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Zhong Jinyi left the table because she didn't know how to lie to her father and brother and hide the details.

Furthermore, she is also a girl after all, and she is also afraid that her father and brother will ask more and more detailed questions. How will she fight back then?

Anyway, she took off his clothes for him, and she slept with Qin Yuan first, but should this kind of thing be brought out in public?

Zhong Jinyi's departure immediately chilled the cheerful atmosphere in the dining room.

Zhong Jinyuan didn't quite understand, why did Zhong Jinyi suddenly change like this?

Could it be... she's not happy with him?

What are you dissatisfied with?

Or are the two unhappy during the trip?

Zhong Jinyuan and Zhong Zaicheng sighed heavily.

Well, in this way, the old Huang Li thing has to be suppressed.

"Brother Xian, did the two of you encounter anything unhappy during this trip?" Zhong Jinyuan said, "I tell you, although my sister Yi has a bad temper... ah no, her temper is more straightforward, But the temperament is excellent, and it’s normal to have a little friction between the two, and the teeth and tongue are still fighting, so don’t worry about it!”

Zhong Jinyuan was really afraid that the two of them would be so ugly, so he quickly persuaded them to make peace!

If this is yellow, where can I go back to find such a good brother-in-law?

Just this brother-in-law, is it the only sister Yi who is now in love? Didn't he Zhong Jinyuan invest? How many light demon materials and magic weapons were given?

Hearing what he said, Qin Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and thought to himself that she and I are not unhappy, only very happy, and there is no small friction, only Da Mo...cough.

"Brother Yuan, don't worry, the two of us are still very happy overall. When I go back to the palace, I'll go to coax her again. It's normal for a girl to lose a little temper!"

Zhong Jinyuan also breathed a sigh of relief and said happily, "That's right, I'll just say, why is my virtuous brother such an impatient man?"

Zhong Zaicheng also said quickly, "Yes, yes, my nephew has always been generous, I can see it!"

Good guy, the Zhong family father and son actually beat the rainbow fart upside down?

Qin Yuan suddenly felt a little floating!

Hold on, hold on!

"Where, in front of my uncle, how dare my little nephew take the words 'generous in mind'? It's my uncle and Big Brother Zhong who didn't blame my little nephew for leaving without saying goodbye and took Yi'er out of the house privately, and they comforted me with warm words. It's magnanimity."

After some words, the guests and the host smiled and the atmosphere was harmonious.

After dinner, it is time to drink tea and chat as usual.

This time, I mainly talk about Zhong Zaicheng's 3,000 elite cavalry and Mobei side stories, such as his deeds of defeating the enemy 800 cavalry with one sword. Zhong Jinyuan told it vividly, and Qin Yuan did his best and just right, so we could talk naturally. very happy.

However, during the chat, Qin Yuan found that Zhong Jinyuan would look out the window from time to time, as if looking at the sky.

Zhong Zaicheng didn't talk much this time, and when he was talking about Hai, he took the initiative to end the topic for the first time.

Qin Yuan stopped talking and got up to leave.

After the chat, Zhong Jinyuan personally sent Qin Yuan back to the room.

"Brother Xian, take a good rest. Big brother has something to do, so I won't accompany you."

"Brother Yuan, please do it."

As soon as Qin Yuan's voice fell, Zhong Jinyuan's figure flickered and suddenly disappeared into the night sky.

He frowned, thinking what was he going to do?


Southwest of the capital, five hundred miles away.

A team of about 200 people marched quietly on the official road.

At the front of the team, there are fifty knights in silver robes. These people sit on their horses motionless, as if they are still. Even if you stare at them, you can't see their chests rising and falling, as if they are not breathing.

This is a sign that a master swordsman has reached a certain level. They can only breathe once in a quarter of an hour. The reason for this is that when they hold their breath, it is more helpful for their consciousness to spread and detect a farther range.

After the fifty knights, there was a yellow sedan chair, which was carried by eight men seven feet tall and all dressed in horned flesh. The eight men were like robots.

Further back, there are more than a hundred swordsmen walking on foot. These swordsmen are all like eagles, and if they pull out any one, the fierceness is enough to shock one side.

The team marched so unhurriedly, silently, and even the sound of horses' hooves seemed to be covered up by something, and there was no sound.

Suddenly, in the dark night ahead, a figure suddenly appeared.

The knight in front was not flustered at all, and seemed to have known it for a long time, but the leading old man waved his hand gently to signal the team to suspend.

Zhong Jinyuan first glanced at the yellow sedan chair in the middle of the team, then respectfully put his arms to shoulders, folded his hands, and bowed in a big salute.

"Chen, Zhong Jinyuan, I have been ordered to pick you up!"

The old man at the front nodded slightly, and then said softly, "General Zhong, get up, and you are in the queue. The saint just fell asleep, don't disturb him."

Zhong Jinyuan glanced at the old man, and the old man was the head of the four elder Zhao elders, the elder fisherman of the Sword Temple.

Nodding at him, Zhong Jinyuan quietly entered the queue, walking on the far right of the sedan chair.

He was also muttering in his heart. Three of the four elders of the Sword Temple were there. I heard that the sword slave was also there this time.

Could it be that in the last five hundred miles, there are still unimaginable assassins?

What assassin, dare to attack the holy drive at night?

Where did the swordsman go?

Zhong Jinyuan was thinking about it, but saw someone walking up behind him, nudged him lightly, and then smiled at him, revealing his big white teeth.

Zhong Jinyuan frowned when he saw that person, feeling very upset.

That was Chen Shifan, the eldest son of the Chen family.

If there is any family in Dacheng that can compare with the Zhong family, it is the Chen family.

At the beginning, Gaozu Chai Mang had three good brothers, Lei Nu, Gouya, and Drifting Nose.

Among them, Lei Nu's whereabouts are unknown. Some people speculate that Lei Nu is a sword slave, so there is a saying that the sword slave is five hundred years old, but some people say that Lei Nu is not a sword slave, and the sword slave is only three hundred years old. The sword slave was mentioned three hundred years ago.

Leaving aside the sword slaves, the other two are the ancestors of the Zhong family, and the other two are the ancestors of the Chen family.

Back then, in terms of qualifications, dog teeth were far better than sniffles, so the Chen family had always looked down on the Zhong family.

The Zhong family has been prominent from generation to generation, but the Chen family is even more prosperous. In the generation of Zhong Even though he has such a capacity as three thousand cavalry to pacify Mobei, the Chen family also has two thousand cavalry to level the Xiyi three The glory of the sixteen kingdoms, if you take it seriously, maybe the Chen family is slightly better.

In addition, the Chen family is better at sociability and flattery, so in the court and the opposition, the Chen family's prestige is more prosperous than the Zhong family's, it is natural.

Besides, this eldest son Chen has been a prodigy in martial arts since he was a child, and is supported by his family background. Now he has long been known to the world as a sword cultivator. It is said that his cultivation is unfathomable.

In terms of strength, Zhong Jinyuan had to admit that if he hadn't obtained immortal energy, he might still be under Chen Gongzi.

The descendants of the Zhong and Chen families have always been compared, and this Young Master Chen has always approached him to compare swords every year, winning him every time.

There is no way, the Chen family just looks down on the Zhong family, which has a historical origin.

Because of this, Zhong Jinyuan held his breath since he was a child.

Now that he has achieved little success in cultivating immortals, thinking that he has not been compared with him for three years, he originally wanted to compare him once.

But I don't want to, he is here today.

This made Zhong Jinyuan even more puzzled.

The Zhong and Chen families both sent people. What happened to the saint on this tour?

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