. Take the Bone Claw Blind Man as an example. In the Xianxia world, the attack mode is mainly slashing, while in the mechanical world, the attack mode is based on throwing skills and hugs. Falling is the main thing.

For most players, the former is obviously better to fight, after all, they can be killed quickly by parrying.

In addition, there are some subtle differences between the two worlds, such as the acquisition of props and so on.

The mechanism of random switching between the two worlds makes it difficult for players to plan their own routes. They can only adapt to circumstances and sometimes suffer meaningless suffering.

This is obviously a very unfriendly thing for speedrunners.

Because speed-passing players need to "fix the game" and ensure that their clearance process is stable and controllable. If there is too much randomness, then you have to try again and again, and luck will account for too high a proportion in speedrunning.

But now, Emperor Gan has discovered a bug in the game that allows him to switch worlds freely!

This means that players can switch worlds at any time as long as they get the BUG "Illusion" through "Air Swimming".

Speed ​​pass players can also plan the entire clearance process from the beginning without worrying about the impact of randomness.

Of course, Emperor Gan also realized that in order to achieve this "switching world" bug, he needed to have both "the ultimate reality" and "the ultimate illusion".

So here's the problem. He and Wang Dawei first went to Zhenyan Temple to obtain the "Ultimate Truth" according to the normal process, and then used the Kongyu BUG to enter the illusion of Zhenyan Temple for the second time to obtain the "Ultimate Illusion".

What will happen if you have never been to Shingonji Temple before and enter directly by swimming?

Will you get the normal relic sword, or will you get the BUG version of the relic sword?

Or maybe if you choose "Illusion" at the beginning, what will happen if you choose "Ultimate Reality" when you enter again? Can I still get another buggy version of "Zhizhen"?

There is no definite answer to these questions yet.

After all, these bugs have just been discovered and players haven’t had enough time to test them.

So Emperor Gan immediately decided to test it himself!

Although there is no conventional save mechanism in the game "Ascension", this certainly does not trouble players.

They can completely find the location of the archive file, and then complete the archive and read the file by copying and pasting.

As soon as he said it, Gandi immediately started researching the BUG mechanism of the game "Ascension"!

At this time, the living room of Gu Fan's villa was already in chaos.

Lilith was so angry that she walked quickly in the living room and angrily urged: "Gu Fan! Find out for me quickly!!"

I have to say that the ups and downs of life are really exciting.

When the players discovered the secret of "cutting three and one", Lilith became a little nervous.

But later it was discovered that this matter was not serious. Even if many players knew this secret, they were still abused because of their handicap.

Seeing that negative emotions were still collecting normally, and even continued to grow due to the entry of more players and the constant triggering of bugs in the game, Lilith quickly felt relieved.

Unexpectedly, extreme joy gave rise to sadness!

Three very fatal bugs appeared in "Ascension" in a short period of time, namely "Swimming in the Sky", "BUG Relic Sword" and "Manual Switching Worlds"!

These three bugs were a fatal blow to Lilith, directly causing the negative emotions collected in the game to decrease rapidly!

What's even more outrageous is that Wang Dawei even connected various bugs in the game with the game plot, and relied on a lot of nonsense to make the audience feel that it made sense and thought that the previous texture and model bugs were also bugs. part of the game's plot.

This has led to a significant reduction in the negative emotions that players had due to previous bugs!

Even if the players saw texture and model errors, and were tortured by visual and auditory hallucinations, they no longer had so many negative emotions. Instead, they admired it from the bottom of their hearts, and even had a small amount of positive emotions!

This is simply outrageous!

Lilith couldn't accept this reality at all, so she immediately became furious and asked Gu Fan to quickly find out how these three bugs occurred.

Under her repeated urging, Gu Fan flipped through the code on his laptop and finally located the location of the bug.

"I found Mr. Li!

“The bug in ‘Swimming in the Sky’ is actually very simple. It’s that we didn’t do a particularly complete job when making the air wall at the border of the map, and there were some omissions. Li Huanzhen is very maneuverable, and can jump through hook locks and wall kicks. He reached a place where he was not supposed to be, and fell into the water.

"When entering the void from the water, the character maintained the swimming state, and as a result, he could freely travel through various scenes..."

Lilith's face turned livid. Obviously, the "empty swimming bug" was the root cause of all bugs this time!

If there is no empty swimming, players will not be able to enter the illusion of Shingon Temple for the second time, nor will they be able to obtain the BUG Sword; if they cannot obtain the BUG Sword, they will naturally not be able to trigger the manual conversion between the two worlds.

"Damn it!

"Then why the air wall was not completely added! It was not detected during the test!

"Gu Fan, are you responsible for this matter?"

Facing the menacing Lilith, Gu Fan said confidently: "What does this have to do with me? Isn't it all because of your request, Mr. Li?"

Lilith was shocked: "My request? When did I ask you not to build an air wall!"

Gu Fan sighed: "Mr. Li, you want this game to have at least 100 bugs!

"Why are there so many model and texture errors in the game? Isn't it because we deliberately used the Vientiane Editor in order to collect 100 bugs?

"The editor itself is full of all kinds of bugs, which are hard to guard against. We only fixed some of them during testing. Isn't it normal for such bugs to appear?

"After all, air walls and collisions are also part of the game model. We didn't even check the game model properly. How could the air wall be so rigorous and complete if it's full of bugs?"

Lilith was still very angry: "But why is the model that players see so complete when swimming in the air? Even David said that other games with this kind of bug will only have fragmented textures. Why is "Ascension" A complete model?”

Gu Fan was silent for a moment: "Because the art resources provided by the art team in Hell are complete models...

"Other companies will consider the cost of art production and only do the part that the camera sees, but we directly do the whole set."

Lilith was stunned for a moment, obviously she wanted to refute, but when she opened her mouth, she couldn't find a reason to refute.

"Okay, let's put aside the air wall thing for now, what about the next two bugs?

"These three bugs happen to work together. Is there such a coincidence in the world?"

Gu Fan located the new code on his laptop: "Mr. Li, let me first talk about the reasons for the occurrence of these two bugs. After you figure it out, it's not too late to consider whether this is a coincidence.

"The first is the BUG sword. Obviously, this sword is the one I made for you before..."

Lilith said with a dark face: "I know this is the one made for me! But didn't I tell you that all these props will be deleted from the official version!"

Gu Fan sighed: "Mr. Li, I did my best to block it."

Lilith didn't believe it at all: "Then why does it still appear! Wait, why is it blocked instead of just deleting all related codes?"

Gu Fan explained: "Mr. Li, deleting the code is not as simple as you think! In order for this prop to appear in the game and be effective, it is not just a matter of configuring it in the prop table, it also has to be followed by Various complex codes in the game are connected!

"But this kind of connection is so simple that it would be very troublesome to delete it...

"Hey, you may not understand this, but in short, deleting code is a hundred times more difficult than adding code. This is the consensus of programmers.

"If you don't believe it, look at this question."

As he spoke, Gu Fan opened the Q\u0026A website on his mobile phone and found a question: Why do game production teams often choose to leave abandoned cases in the game files instead of completely deleting them?

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