What It’s Like Being a Vampire

Chapter 100 If there is an assistant

Chapter 100 If there is an assistant

Xiang Kunfan opened a PDF of an original medical-related English book on the computer, read it for half an hour, and verified that his memory and reading speed had improved a lot after this mutation, and the effect of targeted training to guide the mutation The threshold has not been reached yet.

However, he didn't finish reading the book. Instead, after closing it, he opened the "vampire mutation model" he wrote to add parameters and adjust the model.

In the past two weeks, a lot of reading of various medical and biology-related books, on the one hand, helped him master some basic knowledge, so that he could better understand the laws and details of various mutations in his body, and trace the source of the mutations On the other hand, it is also to improve your memory ability, reading speed and logical thinking ability, so that you can more efficiently grab the knowledge you need and think about the problems you encounter in the future.

However, each discipline becomes more and more subdivided, and more difficult to understand, requiring many specific research directions, even projects, and cases.

And many of these things cannot be fully understood by just reading books, documents, and collecting information from the Internet. It requires a lot of practical operations, experiments, and observations. Although he does not need to fully grasp these knowledge, with his Personality, as long as you immerse yourself in it, it is easy to get into a dead end.

Although he knows that he can still improve his brain's related abilities by continuing to use this extreme reading method, but this kind of learning method that is not in his rhythm does make him feel a little subjectively bored.

When he was in middle school or university, his starting point for learning was generally:

1. In order to cope with the exam; 2. My own interest; 3. Come here...

After graduating and working, his learning has a strong purpose. For example, Python, a programming language, was learned after graduation. He learned it because it is more suitable for data analysis and AI. What to do has already been predicted.

So now every time he finishes learning something, he can't help but want to see if there is any place where he can apply it. He never thought of learning all the relevant knowledge. Even if his reading speed and memory are far superior to ordinary people, it is difficult to do it in a short time, and there is no need to do it.

To record knowledge, the human brain is never better than a computer, just call it directly when needed.

Xiang Kun couldn't help but think that it would be great if he had a few assistants. They could help him check for gaps and make up for omissions, help him look up relevant information separately, sort out information that may be helpful to him and need attention, and be able to communicate with him Discuss and analyze the situation of body variation, and even help him arrange the blood needed for eating, arrange the training and experiments that need to be done in each blood drinking period, and predict and count the results. When bored, we can chat together, playing games or something...

Xiang Kun patted himself on the forehead and interrupted his flirtatiousness. In that case, he might only be able to realize it by handing himself over to the country.

But thinking of assistants and work partners, he couldn't help but think of an idle survey and voting post he saw in a fairly popular technology forum:

"Who is the best assistant in your mind?"

There are many options below, such as:

"A middle-aged uncle with half-white hair but rich social experience who can help you deal with various interpersonal relationships and trivial matters";

"An aunt who has a strong body but is good at all kinds of housework, can cook good dishes, and can cook dishes from all kinds of cuisines in the country, and can change the dishes every day for 30 days a month without repeating the same";

"A dull guy with a Mediterranean hairstyle who is proficient in various technologies and is very good at DEBUG";

"Always wearing a long gown and coat, looks like Guo Degang, a funny old man who can make you laugh in 30 seconds at any time";


The options are very rich, there are more than ten, but they can only be single-selected and not multiple-selected.

The last to reach the top one or two,

They are:

"A cute girl in a white maid outfit, apart from being cute, with a sweet voice and being cute, she knows nothing";

"Sister Yu, who wears a black professional suit, has a cold appearance and a hot figure, but she has a cold personality and likes to give orders";

Regarding this result, the few female members in the forum can only comment in four words:

"Hehe, man."

Most men are visual creatures, and programmers are no exception, if not more so. Based on this, it is not surprising that there are such voting results.

Xiang Kun even guessed that the person who initiated the vote deliberately wanted the male programmers to show their true (chou) real (lou) faces.

Of course, Xiang Kun himself voted for the second-ranked item...

However, among the many options, apart from the results of the first two hormone votes, the option that only ranks third with a slight disadvantage actually represents more of the real thoughts of the programmers:

"Although there is no entity, it can continue to grow according to your needs, assist you in completing various tasks, and perform various entertainment and interactions with you."

Xiang Kun suddenly realized that, given his current situation, it was basically impossible to find an assistant or partner who could trust him enough and be capable enough to help him.

But if it was an AI assistant, then there was no need to consider the issue of trust, and what kind of help and capabilities this AI assistant could provide depended on Xiang Kun's ability.

AI artificial intelligence is almost the most popular concept in this Internet and mobile network era. Today's AI has more and more subdivided functions and more mature applications. It is far from the mysterious and lofty feeling of many years ago. Various physical or virtual products are indispensable in everyone's life. Avoid exposure to AI.

As for Xiang Kun's original company, the work he was responsible for involved related fields.

So he knows, to be an AI assistant for his current situation, monitor and count his various data, and then combine the "vampire mutation model" he made before and the crawler that has been deployed on the cloud server to continuously improve the model while , and in turn give him some relevant suggestions and "guidance", it should not be very difficult.

As soon as he thought about it, Xiang Kun started to write the PRD (Product Requirement Document), because it was written for himself, so many details and formatting could be omitted directly, and he soon had a preliminary idea.

However, what he himself did not expect was that with the passage of time, this PRD became bigger and bigger, and it was completely different from the beginning...

Originally, Xiang Kun thought that text input and output of the AI ​​assistant would be enough, but then he thought that he was too lonely all the time. Since he was an assistant, he could "talk" anyway, support voice recognition, and be able to "talk" to each other. Dialogue "Ah! Anyway, there are ready-made technologies, and it is not difficult to implement...

Then he felt that since he was already an "assistant", it would be too wasteful to just perfect the "vampire mutation model". At least he could help him find songs, look up recipes, search maps, tell jokes, etc. It's not difficult to realize ...

Then he felt that as a vampire's AI assistant, only these functions seemed a bit too salty, not worthy of the name, just to find the song to check the recipe to tell a joke, why not just pick up the phone and call Xiao Ai classmate...

----Dividing line----

In order to thank the book friend Laanyin for becoming Hamburg's first leader since writing a book, I wrote three more chapters today, and then Hamburg did its best to write a few more chapters.

Thanks to the new rudder master for the ashes of the fire, and thanks to book friends Zhuge Dadao, Lixiao Jinqing, and Tangshan Andy Lau for their rewards.

By the way, I would like to advertise the book friend group that book friends helped me build: 901323137, where you can spank, chat and share book lists in your spare time.

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