Bai Miao has a son and a daughter. His son is a director who recently directed an art film with great reviews and won an international award. Bai Miao’s daughter, on the other hand, has always been well-protected and has not been exposed to the public. She is occasionally caught by reporters, but at Bai Miao’s request, her face is blurred.

Shen Ye asked directly, “Did something happen to your daughter?”

Although Shen Ye’s reputation has soared after the incident with Xiao Yiyi, Bai Miao is still impressed by Shen Ye’s abilities.

Just by looking at his face, he knew that Bai Miao’s daughter was in trouble… That’s too amazing!

“Yes, my daughter disappeared two days ago… Please help me find her,” Bai Miao said anxiously.

“Let’s talk in the car first,” Shen Ye said.

It’s now the end of school, with people coming and going at the school gate. Some students have taken out their phones to take pictures of Bai Miao. As a national movie emperor, his fans are all over the country and he is always surrounded by people. Bai Miao was waiting in the car, but when he saw Shen Ye walking out of the school gate, he got out of the car to greet him.

“Okay,” Bai Miao made a respectful gesture.

Shen Ye and Cai Zhiwei got into the car together, which had pink pillows and dolls, giving it a cozy vibe. It was probably decorated by Bai Miao’s wife or daughter, reflecting their happy family life.

“Do you have a picture of your daughter?” Shen Ye asked directly.

Bai Miao had many on his phone and immediately opened the album, flipping through the latest pictures and handing them to Shen Ye. Shen Ye took a look and was speechless. Bai Miao’s daughter in the photos was without makeup and in casual clothes, making funny expressions… Is this dad a devil?

After staring at the pictures for a while, Shen Ye muttered, “Strange…”

Bai Miao asked nervously, “Master, did you see something?”

“Your daughter’s palace of offspring1I looked it up and it refers to the uterus is dark and ominous and she would not have a long life…” Shen Ye said.

Bai Miao was shocked, “She won’t live long?!”

Shen Ye said, “Don’t be nervous. Based on your daughter’s appearance, she is not in any danger at this stage and seems to be living happily.”

Bai Miao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Ye said, “Tell me the whole story of how your daughter disappeared.” And Bai Miao didn’t hide anything and quickly recounted what happened.

Three days ago, his daughter Bai Shengsheng departed from her grandparents’ home abroad and took a flight back to China. According to the plan, she should have arrived in Haicheng at noon the next day, but she did not show up. At first, the couple thought that their daughter had gone to a classmate’s house and did not think much about it until she was still missing that night and they couldn’t reach her by phone.

They then became worried that their daughter might have been kidnapped, so they reported to the police overnight. The police checked the surveillance footage and found that after Bai Shengsheng got off the plane, she went to the underground parking lot and got into a black car. The car then left Haicheng and there was no further trace of it.

These past two days, Bai Miao’s wife was deeply affected and fell ill at home, while Bai Miao himself was also exhausted from searching for his daughter. Just as Xiao Yiyi’s incident was making headlines, Bai Miao had a sudden inspiration and thought of asking Shen Ye for help.

Shen Ye stared at a photo of Bai Shengsheng, lost in thought.

Bai Miao’s children’s palace2refers to one of the twelve sectors of a person’s life, with each palace representing a specific aspect such as wealth, career, or children was shrouded in black qi, but Bai Shengsheng’s facial expression appeared normal, which was rather strange. However, Shen Ye had encountered tricky problems before, so he remained calm. He even had a guess as to what was going on.

To confirm his suspicion, he looked at Bai Miao and asked, “Do you have your daughter’s birthdate and time?”

Since Bai Miao had come to him, he must have come prepared and quickly took out his phone to show Shen Ye.

After studying it for a moment, Shen Ye said, “I see.”

Judging from his tone, it seemed that he had figured out what was going on. Bai Miao asked excitedly, “Have you found out where my daughter is?”

Shen Ye responded with a “Hmm.” 

“But let me ask you something. If you find your daughter, will you blame her?”

Bai Miao’s expression changed and he didn’t say anything.

