"Let me see..."

  The magician whispered to himself, his mirror-like deep eyes shone with a wonderful light.

In this broken world where the circulation of the four elements has come to a standstill, and everything has returned to emptiness and silence, all the laws, laws, constants, and all the truths of the universe have been destroyed by some greater destructive force. Just like after the 12th-level typhoon passed through, all that was left was a ruin, and the pattern and outline of the original building could hardly be recognized...


-Nothing at all.

  —even the possibility of development is cut off, and the operation is also stopped, because all original existence in the world has been completely wiped out.

  With the loss of all possibility of disagreement, everything is dead, even death itself is dead... So there is nothing, nothing, after all, this world has ended after all, and what is left is only the residue of history.

Right now, he can only choose to observe the probability change rate of himself, but has no way to observe the possibility change rate at the world level. This greatly reduces the workload and at the same time greatly reduces the probability of success... Of course, this is also For things that cannot be helped, tricks are tricks after all, and it is inevitable that they will be restricted and constrained by various realistic and objective factors.

  The magician didn't care too much about this, after all, it would be nice to have such a chance to make tricks.

  People always have to learn to be content.

  Even as a pure original second magic user here, it is simply impossible to do such a thing, and only he who has mastered magic and entered the realm of gods can do this.

In an instant, the occupancy ratio of computing power increased sharply, and each process was also carried out simultaneously in the mind. Through the second method, the superposition of different probability planes was forcibly perceived, interfering with the "probability" of many phenomena, and trying to grasp countless possibilities. The only possibility... But it is not to the extent that it is necessary to request the computing power support of "Chaos". Just the "plug-in" configured by the magician itself is enough to cope with this level of computing power consumption.

  —"integration of human intelligence".

   This spell, which Zhengti created a long time ago to verify his foundation of mysticism, is still so easy to use, and after subtle optimization and fine-tuning, of course it has become... even more useful.

   Even those who become ten incarnations will still consider using standard configurations that are extremely cost-effective. This is the best proof.

After all, this is basically equivalent to turning an entire civilization into a plug-in, and bringing it to oneself, integrating seven billion experiences, knowledge, theories, etc., so that any problems can be solved differently. Feedback on thinking patterns, from the president to the prime minister, from scientists to artists, from athletes to professional soldiers... and not only the huge accumulated knowledge and experience, but also the same powerful increase in computing power.

  All of these make this technique extremely cost-effective, and it will not always be fixed in a template, but a growth technique—

Just like civilization itself will continue to evolve, as long as users continue to input more information, the memory of the magic simulation will naturally become larger and thicker, and various experiences, knowledge, and theories will continue to increase, and personality data will continue to grow. It will also continue to grow... In other words, this is a "software" that can be updated with more advanced versions as the user progresses.

   "Sure enough, the parallel world group has been completely destroyed, and the possibility of divergence is really rare. It's incredible that you can browse all of them with only the "integration of human intelligence"..."

  The magician sighed with emotion in a low voice, but in the next second, he shook his eyebrows and showed a wonderful expression.

   "Huh? Is this—?"


  He didn't expect it to go so smoothly, but he was a little stunned for a while.

  After reacting, he immediately extended more attention along the super-dimensional perception form, and projected into the locked possibility probability plane.


The complex metalized planets present complex and delicate laminated mechanical structures. They float in the void, and the various processing modules inside are densely packed with light, and endless data streams flow through them, continuously operation. All kinds of drones are working on the surface of the planet, as busy as ants in an ant nest...

   Starships of tens of kilometers to hundreds of kilometers are densely packed, covering the sky and covering the sun. No matter how many suns there are in the sky, their number seems to be able to crowd the entire sky, becoming the only background in space. They are either moving slowly, or the curvature engine is accelerated instantly, soaring into the air at an almost indescribable speed, and disappearing in place...

Of course, they are doing various operations, from surveying to mining resources, each starship is a huge engineering team, they build sites and development zones around their own goals, It seems to be a normal job, if the object of the job is not the dense group of corpses in the space, it will not be so scary...

The giant planetary cracking device carried on the starship focuses the gravitational force in one place, uses the unusually powerful gravitational drill to drill the material, and dismantles the veins, mountains, rocks and formations, but it is not just the wreckage of the stars that are dismantled , and even the corpses of gods and demons, that huge terrifying body like a plane, was also being disintegrated little by little, although the speed was extremely slow but it was still going on steadily...

The precious substances disassembled are also used in different categories, or factories are built directly on the spot, like those mechanical planets covered with factories and production facilities, so as to produce more autonomous machines and invest more During the project; or being transported to a farther front line, expanding the territory of the machine empire little by little...

