Chapter 511 The Essence of Mythology


  The Doomsday War in Norse mythology, its original name is "Ragnarkr" or "Ragnarkkr", which means "the end of the gods".

It was the end of a series of huge catastrophes, causing countless natural catastrophes, causing the demise of countless gods and races, and finally the whole world sank under the water... Such a famous ending, even the gods are not perfect, nor is it eternal, the final fate Very sad story.

  Since it is a household name, it is quite famous.

  But even ordinary people probably won’t misunderstand it, thinking that this is a legend that belongs to Greek mythology.

  Then, as magicians who have studied all kinds of mysteries and myths in depth, and even spent their entire lives on these things, pursuing them with the mentality of seeking Tao, how could they make such low-level mistakes? Gu Mo is very interested in this, and wants to see what kind of statement this is.


Frowning slightly, Erica seemed to be a little puzzled: "This saying has been circulated a long time ago, but the specific origin is unknown, and I don't know when it was spread. I had doubts, but I didn't get an accurate answer."

   "Oh, that means you don't know either."

   Gu Mo nodded, expressing his understanding.

   "Hey, what kind of eyes do you have?"

  Erica was a little annoyed at once. As an overly proud girl, she was trying hard to prove herself, eager to make some achievements, but was repeatedly frustrated, so she inevitably became psychologically sensitive. Although the other party just said this casually, it still made her feel that her professionalism was being questioned.

"You have to understand one thing. Myths can't prove anything! Otherwise, there would be no gods who don't obey. They just hate this concept that is imposed on themselves, and it is precisely the reason why they don't obey the myths. Arrangement, will become the God of Disobedience!"

The girl who had been holding her breath since daytime couldn't help but gritted her teeth, and her voice couldn't help raising the decibel level: "Gods existed earlier than myths, in ancient times, even in the human race. These great beings existed before they were born."

"Humans only found them in the endless sky and land. This is often the time when they show their power... The essence of mythology is nothing more than human beings' defense against the powerful and mighty power of the gods. , and the ritual of production."

"While the gods get their names and myths, they can't do things beyond their distance. Whether it's benefiting people or taking revenge on humans, they will not exceed the scope of their duties. But this is not something that actually happened. It’s just a legend passed down by word of mouth.”

   Having said this in one breath, she paused for a while, adjusted her breathing rhythm, and continued to speak angrily: "If you say it this way, you can understand."

  Myths cannot be relied upon.

  Because that's not necessarily what actually happened, it could just be a ritual—

   Not just history, not a fixed past, nor a record of exactly what happened in the past. It is very likely that it is just a "story", and in the form of "story", the gods played a specific role in it and delineated the scope of their duties.

   It can be said that this is a role-playing ceremony. In this ceremony, both humans and gods play their assigned roles, and at the same time complete a certain sense of "benefit exchange"...

  If this situation can be maintained forever, then the human world and the world of gods will be in a balanced and stable state. The gods will maintain the roles and personalities they should have played in their respective myths, so that the world will continue to operate normally.

However, not all gods will abide by the rules and choose to unconditionally obey the mythical roles they have arranged. There are always some exceptions. Examples of breaking free, such things do exist.

  —These disobedient gods who break free from mythology, that is, gods who do not obey, they spurn mythology and are unwilling to be bound by these things...

  —This is also the most vexing threat in the world of magic. Just passing through this world will have a great impact. The **** of disaster who creates his own posture according to his own preferences.

"Although Ragnarok is indeed a concept derived from Nordic mythology, there are many aspects of the mythology that are interlinked. When human culture changes, the mythology will also change. Sometimes that kind of change will make the gods connect with each other. My own name has also changed."

  Erica hummed and said, at the same time, she was sorting out her thoughts with the help of her own explanation, with a pensive expression on her face:

"You should also know that there are many stories with similar outlines all over the world, such as Iyanagi who came to the Underworld to welcome his dead wife Iyenami, and who went down to the underworld to rescue his late wife The legend of Orpheus, like these similar stories, is not lacking at all?"

  Stories with the same origin, after changing the details, become similar legends spread between different cultural regions.

  This is often a phenomenon caused by the introduction of majestic culture and the migration of nations after many years, and it is also understandable.

