Concubine Min's mission was completed, and she let Qin Yuan successfully land on King Qing's ship.

There are many people sitting on this boat, King Qing, Concubine Min, Concubine Zhao, Zuo Xiang, many energy people hidden in the palace, and Mo Island outside the palace.

There is only one destination for the ship, and that is the throne of the prince of the country.

If it can't be reached, then the fate of this ship is only one, that is, it will be completely destroyed, sink to the bottom of the water, and never see the light of day.

In fact, in the five hundred years, there have been three changes of the throne in Dacheng, and each time was the result of a gamble by several groups of people. situation.

From this point of view, whether it is on the boat of King Qing, or the people on the boat of King Yu or even King Jing, they are a group of gamblers who would not risk their lives.

The bet is that at least a hundred years of family rise and fall.

Of course, people like Qin Yuan who got on the boat and brought their own escape boats belonged to another species.

A mere brothel, just want him to work for King Qing in an open and honest way? That is impossible.

His Qin Yuan's life has always only been rented and not sold - the price can be seen, but the lease period has to be determined by him.

Concubine Min watched Qin Yuan's back disappear into the flowers, frowning slightly, as if pondering something.

Su Qinqin saw that Qin Yuan was gone, and then saw that Concubine Min seemed to be thinking about something, so he had an idea and faced Concubine Min, but quietly took small steps back, planning to retreat to a big tree and then slip away.

Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me...

I still have to send a silver note to Xiao Qinzi, otherwise wouldn't it be unbelievable?

But she didn't want to, when she was about to be done, she was stopped by Concubine Min.

"Where are you going?"

Concubine Min glanced at Su Qinqin in confusion, and then asked, "Have you memorized the few lines of his poems?"

Su Qinqin was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said, "Master, I don't know any poetry, I thought you remembered it!"

"How can I remember so much?" Concubine Min sighed and said again, "You go, no matter what method you use, copy those few poems back for Ben Gong... Don't say that I asked you to copy them."

Now it's Su Qinqin's turn to sigh, "Master, I'm a palace maid, and it's okay to raise rabbits. Isn't it a bit strange that I suddenly told him that I also like poetry?"

"You go, I will promise to make a big cage for your rabbit." Concubine Min said casually as she rolled up her own words.

The little rabbit is very tall, and the previous small cage can no longer live in it. Su Qinqin always wanted to build a "mansion" as big as a dog's kennel, but the **** in charge thought it took up space, so he refused to let it.

Seeing Concubine Min's agreement, Su Qinqin immediately smiled and said, "Well, it's a deal, I'll go find him."

He turned around immediately and ran outside.

At this time, the sun was shining and the sky was clear and the air was clear. Seeing the clear shadow disappearing at the end of the flowers, the corner of Concubine Min's mouth slightly raised.

It's been boring for a long time, but today it's a little interesting.

When Su Qinqin chased out, Qin Yuan had just walked to the gate of Chenghua Palace.

When he went out, he reluctantly turned his head and glanced at the door of Chenghua Palace, and grabbed his crotch by the way.

Somewhere the old wound was itching, if it wasn't for Concubine Min to do this kind of action in front of him, he would have wanted to scratch it just now.


But it's a good sign that something is forming, like a cut wound that itches as new flesh grows.

Withered trees grow new branches, and old trees are in spring again, which is a thriving image.

It's a little strange that the book says that it takes at least half a month to get to the itching stage, and it can even take several months, but you don't want to start itching after just one day?

So, the days when the roots of the old tree are rooted are not far away?

Qin Yuan suspects that this is also one of the magical uses of immortal energy. After all, he used a third of immortal energy when cultivating it.

Of course, as long as you understand this experience, you don't need to share it in the group.

Otherwise, the annoying little demon will not ask "How small is Xiaobao" next time, but directly ask "Does Xiaobao have any?" At that time, Master Infatuation, Anniu and the others will laugh along, and the group is full of joy inside and outside. In the air, the only embarrassing thing is myself.

at this time--


I saw Su Qin and Qin Dengdeng running to Qin Yuan, and finally jumped, and then stopped, as if she was the little rabbit.

"You're leaving now? Is there something else you've forgotten, or are you embarrassed to pretend to forget?"

Facing Su Qinqin's serious question, Qin Yuan couldn't bear to smile and touched her bun, and said, "Are you really so rich, Miss Qin Qin?"

"How come there are so many people?" Su Qinqin scolded in a low voice, and then said, "It's not that I have money, but I plan to lend a helping hand to save you from misfortune."

After saying that, he put a 60 taels silver note into Qin Yuan's hand.

Afterwards, he said, "Go and open it, and find me for ten taels later."

Qin Yuan smiled and said, "What else are you looking for? I'll take these 12 taels to give it a try. If it doesn't work, it will turn back to 60 taels."

"You, are you still going to gamble?" Su Qinqin stomped his feet in anger, and then reached out to grab the banknote, "Then I don't care about you, you return the banknote to me!"

Qin Yuan's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he immediately hid the silver note behind him, hehe smiled and said, "You gave me fifty taels, are you still short of ten taels?"

Su Qinqin was so anxious that her tears were about to fall, "You pay me back! I only have sixty taels in total, and I will give them all to you. I, I will be a pauper! I want to make a big house for the little rabbit!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely win 100 taels for you tonight, and the extra 40 taels will count as interest."

"I don't want, you pay me back, you big liar!"

Su Ruoyi pulled Qin Yuan's clothes and punched with a small fist, but it was thunder and rain.

Qin Yuan dodged, escaped from her hand, and then slipped away.

"Little Qinzi, you big liar, cheating me of money! Don't let me catch you!"

Su Ruoyi was so angry that she almost cried.

Woohoo, the dowry and dowry were so deceived!

Wait, it seems like you haven't talked about copying poetry yet?

"You stop for me!"


The old artist Qin is really out of money Only the sixty taels given by Su Ruoyi.

The brothel given by King Qing will take a few days to be handed over to him, so he has to make some more money.

Besides, Su Qinqin has promised to pay her back one hundred taels tomorrow... Little Tutu is so cute, how can you lie to her?

Little Tutu is the nickname Qin Yuangang gave to Su Qin Qin. In Dacheng Kingdom, the nickname is also called a nickname.

Tsk, it seems to be getting more and more itchy. It's not a problem if it goes on like this. Do I have to do an automatic tickling mechanism when I go back?

While thinking about it, he walked towards Shang Shi Si again.

After finding the old friend Duan Qing, and waiting for him at the door to finish his work, the two first went to Meimei to have a dark meal, and then went to the casino excitedly.

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