  In the more distant galaxies, the huge Dyson sphere built around the heads of several fire giants is basically half completed, providing a steady stream of pure and huge energy...

   There are countless aircraft and transport ships shuttling back and forth, as if to shape the whole world into a metal mirror...


   Magician: ? ? ?

  He came back to his senses for a while, pondered for a while, and roughly sorted out his thoughts.

  Obviously, it was an IF line of mechanical ascension, and it was indeed in line with one of his original ideas.

After all, it is not that he has not thought of using the characteristics of nanomachines, for example, let them explode exponentially in this world, through self-replication, self-growth, infinite proliferation, and finally spread like a cancer of the universe, becoming his own siblings, The extension of the will, let them sort out this huge super battlefield... It's a beautiful idea, but it's not realistic.

In the general world, if they have no scruples, are not restricted by any instructions, and are opened by most of the authority of the superiors, then maybe they can really become an explosive mechanical natural disaster. After all, they are the legacy of the machine **** civilization. But a super civilization that can escape even if the universe is destroyed, no matter whether it is successful or not, the level of technical power is really high to the limit.


  In this battlefield universe that belongs to the source of Norse mythology, it may not be so smooth...

The magician has no doubt that they will only suffer from all kinds of incapacity, distortion, abnormality and disorder under the residual radiation of various chaotic energies, divine powers, runic magic, etc. , bugs emerge in endlessly, and failures occur frequently. Even if a small part can barely run normally, it is estimated that it will be difficult to complete the scheduled work as expected.

   Not to mention gnawing the bodies of gods and demons, cracking their corpses, and using the decomposed substances...

   I don’t have such a good mouth, I don’t have that ability, you know!

  But now it seems...

The magician looked at the star field blocked by thorns and parasites. What was sealed inside was the Rhine's gold. I don't know if it is the nature of the magic gold itself, or the magical properties of the dwarf who made it into an artifact. This thing has the terrifying properties of self-replication and self-propagation, which can be said to be elements that perfectly fit the characteristics of nanomachines.

  If it can be used to upgrade nanomachines, coupled with the precious characteristics of magic gold itself that can create artifacts...

The upgraded nanomachines may really be able to become a veritable "steel of the gods", able to gnaw those who have not only died for countless years, but have already been in the destructive war of gods and the long time of near eternity. , has been wiped out of almost all divinity, and lost its own spirit, it seems understandable...

  —Then deduce the result from the cause, which means that the premise of this possibility is that you must be able to break through the blockade of thorns and parasites, so that you can get the Rhine Gold in it, and use those magic gold to upgrade nanomachines.

  He thought about this, and suddenly laughed. While continuing to use the second method to lock the perceived probability plane, he also prepared to borrow power from the "immortal" through the subtle connection between the incarnations.

  The ability of the second method is the proof and application of parallel worlds, tampering of records, rewriting of phenomena, etc., which is equivalent to the operation of parallel worlds. The concept of time travel is also included in the second magic, but after all, it is an incidental part, not the main body... Among the ten incarnations, the focus of time falls on the "immortal" side, at least for now.

  The ten incarnations are independent, but they are essentially one god.

The power is not really divided into ten parts, it is still a whole, but each incarnation symbolizes one aspect, everything is in "he", and "he" is also in everything... Simply put It is said that it is like a brilliant diamond, which has different outlines and shapes when viewed from different angles. This is just because of the different cross-sections seen from different angles.

  In the final analysis, the ten gods with different shapes and abilities are all one in essence.

   Therefore, he easily obtained the power of time permission, temporarily downloaded and enabled the new plug-in.

Under the blessing of this authority, the material entity disappears, leaving only abstract lines, the original force of the universe begins to blur, and the obstacles that were originally imposed on perception are also disappearing. The magician quickly moves along the time axis. Retrieve and backtrack, try to find the beginning and origin of the mechanical world, and see how you got the magic gold...

  This is the best way to copy the answer - to reflect the future of multiple possibilities, and then find the correct path among the many probabilities, and grasp the only possibility of countless possibilities.

  The next step is a very simple operation, who can’t follow the strategy.

  The time axis is consciously moved, just like the screen projected on the monitor, the progress bar is dragged at will, and the observable screen also goes to different time nodes. The consciousness of a magician spans endless time, and as long as his mind is slightly deflected, he can see the farther and farther past.

  Maybe a moment, maybe billions of years—

  His perception suddenly seemed to have fallen into a bottomless pit of mud, and seemed to be captured by gravity, falling continuously.

