Taote and Ma Qiao looked happy. As the big family in Bright City, the Keith family also had some good friends on Scarlet Frost Island.

Among them, a third-order ability user "White Snake Sword Master" is a close friend of Duran's father.

Ma Qiao laughed: "Master, we are saved!"

Taote clutched his stomach and said weakly, "When Lord White Snake arrives, this double-edged killer will surely die. Lord White Snake is infinitely close to the fourth-order powerhouse!"

"Hmph, you are lucky this time, but as long as I don't die, I will never let you go!"

The double-edged killer glanced at the Sage's Stone, hesitated for half a second, then turned around and left.

How could Yang Xi let him get his wish?

Not to mention that he promised the Stone of Sages to cooperate with it just now, even if he had just done it, he would not let go of the double-edged killer.

For the Sage's Stone, it needs to absorb the power of the strong to help itself out of trouble.

But for Yang Xi, isn't this an opportunity for a wave of development?

Although the tool people of Tiangang are constantly collecting the corpses of alien beasts and providing dark energy for him.

But financial management belongs to financial management, Yang Xi feels that his job should not be wasted.

Now that the family has a big business and needs to use dark energy everywhere, it is better to do a few more votes.

"We want to leave after hitting us? How can there be such an easy thing! First ask me, Master Duran's Dragon Claw or not!"

Yang Xi greeted the two companions to follow along, besieging the double-edged killer in a triangular shape!

Blocked by the three-headed Cangmu Yanlong, the double-edged killer's face became more and more gloomy.

Fang is that he doesn't want to let them go, but now he is being treated as a dish.

This kind of feeling is quite uncomfortable for someone with particularly strong self-esteem.

However, he didn't intend to run away in despair. The other dagger was still in Ma Qiao's hand, and he must get it back.

He turned to the non-poisoned side of the dagger, stuck out his tongue and licked it, "Very good, since that's the case, I'll charge some interest before leaving!"

At this time, several miles away, alien beasts galloped and strong men floated in the air, like a huge encirclement that was constantly shrinking.

And the one person and three dragons in the center have started a new round of **** slaughter!

This time, the purpose of the double-edged killer is very clear, he is to retrieve his own dagger, so his attack like a storm, all poured on Macho.

It is also thanks to the Cangmu Yanlong bloodline that is not the usual rough-skinned and thick-skinned, Ma Qiao and Tao Te are also the best in the second-order, so they can persist for so long under the attack of the double-edged killer.

But seeing that Ma Qiao couldn't hold on for long, Yang Xi made a decisive decision and changed the dagger into his own hands.

The double-edged killer who had been attacking Ma Qiao didn't expect to have this kind of coquettish operation. He didn't react for a while. He was stunned for half a second at the moment when the dagger changed hands, and was swept away by Tao Te's tail!

The Cangmu Yanlong's tail is half a person's height in diameter alone, and this sweep will almost shatter half of the bones of the double-edged killer's body.

Fortunately, he tried his best to provoke grudges at all costs, which prevented serious injuries.

I have to say that he is a killer, with high sensitivity and high attack. Facing the tank warrior type and the Cangmu Yanlong with the dragon breath skill, he really feels like he has encountered a nemesis.

But this is not the real reason why he couldn't kill these three second-order warriors for a long time.

"The problem is with this guy Duran!"

Whenever Taut and Macho were in a desperate situation, this kid would accidentally interfere with him, or simply push the other two inexplicably to achieve the purpose of breaking the siege!

"That's it!"

With the momentum of being swept away, the double-edged killer adjusted his center of gravity and planned to run away.

No matter how valuable a dagger is, it is not as important as a small life!

Back then, in order to survive, he was willing to give up an arm, and now he can naturally give up a dagger!

"My dagger is first stored in your Keith family, and when I get it back again, I will definitely use your blood to cleanse today's shame!"

As soon as he turned around, his toes touched the ground, and he wanted to leave.

But just after he jumped out not too far, he screamed and was struck down by a pink lightning.

I saw the double-edged killer fell on his back in a large shape, his hair was straight, his face was charred black, and a puff of gray smoke came out of his mouth, and he seemed to have lost half his life.