Of course, in addition to directly using doctrine, there are also some other reasons, such as out of competition or suppressed ideology, so they fabricated corresponding myths, using the gods of their own regions to destroy them as evil gods, great demons, etc. There are also many examples of monsters and gods in other regions.

Erica, who was born in a famous magic family, is no stranger to these things. Although she is still very young, but standing on the shoulders of those sages and sages, she can understand the changes in the world of gods from the perspective of extraordinary evolution. and mystery.

"Oh, I see…"

   Gu Mo nodded, clapped his hands and applauded her as if very appreciative.


   " don't believe what I said?" The blond girl in the red skirt looked at him angrily, and suddenly felt her mood turn black all of a sudden.

   "No, I didn't say I don't believe it..." Gu Mo blinked and frowned.

   "Then why do you have such an expression?" Erica stared at him fiercely with an angry face, this person must be a little too calm! It's not at all like an ordinary person hearing such a secret for the first time. He should behave neither surprised nor doubted, just very calm.

  So that the flattery is so calm, it also carries a hint of perfunctory.

It's no wonder that Erica was a little anxious. She told a lot of secrets that ordinary people can't touch, but in her eyes, the other party just looked expressionless and didn't respond at all. After I finished speaking, I reluctantly gave a face-saving clap...

   It seemed as if she had watched her suffer from the second illness, and was worried that she would be embarrassed if she didn't express anything, so she reluctantly gave a little reaction.

   Really a little reaction.

  Basically, this is the case.

   "Is there anything wrong with my expression? The law doesn't stipulate that you can't show such an expression, right?" Gu Mo didn't agree with this, and shook his head, "Besides... I didn't say I don't believe you!"

  The girl with blond hair and red dress choked for a moment. It seemed that what she said was true, but she always felt that there was something wrong.

   "Speaking of it, you seem to be very irritable. Are you very anxious and angry? Or Erica, you are always like this..." Gu Mo glanced at Erica, and said casually.



   There was another silence.

  The girl with blond hair and red dress sat back silently. She took a deep breath, examined it carefully, and found that her emotions were indeed not quite right.

   It seems that I am indeed a little irritable. If this person didn't point it out, I still don't realize it...

  —Probably because of too much pressure.

Quickly figured out the reason, and found a reason for her words and deeds. The girl sighed long, with a rare look of sadness on her face. She tried hard to maintain the habitual proud smile on her face, but failed. , leaving only a trace of bitterness.

  In the past, she had no experience of encountering God, so she pursued it very persistently.

   This is merit, but also glory, it is a truly magnificent martial art that can be boasted, and it is also the most dazzling medal for a knight... She thinks so.

  However, many times the reality is cruel, and it only proves how ridiculous the innocence of young people is. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, which can be either commendatory or derogatory. Probably, the younger generation often cannot understand the thinking of the older generation before facing it personally.

  No matter how my uncle persuaded me at the time, I hope Erica will not be in a hurry. She is still young, and all of this can be done slowly. There is no need to be so radical...

  Erica wouldn't listen to it either, instead she would feel that her uncle was conservative and didn't believe in herself.

   But it’s true, she became famous at a young age, she is full of vigor, and as a talented girl who became a great knight at the age of fifteen or sixteen, her self-confidence is of course the pinnacle. If you're not confident enough, you're not energetic enough, then you're still young... The older generation is too conservative, they can't do it, it's just that they can't do it, it's not necessarily the case if you're yourself.

  Probably... that's what I thought.

  Erica was no exception. The first half of her life went too well, and it always has.

until today-

  Recalling the feeling and oppression of the super giant beast, Erica couldn't help rubbing the center of her brows, feeling anxious and disturbed.

   "I may be... a little shaken."

   A murmured voice came out of her mouth, and the girl sat on the sofa and muttered to herself.

  Gu Mo, who was on the opposite side, raised his eyebrows lightly. Was this genius girl hit? From just now, it seemed a little strange. When explaining to myself, he still used that firm tone to explain the existence of the godslayer, and said that he also wanted to be someone like the king of swords...

  Normally speaking, although she is very proud, she should be humble in this matter, even in the face of her uncle's questioning.

  But right now, he is speaking such words in front of a person he has only known for a long time...

  Gu Mo checked silently, and made sure that his mental power interference was indeed adjusted, and did not maintain any strange mental frequency...

  (end of this chapter)

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