Chen Qian has seen what mighty mean.

   Xiaoyin, who had just made a big fuss in Bhikkhu Mountain, was escorted back to the source of pure wood by more than 30 full-level players.

  Don't talk about people...

  Even on the vehicle, there are light effects of the front buff.

   There are abilities in the spirit cage that can give vehicles the status, but they are basically big abilities. How can they be seen in Jingmuyuan?

  Jing Mu Yuan is still a novice map after all, and the full rank number has no mission here.

   Except for those who brush materials in the Bhikkhu Mountain, they will come to replenish them. Usually, there are not many full-level players who will appear.

   "Hey, why are you squeezing, haven't you seen a beautiful woman?" A player who was going to ask Xiaozhen for his friends, squeezed Chen Qian who was about to pass.

   "Miss Baichuan, would you like to join our hunting group? Five years old group, you can definitely guarantee your safety."

   "No, still join us. With the strength of your Weeping Leaf Forest seven in and seven out, you must be our'first team of players'!"

   All gods jumped out.

   Seeking familiarity with friends...

  Want to recruit into the group...

   Xiaoyan, who was surrounded by the crowd in the middle, stood on the top of the driver's seat of the transport vehicle, with a purple-blue electric light tomahawk poked beside him, her long silver hair flying in the wind...

   Her face is a smile that Chen Qian has never seen before.

   This is not just what she said "happy", it's more...satisfaction?

   The satisfaction of getting power and controlling power.

   can do what I want to do.

   I will never feel like I was in the hospital since I was a child.

   "Ha, why are you standing here? If you want a friend, go and ask for it, look stupid?" A player next to him watched Chen Qian standing still for a long time, and pushed him.

   Chen Qian decisively withdrew from the crowd five meters away.

   Come on, you guys first, you guys...

   What's in a hurry for me?

   He looked at it for a while, guessing it won’t happen for a while.

   "Xiao Yan, you can't get out like this. First use the drone to send the magnetic explosive axe to Dao Ye, and then go directly to do your homework." He sent a message to Xiao Yan and passed.

   "Huh? What about the skills and bonuses that brother said?"

   "I can only wait for tomorrow."

   This kind of windy pursuit in the game comes fast and goes fast. Today so many people come to beg friends, and tomorrow Xiaozhen may walk on the road and few people will come up to say hello.

   are all following suit.

   "Woo, it's going to be offline again." Xiao Yan turned back with a crying expression.

   "I will make you a good meal in a while."

   "Okay," Xiaozhen was really happy again, "I want pine kernel corn."

   "I see, it's in the salad bowl of your Kitty cat." Chen Qian smiled.


   Chen Qian returned to the West End.

   Daoye has a lock here, once the door is locked, everything will be fine.

   He took the key to open the door and went in, and saw that Grandpa Rice had gotten up, put on an old blanket, and sat there again to change the plan.

   Shui Yuzu is right. After taking the medicine, it looks like it is better.

   Therefore, Chen Qian also breathed a sigh of relief.

   Since it was just a cold, it means that the world plot has nothing to do with him.

  I don’t blame him for pretending to do this all the way, every time the world plot progresses, I don’t know how many NPCs will die in this world...

never mind.

   I have the energy to sit up and change the plan.

   "Master Dao, in case you have a thief and steal all your plans, it's up to you if you are angry." Chen Qian knocked on the open bedroom door and said with a smile to Master Dao.

   Mr. Dao blew his beard: "Forget it. Besides you, who else do you think will come to me?"

   The point is that others don’t know where you live... Chen Qian smiled and said, "How come? Can Bai Lu not come?"

   He remembered that during the design process of [Yan Fury], Qiu Bailu, the deputy head of Sirius, said three times a day that he was going to find Dao Ye.

   See you somewhere else with Dao Ye?

   She still knows, where does Dao Ye live?

"That little girl..." Dao Ye seemed to remember for a while before remembering who he was talking about, "It's been a long time since I saw him." He shook his head, "Hey, let's not talk about her. Cough cough cough... …Have you heard that there was a big fire in Bhikkhu Mountain today?"

   Daoye's breath is still a bit weak.

   is still coughing.

   But compared to the sallow face in the bed before, it is indeed much better.

   "Is it caused by the backpack you designed?" Chen Qian answered with a smile.


   "Of course, the one who burned Mount Bhikkhu is my sister."


   "Your little bear backpack was made for her."

   "Ah..." Dao Ye looked guilty, "Valange's guardian?"

   "Look, you are the culprit. You have to get better soon before you have the energy to stand trial, right?" Chen Qian said.

"Go," Daoye coughed again, but his brain seemed to have resumed functioning, "If I can burn a few Polar Devouring Beasts, it would be considered as my meritorious consummation... No, the backpack can't light fire... …"

   You don’t know how to use Chinese, so don’t use it indiscriminately, OK?

   Burn the Extreme Beast? Just dream about it. If this thing could be burned to death by ordinary wildfires, the world would have restored peace a long time ago.

