At the same time, this meal was indeed a sumptuous lunch. Igarashi didn't eat much, and more was watching Shiori Gokawa and the girl trio eat.

Next, as if to make up for Igarashi, after leaving the luxurious restaurant together, Shiori Gokawa and the three girls took Igarashi around the snack street, carefully observing Igarashi's expression, as long as his If his eyes stay on any stall for more than three seconds, he will take the initiative to buy a meal for Igarashi.

Igarashi was a little flattered by this star-in-the-moon posture, and at the same time, it also made him quite helpless.

Igarashi, who was looking around carelessly at first, could only stop at the four girls who were following him, lest they buy things indiscriminately and waste their money.

Igarashi has a desire to eat, but it can't be satisfied by any roadside stall, and it can't be a waste of girls' money.

As a result, Igarashi's gaze stopped, making Shiori Gokawa and the girl group look shy.

What do you want from me, what do you want.

Can you only look up at the sky and look down at the ground?

Igarashi knew that now is not a good time to play. The girl did spend a lot of time and energy before, but now she is more or less showing a vague tiredness, so she pretended to look at the time unintentionally and said. .

"It's been a long time, so that's it, go home and rest? Today's school is off, and tomorrow may have to resume classes, and you can't play too hard, so as not to lose your spirits the next day."


Given the current state of the girls, it seemed that Igarashi would subconsciously nod in agreement no matter what he said.

For a moment, Igarashi wanted to say, "I know a luxurious love hotel, let's go to bed with the quilt together!" After thinking about it, I still don't make such an exaggerated joke.

No hurry, no hurry.

Ai Yamabuki started to act when other people were absent-minded outside of Igarashi Igarashi!

Originally, Yamabuki Ai was quite a cheerful girl, but after Igarashi gave her the bear doll, she behaved as reticent as Fujihaka Mii because of her shyness, resulting in the girl group who communicated the most with Igarashi. Instead, the person has become Ye Ying Mai.

Yamabuki Ai felt that this would not work, and after a long period of ideological struggle, he finally made up his mind.

She slightly changed her posture and placed the bear doll that she was holding on her chest beside her. Yamabuki Ai aggressively approached Igarashi, and bumped it with a more like collision than a kiss. Igarashi's profile, and then ran away.

Although the action is not gentle enough, everyone knows what it is.

Kissing her boyfriend in front of what appears to be Igarashi's girlfriend Shiori Wukawa was really exciting for Yamabuki Ai.

At this moment, the girl's heart was beating violently at an unprecedented speed.

Ye Yingmai said goodbye to Igarashi and Shiori Wuhe with some embarrassment, and ran away with Fujihaka Mii beside her.

My partner seems to want to get involved in other people's love affairs, and has declared war on the person involved. It is better to run away at this time.

The only ones left were Igarashi and Shiori Gokawa, who didn't say a word and didn't know his mood.

Chapter 970 Uncomfortable


Igarashi thought that Shiori Gokawa would get angry, but after the two walked in silence for a while, Shiori Gokawa apologized.

The girl also seemed to know that this abrupt apology without beginning or end would cause Igarashi's doubts, and continued to explain in the face of his deep eyes looking at her.

"Actually, it wasn't entirely out of my heart that I came out to play with you this time, and a large part of the various things that happened during this period was my responsibility, not only costing you money, but also letting you deal with it. I'm really sorry for those troubles!"

Shiori Gokawa formally bowed to Igarashi and apologized.

Igarashi blinked.

"I thought you would get mad at me for Yamabuki Ai's kiss that wasn't a kiss, but now you're apologizing for something else. Do you really feel nothing at all about Yamabuki Ai's actions?"


Shiori Wukawa lowered his head in trouble, then raised his head again and said honestly.

"It's a little uncomfortable."

Saying so, Shiori Wukawa stretched out his finger, emphasizing that it was really just a little bit.

Igarashi continued to persevere.

"Then don't you do something to express your dissatisfaction?"

"what should I do?"

Shiori Gokawa showed his good character of asking if he didn't understand, and asked Igarashi full of curiosity.

Seeing this, Igarashi put on a serious and tireless appearance.

"Of course it's a more affectionate kiss. As long as your kiss is more devoted than Yamabuki Ai, you will completely defeat her!"

"...Do you think I'm an idiot?!"

Facing Igarashi who was talking nonsense, Shiori Wuhe quickened his pace angrily.

Seeing that the plan fell through, Igarashi was disappointed.

Not long after, the two returned to the door of the house. When Igarashi sighed and took out the key to open the door of his own house, he should have walked a few more steps and returned to Shiori Wuhe, who was at his own house. He suddenly stopped and asked hesitantly.

"If, I mean if! Would it make you happy if I kissed you?"

"Of course, I'll jump for joy."

Igarashi's exaggerated words made Shiori Wuhe chuckle. The girl who was about to arrive at his door turned around and walked a few steps back until she came to Igarashi, and then deceived herself. emphasized like.

"It's not jealous, it's not to vent your dissatisfaction, and it's not to follow other people's orders? I just... um, I want you who have been with me for so long to be a little happier."

Different from Yamabuki Ai's flamboyant movements, Wuhe Shiori's kiss, like petals falling from the air, fell lightly, and was printed on the same position as Yamabuki Ai.

Then, the girl who was originally acting quite different from Yamabuki Ai fled in a hurry just like Yamabuki Ai.

Insert the key into the door, open the lock, rush in, and close the door again, all in one go.

Shiori Wukawa, who entered the door, didn't dare to imagine how Igarashi would react, so he lowered his head and rushed home.

As a result, I saw Wuhe Qinli, a rare sister wearing a black hairband at home.

Although it was Igarashi and the others who left the restaurant first, but with the long-distance teleportation method of an aerial battleship, it was Kotori Gokawa who went home first.

In front of her was a piece of paper with the words "Reflection Book" on it. A lot of words had already been written on it. Looking at the pen in Wuhe Qinli's hand, it was easy to guess that she was writing a reflection book before.

"If you could have done what you did earlier, I wouldn't have to write this again."

Itachi Kotori's words suddenly stiffened Shiori Wuhe's movements, she said uneasily.

"What happened before means..."

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