Shen Ye looked straight at him and said, “Let me ask another question. Do you not know where your daughter went?”

Bai Miao didn’t dare to meet his gaze, hesitated for a moment, and still didn’t say anything.

Shen Ye sighed, “I guess you don’t know where she is, right?”

Bai Miao nodded.

“I can tell you the address, but you need to think carefully about what you and your wife will do when you see her.”

Bai Miao said, “I still hope to find her and have a good talk with her.”

Cai Zhiwei had been playing the role of an invisible person since he got in the car. After listening to the conversation between Shen Ye and Bai Miao, his mind was spinning and he couldn’t help but whisper to Shen Ye, “What’s going on?”

As a curious person, he was now itching to know.

Shen Ye glanced at Bai Miao and saw that he had no intention of stopping him, so he explained to Cai Zhiwei, “Her daughter left voluntarily. I think she’s probably hiding with her boyfriend.”

Cai Zhiwei: “?”

Shen Ye had to explain more thoroughly, “Bai Miao’s family must be opposed to their daughter dating her boyfriend.”

So that’s how it is, this is really a messed up situation.

Cai Zhiwei felt dizzy and confused.

Seeing that Shen Ye had figured it out, Bai Miao knew he couldn’t hide it anymore and explained the whole story. His daughter, Bai Shengsheng, was born weak, so Bai Miao and his wife sent her to their grandparents’ house abroad to recuperate from a young age. She didn’t return to China until she was 18 years old. After returning, Bai Shengsheng entered university and fell in love with a male classmate. Bai Miao and his wife did not interfere with her dating, but after seeing the male classmate, they expressed their opposition. It was because the male classmate behaved frivolously and had questionable character. Bai Miao secretly investigated and found out that the male classmate was also flirting with three other girls while dating their daughter, and he only went after girls from wealthy families!

Under such circumstances, how could Bai Miao and his wife agree to let Bai Shengsheng continue dating him? Unfortunately, their daughter was trapped in love and didn’t listen to their advice. Plus, the male classmate was good at sweet talking and had won Bai Shengsheng’s heart. There was nothing else they could do but continue to send their daughter to their grandparents’ house abroad.

This time, Bai Shengsheng sneaked back to China just to see her boyfriend.

“That male classmate is very materialistic. Our daughter was too well-protected by us and was naive. We thought about sending her abroad to separate them for a while. To be honest, we guessed that she was hiding with that boy when our daughter went missing. If it weren’t for that, we would have been even more anxious.”

Shen Ye knew he wasn’t lying, his anxiety was real.

And it was clear that Bai Miao and his wife were not those traditional parents. If it weren’t for the male classmate’s poor character, they would not have objected.

“Your daughter is hiding in a small town on the southwest border. You can go find her according to this address.” Shen Ye typed a line on his phone.

“Thank you so much!” Bai Miao was excited. After a few seconds, he took out a photo from his phone and asked Shen Ye, “Can you help us calculate whether my daughter and that boy are compatible based on their birthdates?”

Shen Ye looked at him, “What difference does it make if they are compatible or not?”

“As long as they can live happily ever after, my wife and I won’t object.” Bai Miao sighed. He and his wife were not unwilling to compromise, but the premise was that their daughter had to live well.

Best parents in the world!

Shen Ye took the phone and looked at the male classmate’s face without saying a word.

Bai Miao looked at him anxiously.

“Let’s bring your daughter and her boyfriend back first,” Shen Ye handed him back his phone.

Bai Miao felt a bit uneasy. “Is it because they are not suitable for each other?”

Shen Ye didn’t answer, he just said, “I’ll visit your house after your daughter comes back.”

In other words, Master Shen is willing to take on this job!

Bai Miao agreed joyfully.

Shen Ye glanced at him and discussed the payment, “I tracked your daughter’s whereabouts. It will be two thousand yuan. During the opening period, I’ll give a 10% discount, so it will be 1,800 yuan.”

He opened his phone and asked Bai Miao to scan the QR code.

