The giant snake was already injured by lightning, and after eating this, the mouth was even more bloody.

Perhaps because of the pain, it had to open its huge mouth, flowing a liquid mixed with black blood and snake saliva, and did not dare to close its mouth.

But in the end, it was a third-rank snake demon, and this injury would not make it lose its combat effectiveness, but made it more violent.

This time, the snake demon rushed towards Su Ruoyi.

Qin Yuan immediately instructed Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San to surround the snake demon and cast a "three-person formation", hoping to drag on for a while.

Tongyu finally pierced the aperture with his sword, and he found that when he pierced from the inside, the bead broke in an instant.

Then, his figure flashed and rushed towards Su Ruoyi like lightning and flint.

The formations of Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San are obviously not very useful for the third-rank snake monsters. They were destroyed by the snake monsters in a few moments. Qin Yuan did not dare to let them fight, and directly ordered the evacuation.

The snake demon drooped his chin and opened his mouth to bite at Su Ruoyi.

Qin Yuan secretly said in his heart, that's it!

The tip of his toes hit a certain branch, and he flashed to the vicinity of Shekou in an instant, and then threw the mine in his hand.


A blue dragon passed through the snake demon's head again.

This time, a large amount of black blood sputtered out of its mouth, and even the huge tongue flew out.

The snake demon couldn't hold it any longer, and fell to the ground, rolling and twisting, its body unfolding and knotting.

Its jaws could no longer be closed, and its mouth was full of rotten flesh, gushing out black blood.

It is not difficult to imagine that if it does not die today, it should be more elegant than its wife when it eats in the future.

Mrs. Snake has three mouths and one leopard. This snake husband needs one leopard for about three days. His posture is picturesque and elegant.

Of course, because the opponent is Qin Yuan, who is extremely afraid, it will not have such a chance.

Qin Yuan took out another mine, this time hitting its abdomen.


After the third lightning strike, the snake demon's tough and unmatched skin was cracked everywhere, and some of the snake meat was crispy and yellow, exuding the aroma of barbecue.

At this time, Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San finally had a role to play, and when they went up to face its wound, it was a slash.

The big snake demon of the third rank and lower rank finally disappeared.

Qin Yuan didn't have time to take care of this dead snake, so he quickly went up to feel Su Ruoyi's pulse.

Very weak, it seems that when she was attacked by the snake demon, there was almost no righteousness on her body.

Qin Yuan's heart tensed. In this situation, if there is no great master to take action in a short period of time, I am afraid that she will not be able to last long.

This girl... really did her best for herself!

On the Blue Star, under the good security, Qin Yuan has naturally never met someone like Su Ruoyi who is willing to lay down his life for himself.

Qin Yuan tried his best to give Su Ruoyi his righteousness. He didn't know if it was useful for him to do so, but he knew that he didn't want her to die.

Fortunately, he suddenly remembered that Su Ruoyi seemed to have given himself a medicine called "Xueyu Xuzheng Dan".

Does that thing come back to life?

Ah yes, it's in Naishi!

After digging for a while, Qin Yuan finally found out the medicinal pill and quickly fed Su Ruoyi to take it.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Su Ruoyi's pulse to gradually stabilize.

Qin Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

My dear, the medicine in this world is powerful!

But what now?

Qin Yuan thought about it and thought it was best to find a place to hide. After all, he didn't know if there were other big demons here. Even if there weren't, what if Mrs. Snake came to find her husband?

"This little brother, have you seen any of my officials? It went hunting in the mountains yesterday, and it hasn't returned yet."

"Oh, there are snake demons on the mountain, are you an official buried in the snake's belly?"

"Bah, bah, don't talk nonsense! I'm an official who is a snake demon."


Behind him, the three paper figurines had cut off the snake demon's gall, fangs, and several large bones, and piled them on the ground.

The whole body of the third-rank snake demon is a treasure, especially the various parts that can be named on the demon name, it is a treasure among treasures.

For example, its snake skin can originally replace the fourth-grade Luo Yao fish skin. If it is used on ink armor, its defense will definitely be improved by one level, but it is a pity that it has been blown up.

However, its demon gall is of great benefit for cultivators above the fifth rank to improve their cultivation, and the fangs are used to make hidden weapons, even better than the white thorn short kiss demon, because it itself contains highly poisonous, this highly poisonous Even the third-grade Grandmaster may not be able to solve it easily.

Its bones are also urgently needed by Qin Yuan. This thing is extremely sturdy and flexible, and it can create many accessories for high-grade organs.

If any of these things get on the market, they are worth at least a thousand pieces of gold. After all, how many people can kill and get the monster material that even the Qingzheng Division Jiazi Branch almost wiped out the army?

Before Su Ruoyi said that there are many third-grade demons in the Qingzheng Division, that is only relative. No matter how many, she would not only dare to bring more than 30 white-thorn short-kissed demon spikes, which means that she is afraid of being caught if she takes too much. Look out.

Putting away the demon material, Qin Yuan picked up Su Ruoyi, and then asked Ada to clear the way in front of him to find a suitable place to live.

After walking for about half an hour, he finally found a relatively open area and saw the long-lost sunshine.

Ah Da found a cave on a small hill nearby, so Qin Yuan walked in.

Finding that this place is not bad, put Su Ruoyi on the ground first.

Then, start to arrange various organs at the door.

Ah San was still holding the mine, but just now Ah Da and Ah Er asked for it to play with it, but they didn't give it, and only then did they proudly take it to Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan touched its head, what a good boy.

Asan happily circled in the air.

It's a pity that it has no mouth and can't be fed, otherwise I will get it something to eat.

It took a full hour to set up the organs, Qin Yuan returned to the cave, and checked Su Ruoyi's body carefully, and found that he was recovering well, so he was relieved.

Seeing that the place was good, he decided to go on, and when he went to the Qingzheng Division to find out that it was wrong, he sent the great master to look for it, and then go back.

As for what leopard demon is not a leopard demon, can you still manage that now?

But I don't know what happened to Zhao Dangtou and the others...

Although they didn't get along for a long time, they still had some feelings, and the members of the Jiazi Department were quite loyal, and Qin Yuan also admired them very much.

Hope they are all right.

Since he planned to stay here for a Qin Yuan naturally wanted to find out the topography of the place so that he could escape if he had to, so he sent Ah Da and Asan out to patrol the mountain.

Although this small hill is not high, it is relatively large, and there are many trees growing on the hill, but the trees here are not tree demons, they should look like normal pine forests.

There are also some small animals in the forest, such as roe deer and rabbits.

It's better not to eat it. After all, when he went out, he was afraid of being poisoned by others, so he packed a lot of food in the Nashi, enough for half a month.

After exploring the small mound, he asked Ah Da and Ah San to expand the area and look for it on the back of the mountain.

Unexpectedly, when Ah Da and Asan went, there was no news.

No matter how Qin Yuan tried to communicate with them, neither Ah Da nor Ah Er had any information, let alone their vision!

Qin Yuan's heart skipped a beat.

Something must have happened to them!

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