Paper Dance Mountain.

This is an active volcano with an altitude of 2,000 meters and is in a dormant state. The top of the mountain is covered with white snow. From a distance, it looks like a cone-shaped snow-topped coffee.

Can't help but want to take a bite.

There is a small town at the foot of the mountain, with many blooming cherry blossoms planted at the entrance of the town.

At a vendor's stall, many townspeople were buying snacks.

"Master, how do you sell this red bean cake?"

"Eight copper coins a share."

Dang clang——

The townspeople put the copper coins on the table, and the pastry seller counted the coins, and then weighed five taels of red bean cake for her with a small copper scale with a smile.

Perhaps because this pastry stall is good at craftsmanship, more and more townspeople gathered here to choose from various pastries.

Oh no!

At this moment, there was sparse movement from the eaves of the houses on the street.

——In this small town, a small palm-sized paper man hangs under the eaves of all the houses.

Under the eaves closest to the pastry stall, the small paper figurine shook slightly and quickly fell down, flying towards the direction where the crowd was gathering.

The townspeople were unaware until they heard a scolding:

“What on earth are you people doing?

"How dare you gather indiscriminately!"

A woman's stern voice came from inside the paper man.

The townspeople quickly raised their heads, their faces immediately turned pale when they saw the little paper figurine, and they quickly distanced themselves from each other.

The pastry chef at the stall quickly stepped forward:

"Master Zhiwu.

"I used to be a small vendor selling cakes in Nanyuan Town. I recently tinkered with something new and everyone liked it, so more people bought it.

"I am really a good citizen

"Please be more careful."

After saying that, a drop of cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

Recently, the ghost and god Zhiwu who rules this area suddenly stipulated:

Crowd gatherings are strictly prohibited.

Mainly because she had just obtained Takiyasha, and the other three major forces were also very coveted for this magic weapon. Zhiwu was very suspicious:

Those guys will take the opportunity to sneak in and steal Takiyasha.

That's why she issued such a temporary injunction to prevent Xi Zuo from blending into the crowd and making it inconvenient for monitoring.

"Let me be healthy!"

The little paper man landed on the table of the stall.


It tore a seam at the bottom and split into two short legs, clattering towards the food box containing pastries.

The little paper man picked up a piece of red bean cake with great strength.


"It doesn't look like there's any problem."

Hearing this, all the townspeople present finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhiwu did not blame him.

The paper man floated again, and Zhi Wu's clear and serious voice came from inside:

“Today, Zhiwu Mountain is facing great danger.

"The other three major forces are eyeing the treasure in our hands and may sneak into your midst at any time. Once the treasure falls into their hands, the consequences will be disastrous.

"So don't blame me for being harsh."

Oh no!

All the paper figures under the eaves shook at the same time.

These are "monitors" temporarily set up by Zhiwu, which can monitor the trivial details of every place in the entire area 360° without blind spots.


The townspeople nodded and said they would obey her command.

A crease appeared on the neck of the little paper man. It nodded and said with satisfaction:

"Very well, let's all disperse."

The paper man flew back to the eaves and hung there without making any sound.


Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Although life is not very comfortable now, as long as Master Zhiwu collects five keys, he can enter the ruins of Yamatai and find countless gold and silver treasures.

By the time.

All of Lord Zhiwu’s people can get a share of the pie!

As long as you have a little patience, this beautiful dream will soon come true!

So the townspeople gradually dispersed, leaving only the stall owners and a few sellers bargaining.

Zhiwu mountain top.

An exquisite and elegant wooden shrine is built beside the Tianchi of this volcano. There are many exquisite paper-cut patterns on the wall, which looks very artistic.

——This is Paper Dance’s shrine.

At this time, Zhiwu was sitting in the main hall and had just finished shouting to the townspeople.

“These guys are really disobedient.

"But then again.

"The current monitoring intensity is still somewhat inadequate, and the woods to the east seem to be an easy entry point for invasion."

This great demon Zhiwu is not completely human.

Her body is completely made of layers of paper, tied into the image of a paper figure, and her eyebrows are completely drawn with pen and ink.

Zhiwu glanced at his right arm:

"I can't bear to let the child trap the wolf!"

She gritted her teeth, grabbed her right arm, and pulled it down hard.


“Oh ho ho ho ho~~~”

The paper arm was torn off directly, and it quickly split into countless small paper figures, fluttering out of the door and rushing towards the destination.

Yes, she is a powerful fusangshen formed by absorbing the essence of the sun and moon from a piece of paper.

After a while, a rustling sound came from Zhiwu's broken arm.

Soon, rolls of paper emerged from the break, forming a new arm, but the movements of the new arm were slightly stiff and not very natural.

“It will take some time to recover.”


At this time, the bell hanging in front of the desk suddenly made a violent sound.

"Anything new?"

She pressed the bell and let it display the picture detected by the little paper man:

This was a forest to the west of Zhiwu Mountain. Through the dense leaves, Zhiwu saw a young man landing here followed by four uninvited guests.

They are Sakai Kotetsu, Shen Lue and three subordinates.

Sakai Kotetsu pointed to the top of the mountain:

"Sir, Zhiwu's shrine is on the top of that mountain. She was the one who kidnapped my father."

Zhiwu wanted to frown.

But she soon discovered that the body parts were not enough to support this demand, so she had to let the paper eyebrows collapse to express her confusion.


"It doesn't seem like they were sent by the other three major forces?"

According to common sense, if it is an elaborate operation by other forces, it will definitely follow the process of dressing up, choosing a route, blending into the masses, and waiting for opportunities to act.

These people came in so arrogantly, and they didn't look very professional at first glance.

She stared at Sakai Kotetsu again and looked carefully:


"This young man leading the way seems to have been seen somewhere before."

Why does he look so similar to that stubborn old man from Hyuga City?


He is Sakai Kotetsu, the son of Hyuga City Lord Sakai Fumiya.

At that time, Shimai collected secret information: the Sakai family in Hyuga City probably kept the last key - Takiyasha.

She went to see it for herself.

it is as expected!

So she brought Takiyasha and Lao Sakai over without saying a word.

However, who would have thought that this bad old man would not tell me how to release the seal, resulting in the current state of this magic weapon being no different from an ordinary iron lump.


Zhiwu hummed softly, and dropped the shredded paper to the bottom:

“I asked how the Sakai family could be so honest, there was no movement at all.

“It turned out that we were going to move reinforcements.

"But in this closed sea of ​​sunlight, can you still find ghosts and gods stronger than me?"

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