When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 490: Survival in another world of the brave and the demon king

  Chapter 490 The Brave and the Demon King's Survival in Another World

   "It's a bit conservative, Miss Brave..."

  The city with thousands of lights, sleepless nights, and hustle and bustle is also so gorgeous and charming at night. The lights are feasting and luxuriant, and the deep night is also illuminated, as if it were daytime.

  Wandering around the street casually, holding a bag of fried skewers in his hand, Gu Mo grabbed the snacks in his hand one by one, and took a few bites at will. It's just that his eyes are still locked on a certain brave lady, through the layers of buildings and roads, penetrating from one side of the city to the other.

   Even though Miss Hero is currently the same as the Demon King and the others, she has almost lost all her powers...

  Cough, considering that the Demon King can also retain a small amount of weak magic, then the stronger heroes probably have some reservations.

It is not to say that the power is completely dissipated, and there is no special ability left... But from the current point of view, Gu Mo Que somewhat hates iron and steel, because the speed of Miss Brave is too slow, and the efficiency can be said to be very high. No, it's far worse than the two hard-pressed demon kings.

  There is a contrast and there is a gap—

The Demon King Satan and the Demon Marshal Alsiel stood on their feet almost very quickly. On the first day they came, they basically figured out the two major elements of surviving in this world. On the second day I have already obtained the household registration certificate, and I am ready to find a place to live.

   After all, according to their logic, this is a very simple thing.

If you want to live here, you must at least have "household registration" and "address". If you don't have these two things, you can't even find a job and make money... So these are the two major elements of survival, and they are also vigorous and resolute. directly to solve these two elements.

The efficiency of    can be said to be amazing, and the residual magic power left behind is also used on the blade.

   For example, using magic to obtain information, and using magic to make the staff give them a household registration certificate in a confused way, such things are very decisive, and they are used when they are needed, and there is absolutely no ambiguity.

   And compared to…

  The brave lady is really a little restrained.

   She is wearing the fancy clothes of the world of Ante Isula, and she can faintly see the special style of the magical world, which naturally attracts a lot of attention in this city. There are also many people who think this is a beautiful young lady who is playing cosplay, and they all come to be interested, want to take photos, and want to set up something similar.

   However, it also faces the problem of language barrier—

   In addition, she was not ready to make contact, so the brave lady was worried that she would expose herself, so she could only run away in a panic.

This has been from night to day, and from day to night. In the two nights and one day, Gu Mo just watched her shift in strategy, and she couldn't stop at all... Maybe Miss Brave didn't expect it. , There are so many people in this world.

   In such a city alone, there are millions of people, which is completely inconsistent with common sense. No matter where she ran, there were people, so she was in a very embarrassing situation, and she was about to run out of water.

   "It's too moral, that's not acceptable..."

   Looking carefully again, Gu Mo sighed softly, he realized the problem.

   Compared to the two demon kings, the hero is too principled. Even if there is still a certain amount of spare energy, the problems that can be solved by some small spells, but they just don't think about this aspect at all, so I am so embarrassed now... But this is too funny!

  Is this still the hero you remember?

   After thinking about it carefully, Gu Mo brushed off the strange thoughts in his mind.

The hero and the demon king, there is no problem with the role positioning between the two sides or when they are in the world of Ente Isla... But after coming to the earth, there is a problem, and it is still a big problem. .

—For example, in the early stage, the two demon kings did some tricks to confuse humans, and they didn’t do anything to gain their status. They also regarded it as a shame to obey the rules of human beings, but in the later stage, they were safe and incomparable. Law-abiding…

- For the brave, the early stage seems to be very moral, but in order to deal with the demon king and the others, they have repeatedly committed acts such as stalking, surveillance, intimidation, illegal invasion, etc. The roles between the two sides seem to have been faintly reversed. Same…

   But now, it seems that it is the latter matter, and only with prejudice against the Demon King and the others, the brave lady will temporarily throw away the moral values ​​in her heart.

   took a bite of the snack in his hand, Gu Mo thought for a moment, and walked over there.

  Someone has to push it...



   Slightly panting, the girl in fancy clothes, who was regarded as a cosplay, held her knees and stopped on a quiet street, her long rose-red hair falling straight down.

   This is really a long-lost feeling...

I haven't had this kind of physical strength for a long time, and I'm almost out of breath. This feeling can be traced back to when I was a farmer's daughter many years ago... After I became a hero, I almost stopped. It doesn't feel that way anymore.

   What kind of strange world is this!

   She was a little confused and puzzled. She raised her head with a headache and looked around, wondering what to do next.

At this moment, I heard a loud and scolding voice coming from afar, and I could hear that kind of sternness, but it obviously had a vicious and ruthless meaning, as if to hide my guilty conscience. In the same way, he tried his best to pretend to be fierce, and felt that he had become a strong party in this way.

  The hero frowned.

  In a small alley not far away.

It is a group of young people who are flowing around the alley. They have colorful hair dyed, and some people wear nose rings... It seems to be a little familiar. If the two demon kings are here, they will be very surprised. It was the group of gangsters who had been taught by himself and others before.