The projection of the Sage's Stone squeezed Yang Xi's eyes.

Yang Xi ignored him, and he wouldn't be deceived by the old thing's indiscretion. This lightning did not mean that the stone of the sage showed his muscles.

Ma Qiao came over with a bruised nose and a swollen face, "Master, how about we go up and step on a few feet?"

Yang Xi stopped him with a paw. From the perspective of the Sage's Stone, it should not kill the double-edged killer.

This is not in its interest.

The heavier the attack, the more energy it consumes. At the same time, as long as the double-blade killer stays, a Tier 3 combat power will inevitably conflict with Yang Xi's disguised Duran and the next strong man, which is simply perfect. tool man.

If you want to change Yang Xi's position in the Sage's Stone, not only will he not kill him, but he will also try to save this guy.

Yang Xi said to Ma Qiao, "There is something weird, wait and see."

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Xi's voice fell, a pink light shot from the Sage's Stone and hit the double-edged killer.

The double-edged killer's charred body, which was struck by lightning, recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, the new skin squeezed out the coke-like old skin, and he stood up alive again.

"This guy!"

Tao Te and Ma Qiao were desperate for a while. They fought with the double-edged killer for so long, and even their intestines were beaten out. As a result, they somehow returned to their heyday?

Yang Xi comforted the two and said, "Don't worry, this stone is a little weird. We will wait and see how it changes. When Uncle White Snake arrives, we will be safe!"

The double-edged killer laughed wildly, "Sure enough, only a genius like me can be selected by the Sage's Stone."

Yang Xi stared at the double-edged killer who had returned to its heyday and remained silent. It was estimated that the old man, the Stone of the Sage, had promised this guy some empty promises, and he was about to fool him.

For the Sage's Stone, now as a prey, all he has to do is to use the greed of people's hearts to let everyone kill each other in order to protect himself and escape from trouble.

The double-edged killer stared at Yang Xi and the three men fiercely. With the "infinite healing" promised by the Sage's Stone, what was there to be afraid of when he thought he was invincible?

After he had no worries, he was able to use his moves exceptionally, how could these stupid Cangmu Yanlong be able to compare!


The double-edged killer accelerated with all his strength and turned into a phantom, killing like a poisonous tongue and fangs!

Yang Xi was also very decisive, and threw the dagger directly. His target was the third-order alien beast Thunderbird that had just arrived at the scene!

Thunderbird's attention was all attracted by the sage's stone, and he didn't even observe the battle between the powers below, so inexplicably, it was recruited!

The dagger thrown by Yang Xi was stabbed into the stomach!

Although this dagger is too small for its size, but Yang Xi added Cang Yan to the dagger.

The scorching Cang Yan roamed the Thunderbird's belly and cooked several of its intestines with ease.


Thunderbird screamed, only to feel that his stomach wanted to churn.

So clattering, as if it was raining heavily, a puddle of bird droppings drenched on the double-edged killer who was in the air and had nowhere to go. He came to retrieve his dagger.

Yang Xi pinched her nose, "What the **** did this thunderbird eat? It's so **** stinky!"

They didn't suffer, and they didn't even get a drop of feces, because the Sage's Stone, in order to prevent itself from being drenched, deliberately called out some from the small energy reserve to make a barrier to cover the "feces falling from the sky". !


Thunderbird was furious. As a Tier 3 existence, he was actually beaten to the ground, feces and urine flowed together, especially under the watchful eyes of everyone, and there were many of its younger brothers watching.

What's more, it's still a mother bird, and it can't stand it anymore!

Immediately, dense thunder was brewing between the clouds, and the situation between heaven and earth suddenly changed.

It targets the double-edged killer because he is holding a pair of daggers, one of which is still stained with its blood!

The double-edged killer wiped his face, and he was also outraged by being drenched in bird droppings.

Even during the time he was tortured by the genius doctor, he never suffered such shame!

Although he knew that it was the boy from the Cangmu Yanlong clan below who had caused him such a hard time, he would not let the Thunderbird, a stinky bird that sprays manure everywhere!

Glancing at the thunderclouds that changed the sky, the double-edged killer showed disdain.