   There was a buzzing outside the window...

   Chen Qian walked to the window and took the [Wedge Worker Magnetic Explosion] Tomahawk that Xiao Ying had sent by drone.

   City Express is really fast.

   "She has a lot of enemies now, so you have to design another weapon for her," Chen Qian said.

   Dao Ye frowned when he looked at the [Wedge Worker Magnetic Explosion].

   What kind of rubbish!

   And Chen Qian took out a few reference blueprints and put them on the table.

   Daoye hurriedly stopped: "Hey, don't grab my things...what are you talking about?"

"This weapon, I need to have an inherent characteristic, and then, to cooperate with low probability but high damage skills, such as [Absolute Strength], or this weapon hits lucky E people have 100% damage bonus That kind of..." Chen Qian thought for a while and said, "Or, is it designed to be a pair of non-treasures?"

  Well, think about the kind of unlucky one who is born with bad luck. It's quite sensational that you can continue to crit and explode with one skill?

   "What what? What are you talking about..." Dao Ye couldn't understand a word.

   "Wait a minute." Chen Qian picked up the pen and paper and began to write and draw on his own.

   After a completely objective observation of Xiaozhen, he summed up several points.

   First, she is a probabilistic killer. All skills with floating damage can be used as the highest damage. All low-probability trigger effects can be triggered with a high probability.

  Second, she has the ability to master skill timing, some simple switch operations, switching operations, she can use instinct, such as the guardian of Varangi.

   Third, she has no idea about the comparison of levels and equipment. She has no brains and needs more life-saving abilities...

   So, it's very simple. He needs a weapon that can maximize Xiao Yan's character, and then, coupled with a set of life-saving skills, the creation of her, even if it is in its embryonic form.

   After the drawing was drawn, Dao Ye understood it at a glance.

   "...This is it?" Dao Ye's reaction did not surprise Chen Qian at all.

   "That's it." Chen Qian looked at him.

   "Why are you looking at me like this? I won't die for a while..."

   "You are waiting for this sentence."

   After reading this drawing, Lord Dao said: "I have an idea after seeing this drawing, but I need a lot of metamorphic crystals to experiment. After all, the weapon is not as good as the backpack carried by a female doll..."

  'S words haven't finished yet.

   Chen Qian directly threw out the abnormal change crystal corpse on the spot.

   "..." Dao Ye said for a long time, "Did you bring the bone mound I told you?"

   Isn't it the end?

   That is one end and then another...


   "Does the D2 anti-virus serum from last time still exist?" Dao Ye asked again.

   "You can have it." It's just a copy of EXP. It has no technical content. You can have it if you have it.

   Dao nodded, and said, "The more troublesome thing is...I want to add a mechanical structure. For your automation needs, if you have a set of mechanical nesting, it will be perfect. Have you heard of the mechanical scepter?"

   Of course I have heard of it, not only have I heard of it, I have also seen...

   Chen Qian smiled and asked, "What happened to the mechanical scepter?"

"Mechanical scepter is the best design with mechanical structure added to the weapon..." Daoye's gaze sank, "That is an achievement that I can't surpass in my entire life. I'm like this and I'm alone, and I have already given up It's...but your drawing gave me the idea to try again." Daoye said, people became a little excited, "If it is design will not be worse than her, certainly not... …"

   That's the treasure, dear!

   Chen Qian remembered that when the mechanical scepter was opened, the entire throne was filled with the dark golden light emitted from it.

The most precious weapon in the world of spirit Master Dao coughed twice, and soon calmed down: "I know that there is a man who is an unparalleled expert in this field, but it is a pity... it disappeared many years ago. If you can find her and get her notebook, it may be of great help to this weapon."


"She is called Ye Yun and she is the third graduate student of Dr. Gale. She is quite beautiful and quite genius." Dao Ye's expression was a little dim, "If she didn't exist, I might already be the number one in the world. Machinery and energy designer...well, forget it, let's not talk about it..."

   In Dao Ye's voice, there is a taste of memory.

   is also so unwilling.

He is now old. The first and second fame may not be so important to him. However, in the field he is best at and persists in, there is a mountain that is always insurmountable. As time goes by, it will gradually It grows into a thorn in the heart.

   A dream that has not been realized does not mean that it does not exist anymore.

   It’s just that everyone has chosen to bury it deep in their hearts, pretending to not see it, and people just want to call this choice mature.

"Ye Yun...?" Chen Qian recalled his mission for so many years before, and he seemed to have never contacted such a person, but he said to Dao Ye, "Let me ask as much as possible, what kind of notebook is it? "

   "A4 paper size drawing book." Dao Ye said.

"Okay." Looking at Dao Ye's cold, Chen Qian wanted to complain about him falling into the water and catching a cold, but he still didn't say it. "I will remember to take the medicine later and wait until the illness is cured. It's okay. Just go to bed first. The door is locked for you."

   "Lock it, lock it." Daoye continued to desk, waved at him, and didn't even listen to what he was saying.

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