   This is it! Here is the beginning of this IF line!

  The magician had a faint realization in his heart, and immediately stopped his perception and continued to go back... In fact, there is no way to continue backtracking. He seems to have come to the area before the birth of the universe.

   What greeted his eyes was no longer the broken and tragic scene of the battlefield.

   There is no picture of a huge group of densely packed corpses, and the scene of flesh and blood stumps covering the sky and the void. Instead, there is a void, or...

   It's a big mess.

Chaotic and chaotic, dark and deep, the world seems to have fallen into nothingness, time and space are all indistinct, there is no distinction between the past and the past, and there is no difference between the past and the future. It's all vague and uncertain... It's really hard to describe this scene. If I had to say it, the universe itself is like a plate of ice cream, and someone unceremoniously took a big piece out of it with a spoon.

  Matter, energy, quantum fluctuations, information of time and space, all tangible and intangible phenomena...

  All, all of these have disappeared into the cause and effect of the entire universe.


  In an instant, the magician felt creepy. His perception form is multi-dimensional, and he can transform the flow of higher-dimensional information into information reception similar to vision. Therefore, at this moment, he vaguely saw the "truth".

   Beyond all dimensions, beyond all time and space...

  Beyond the overall picture beyond the partial scene, a fixed and endless real phase...

   There is no fixed shape, and it cannot be described. Endless variables, concepts, and dimensions converge into a vast ocean, and there is a giant lying quietly on this ocean.

At this moment, the magician felt like a microbe in the sea, but he suddenly faced the worldly giant python whose body sank at the bottom of the four seas, circled in all directions, and entwined the whole world... Facing this kind of monster beyond common sense It is impossible to capture the whole picture of the body of God with only physical eyes, and only a multi-dimensional perspective can barely catch a glimpse.

   That's a white giant...

  Older than the universe, bigger than the world, lying quietly on the sea, the corpse seems to lie across countless dimensions and timelines...

  This ancient **** has golden teeth and white skin, but his eyes are round and round, and his expression is frozen at the last moment of roaring. The armor on His body was damaged in many places, and the shining blood seemed to have just flowed and dripped from the wound, shining in countless timelines, and the brilliant divine light illuminated everything...

  The cause of his death seems to be a big hole in his chest, which looks dark and deep, like the area before the birth of the universe, and like an endless abyss.

-wait wait wait!

  —Is this the big hole? !

   Trying to calm himself down, the magician sensed the truth, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He suddenly knew why he had been unable to find his target. The existence of those great gods was far beyond his imagination. The stars were not enough to describe their majesty, and the universe was not enough to accommodate their bodies. Finding their manifestations is simply impossible.

  Don’t talk about other miracles, just talk about the scale of its existence...

   This is already too vast, it has reached the point of horror, and it can no longer be defined by the concept of the physical universe...

  So even if they are clearly in front of your eyes, even if their existence has included your existence, you will not be aware of their existence, turn a blind eye to it, hear it but not hear it.

   "Well, I was misled by the situation of World Tree..."

Knocking his head with some annoyance, he realized that maybe the world tree did not present a recognizable shape and manifestation from the beginning, but the entire Nordic world was destroyed, and the structure of the world itself was exposed. But that's just the last charred wreckage and embers, crumbling ruins... It doesn't mean that the structure of the world was visible from the start.

  The structure of the world was naturally exposed after the world itself was completely destroyed...

   But the corpse of a **** is different, not part of the world...

   Taking a deep breath of the non-existent air, he cast a "mechanized mind" spell on himself to calm down his mind. The magician forcibly eliminated distracting thoughts, shielded emotions such as shock and impact, and quickly began to think.

   "It should be Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard, the white Asa **** guarding the Rainbow Bridge..."

   "It is said that he is the enemy of Loki. In the twilight of the gods, he confronted Loki. In the end, he died together like fate. He was the last **** to fall..."

   "The cause of death was that he cut off Loki's head with a sword, but unexpectedly, the evil god's head jumped up and hit Heimdall's chest, thus taking the life of the god..."


   He closes his eyes slightly, and in that big hole is…

   Known for its many titles, the head of the evil **** described by the **** of wisdom, the **** of treachery, the shapeshifter, the liar, and the air traveler?

At this moment, when he recognized this fact, he suddenly felt the most core part of his divinity, and faintly resonated with joy. It was a framework that integrated many abilities for himself, and supported him from a long time ago. The power to get here... is the divine power that belongs to the God of Mischief.

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