This QR code was linked to the company’s bank account which was managed by Sister Si. The profits would be transferred to his bank account every month, which was the same one that he handed over to Ye Ze.

Looking at the QR code handed over by Shen Ye, Bai Miao was stunned.

…Who would have thought that Master Shen is so down-to-earth?

And he only charged two thousand yuan, with a 10% discount…Isn’t that too cheap?

For Bai Miao, two thousand yuan was just the cost of a meal. He paid the money quickly and gratefully said, “Thank you. I will ask you to help me calculate my daughter’s marriage later.”

“No problem, but the cost will be different then,” Shen Ye was stingy. After all, he needs to earn money to support his family.

“Of course, of course.” Bai Miao left, grateful.

As soon as Bai Miao’s car left, Cai Zhiwei couldn’t wait to ask, “I’m dying to know, is Bai Miao’s daughter and her boyfriend suitable or not?”

“I can’t tell you for now. I’ll let you know when it’s over,” Shen Ye had professional ethics.

Cai Zhiwei admired Shen Ye very much, even though his curiosity was piqued, he still held back from asking.

On his way home, Shen Ye kept thinking about Bai Miao’s daughter.

Bai Miao’s family had a lot of black energy in their offspring’s palace because of the conflicts between Bai Miao and his daughter. If he continues to obstruct her love, his daughter will commit suicide.

As for why Bai Shengsheng’s face looked fine, it’s because she voluntarily left with her boyfriend and is currently very happy.

However… Shen Ye calculated Bai Shengsheng’s birth chart. Even if Bai Miao and his wife agree to let her date her boyfriend, she won’t live long because she will be killed by her boyfriend a few years later.

Shen Ye didn’t mention it earlier because he was afraid that Bai Miao would panic.

Actually, this matter still depends on Bai Shengsheng’s own choice.

In essence, Bai Shensheng’s boyfriend is the same kind of person as Yang Ming. They both come from poor backgrounds and want to live a better life by hooking up with wealthy young ladies.

As the saying goes, it’s hard to save a dead ghost even for the King of Hell. If Bai Shengsheng insists on being with her boyfriend, then it is her fate and no one else can save her.

When he got home, Ye Ze was working by the French windows.

Seeing him, Shen Ye’s mood instantly improved.

Ye Ze was still the best. If you want a boyfriend or a husband, you should find someone like Ye Ze!

But… there are probably very few men in the world as handsome and rich as Ye Ze.

And this man is now his fiancé.

Shen Ye was happy. He walked over with a smile, asking, “Where are Grandpa and Grandma?”

He knew that Ye Tangdi had already returned to the capital and there were still some things waiting for him to handle over there.

“Grandpa and Grandma are drinking tea in the garden.”

“Oh.” Shen Ye turned around and walked out, “I’ll go see them.”

Ye Ze put down his files, “Let’s go together.”

Shen Ye knew he was clingy and looked at him with an expression that said, “I can’t resist you.” 

“Alright, let’s go.”

Ye Ze smiled and rubbed his head.

As soon as they reached the door, they saw Xu Sisi walking in, “Shen Ye, did you go see Bai Miao today?”

Shen Ye replied, “Yes.”

Xu Sisi clicked her tongue, “You and the Film Emperor Bai Miao were photographed and went viral… now everyone online is saying how amazing you are, even the Film Emperor asked you for a fortune-telling.”

Author's note This update counts as Thursday’s update. There will be a break on Friday, and the update will be at 9:00 p.m. At that time, a 9,000-word update will be provided. Don’t forget to come and read it, my dear readers~ Starting from Saturday, there will be double updates at 6:00 p.m.

This chapter continues to give out red envelopes~ ^^

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who dropped the [landmine]: Hei Hei (1);

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated with [nutrient solution]:

Liuli, Rabbit Ink (2 bottles); 21425896 (1 bottle);

Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!

1I looked it up and it refers to the uterus2refers to one of the twelve sectors of a person’s life, with each palace representing a specific aspect such as wealth, career, or children

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