   These little **** have blue noses and swollen faces, and the injuries on their faces have not yet subsided, regardless of gender.

   After all, those two demons were able to forcefully suppress their habit, and it was already very good without subconsciously making a heavy hand. I hoped that they would distinguish between the little gangster and the little sister, and then treat them differently, which is even more impossible. They are absolutely the same, and they are very equal.

   At this time, among the small gangsters, there are still bandages on their heads, and I don’t know if they have been beaten to concussions, which looks very funny. But it is undeniable that they also came to work with injuries, which can be regarded as a very dedicated performance...

   "The ear is deaf! Isn't it!"

   "Look at what! Do you want me to say it again!"

   "Hurry up and get acquainted! Hand over the things on your body!"

But even so, they are still holding on to their vicious voices, waving baseball bats in their hands excitedly, or dancing, yelling and cursing the opposite person angrily, trying to convince the other side with the momentum of a large number of people, showing The power of oneself and others.

They probably just ate a bad meal a few days ago, and now their hearts are panicking, and they are holding a sigh of evil anger - don't expect them to change their past and reflect on themselves, these **** will only become more angry, Desperately hoping to vent all his incompetence and fury on the next victim.

   This is what their poor brains can only think about.

   They have to be like this, they have to prove that there is still a little bit of merit in their life by bullying the weak...


  Although they don't know why, they will walk to this area in a confused way tonight, and somehow meet a young man who doesn't know what to do. However, if this bad breath is not vented out, it will not work, they are also panicked, and an evil fire surges up, and they completely ignore it.


   Just when these little gangsters were drooling all over the mouth, the more they talked, the more anxious their eyes became.

   A voice came from behind, speaking in unskilled Japanese, and stopped them.


   The startled gangsters turned around, and then all their faces became very exciting.

   It was a very beautiful girl, with a slender figure and a straight face. Her long rose-red hair seemed to glow under the streetlights... But the most important thing was the fancy dress on her body.

In an instant, I recalled the memory of being beaten up by those two guys in strange clothes two days ago. One by one, the red eyes roared loudly.


  The brave man just came over, and when he saw that he was brave, he called out, and then saw a group of people on the opposite side, who seemed to be crazy, and rushed towards him with red eyes. She was also shocked.

   Are these people crazy? Why so aggressive?


  —after a few minutes.


   A dozen or so gangsters fell to the ground, groaning feebly, or crying out of sadness.

   They were beaten again…

   Just like the previous two days, there was absolutely no power to fight back, and the opposite was not two big men, but a weak woman, who knocked them all down. Not to mention the deep wounds in their hearts, and the pain in their bodies, it made them cry.

   The previous injuries were not very good, and now he was hit by a blasting hammer, and he almost vomited blood...

   The medical bills alone will have to pay off!

  Standing in the middle of this messy battlefield, Miss Brave breathed slightly again, and had a deeper understanding of her current weakness.

It's just a dozen ordinary people, and it's not even as good as a real demon, but it also took a lot of work... If it wasn't for her rich combat experience, she really wouldn't be able to solve this problem. , perhaps it is still necessary to use the remaining holy power.

   pursed her lips, the brave lady who had a deeper understanding of the dangerous situation she was in, turned to look at the person who was surrounded by the gangsters just now.


The young man clapped his palms with a surprised look on his face. He looked at the gangsters all over the ground. He didn't care too much about the miserable condition of these people who used tools that he casually used. His gaze was fixed on the girl opposite.

   "Thank you, miss, for your help, otherwise I'd be in trouble today..."

   Acting and doing the whole set, he thanked him so solemnly.

  The brave lady blinked. Although she couldn't understand what the other party said, she probably understood that the other party was grateful. After all, this look of surprise, and then the way he spoke to himself in such a sincere tone, it would only be the same thing.

  —She didn't realize that it was precisely because she thought so subconsciously that she felt reasonable about what happened next.

  —The fastest way to gain trust is not necessarily to do others a favor, but also to ask others to do you a favor, and this is easier than the former to eliminate vigilance.



at the same time.

   One of a three-storey old condominium somewhere in the city.

  Although it is a dilapidated old apartment, it is currently endowed with extraordinary meaning, that is, it has become the temporary reconstruction of the Demon King City, the first base of the Earth's counterattack on Ente Isla!

   It’s just…

"big boss?!"

"big boss!"

Alsiel's voice changed from a careful soft call to an increasingly loud call, but there was no sound. Finally, he couldn't bear to turn on the light, and found that Lord Demon was lying on the tatami, as if everyone was cold. looks like...

big boss…

   The Demon King is dead!

Just as the Demon General was kneeling beside the lord's corpse, his grief came, and he was about to cry out in pain. The voice weakly emits a voice like a hairspring:

   "I... can still rescue a little, hurry... hurry up and call an ambulance..."

   He shed tears of humiliation as he said those words.

  Because he forgot that he had become a human being, he was injured but he didn't eat or drink continuously, and slept for three days and three nights in one breath...

  The result of wanting to habitually use the familiar methods of the past to heal wounds is—

   The Demon Lord from another world was finally sent to the hospital overnight due to malnutrition.

   (end of this chapter)

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