He has the sage's stone that promises infinite treatment, and he has already opened it. How can he be afraid of this thunderbird?

Rumbling, in the eyes of one person and one beast, several thunderbolts with thick wrists fell.

And the double-edged killer whose upper body was covered with filth, with disdain on his face, faced the thunder with one finger.

The end is bold and boundless!

Even the thunderbird, which had just finished scurrying in the sky, couldn't help but stare at it.

It can't figure it out, this Ossed is obviously only third-order, why dare to take the thunder that it condenses?

Could this man be a fool?

Crackling, Thunder struck the double-edged killer impartially, and Yang Xi and others seemed to have seen his lit skeleton.


Perhaps it was because of the resistance that appeared when he was slashing, the double-edged killer let out a burp full of burnt smell, but did not fall down in this wave of thunderous attacks.

"Fight up, fight up!"

The Sage's Stone is another pink light that hits the Double-Blade Killer, bringing him back to life again!

"Sorry, I'm invincible here!"

The double-edged killer took back his two daggers and was in a good mood. After playing with the knife, he smiled lightly.

This feeling is so cool!

No one would have thought that there are still people in this world who would like to be struck by lightning, this kind of numb pain.

Perhaps it was the ghost doctor's experiment that planted the seeds in the double-edged killer, or maybe it was the reason for the pink lightning from the Sage's Stone just now. In short, this double-edged killer seems to have discovered some kind of special hobby today.

It's really chilling!

"Hey, isn't this my nephew Duran?"

The other powerhouses of Scarlet Frost Island also arrived at the last step.

The Sword Master White Snake, who was carrying a divine sword, hugged his shoulders and looked down at everyone.

He is handsome and handsome, with reddish cheeks, delicate curls on his temples, and a very feminine temperament.

After seeing the injuries on Yang Xi's body, Sword Master White Snake's face turned cold, "What kind of thing without eyes dares to bully my nephew Duran?"

His friend had specially asked him to take care of Duran, but he never thought that under his nose, someone would dare to attack his eldest nephew!

Doesn't this ignore his White Snake Sword Master?


Annoyed, the Sword Master White Snake involuntarily spit out the snake letter, and cast his cold gaze at the double-edged killer on the field.

Judging from the injury on his eldest nephew, this guy should have done it.

"Uncle White Snake!" As if he had found the backbone, Yang Xi recovered his body, walked under the Sword Master of the White Snake, and cried, "Uncle wants to call my little nephew as the master! This double-edged killer dare not go to my father, but he chose to kill me. Let's go!"

When the Sword Master White Snake saw Du Lan crying miserably, his brows became even more angry, and he comforted Yang Xi warmly: "Don't worry, Du Lan, no one can touch you again with your uncle here!"

On the other hand, he said to the double-edged killer in an extremely cold tone: "As for those trash who can only do something to the juniors, I naturally won't let him see the sun tomorrow."

Seeing so many strong men, Rao was a double-edged killer who dared to resist Thunder before, but he couldn't hold back and wanted to withdraw.

But he didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup the Sage's Stone gave him. He hesitated and changed his face again, and put on the look of the villain, and arrogantly pointed at the many powerhouses floating in the sky, "You, you, And you, let's go together, I'm going to fight ten today!"

"Let you know what a strong man is!"

After listening to the maddening words of the double-edged killer, Yang Xi guessed in his heart that the stone of the sage should have given the double-edged killer something real, otherwise, his attitude before and after would not have changed so much!

The words of the double-edged killer suddenly provoked public anger.

Even the Pulse Blue Whale and the Iron Horned Tyrannosaurus Rex stared at him coldly, not to mention the third-order ability users, all of whom were eager to move.

Being stared at by everyone with this kind of eyes, Rao is a double-edged killer who has been promised by the Sage's Stone, and he has some hair in his heart.

But there is no way, he can't leave if he wants to!

Without the blessing of the Sage's Stone, he would not have been able to escape alive from so many strong men.

"Hey, don't worry, Tier 3 may be very strong for you, but for me, it's just the same, as long as the two of us cooperate to kill all these people, I guarantee that you will understand the profound meaning of the law and become a Tier 4 powerhouse! "

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