What A Dream Wants

44 Steven Is Tortured By Training, Part 2

Steven was glad they didn't have a pass.

"Instead, we're gonna skip to breakfast."

Steven's eye's lit up. He had completely forgotten about breakfast after such high-intensity training. It was already 10 o'clock a.m.

"The morning will help nourish your Gu Chi- the energy you get from food, so you'll be able to do more exercise later."

Steven wanted to roll his eyes. Did people need a reason to eat?

"Alright, how about I treat you to breakfast?" Zero offered, noticing Steven's aggrieved expression.

Steven's eyes lit up.

Zero failed to realize that he would regret treating Steven.

Even his scholarly glasses wouldn't save him.

. . .

Steven was gobbling plates of food.

Zero sighed. Thousands of contribution points down the drain for just... one meal. In fact, it seemed as if Steven ate more than he usually would just as payback to his wallet.

His wallet did not need this payback.

Zero looked at the mountain of food again, before stating firmly:

"Alright, if you continue eating, I'll increase the intensity of the exercises."

Steven stopped eating, but the damage was already done.

Zero decided to secretly raise the intensity anyways.

Indeed, nobody was shameless.

. . .

Exercise #2- Stretches.

Zero explained that this would enhance the flexibility of his body.

Surprisingly, the soreness in his body disappeared.

Steven couldn't help but think to himself, 'Indeed, nobody does have a nice bone somewhere in his body."

Zero, on the other hand, didn't realize what Steven was thinking. His thoughts on the subject differed massively from Steven. A subtle smirk could be seen on his lips.

'If the body is already sore, the mind won't be able to process additional soreness as well. Hence, the best way to make someone suffer is to first remove the soreness.'

Alas, neither of them were able to read each other's thoughts, or else Zero may have laughed while Steven's perception of Zero would have changed drastically.

Indeed, nobody was shameless.

. . .

Excercise #3- Dancing.

Zero explained that this would help improve overall agility.

Steven couldn't help but ask, "Is it necessary for me to wear these tights?"

"Yes, especially for ballet, since the tights help reduce the friction from the air. Especially, since the flowy fabric of everyday clothing makes it harder to dance."

Zero made that up. It was utter nonsense. In truth, ballerinas wore tights since they were good at absorbing their blood, sweat, and tears. Especially tears. Also, there was no need for Steven to wear tights just to practice for two days.

Ballet is helpful. Many American Football* players learn it to improve their footwork. However, many other dances would have sufficed, and wearing an embarrassing costume was not in the resume of these dances.

American Football*- Aka. Not real football.

Indeed, nobody was shameless.

. . .

By the time Steven collapsed from ballet, it was '2:30' almost three.

Zero decided it was time to stop.

The ache in his body was even worse than after running. Just how tasking was ballet on the body? Even using qi as a supplement, his body felt as if he had barely crawled away from the realms of hell. Actually, he hadn't crawled away from hell yet, this time, he had to pay for his own lunch.

The long sigh that was building up from within was let out.

. . .

"Alright, finally, I will teach you the moves of the 'Liang Tian' Martial Art Technique."

"Wait... what!? What was I doing then?" Steven asked,

"What you did was all in preparation for the martial technique. Honestly, your body is too weak, which is why we even had to do all that preparation."

Nobody rudely pointed this out.

Actually, Steven really didn't need this brutal honesty. He wished nobody pointed it out.

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